MovieChat Forums > Elementary (2012) Discussion > New Instinct show, curtains for Elementa...

New Instinct show, curtains for Elementary.

CBS is launching a new show with a British guy (Alan Cumming) solving crimes with a lady detective. Based on popular James Patterson novels. That's the end of that.


I'm on the fifth season of Elementary and didn't realize it was the final season! I really love this series.


Season 5 isn't the final season.Season 6 starts April 30th.


Yes!!! Good!!!


I am surprised that with all the crappy shows on that elementry is not shown more even the reruns are better than some of the stuff they are trying to cram down our throats


Nothing final as yet. Just a prediction. The delay to summer broadcast, plus the short season order, plus same type show on the same network is all grim forecast.


While I really enjoy the show, I won't be super upset when it ends, but I'm also not sick of it yet. I think that for these types of shows 5 or 6 seasons is a good run. Shows like CSI, NCIS, and Criminal Minds have been on way to long.


Yep, they've even worked a struggling to overcome addiction storyline, but made sure this time not to saddle the main character with it. This is Elementary's replacement. It's also pretty good, I like Instinct.


It makes me very angry! I'm just not sure what the network thinks when they make these decisions. I really like Elementary because the characters are great and the acting is great with two seasoned and very talented actors. I will NEVER tune in to Instinct, it looks awful. I have read somewhere that it is a carbon copy of "Bones".


It's really like this show with a little Castle more than anything else. The lead has ties to the CIA instead of MI6. And whatever baggage they have packed away there. But they made him gay, so there's no chance of him ever hooking up with the co-star, so they got that baggage right out of the way. He's british, he dresses very well. The titles of the shows are very similar. the opening theme music is very similar. The crime genius lead has epiphanies, taughts his mental superiority, deduces events, and is otherwise quite arrogant. Show is set in cold season so everybody dresses the same as Elementary. Everywhere they go is classy and nice, so it's got the same aesthetic. I've never seen so carefully groomed a show's replacement before.


I like the show but it is hard to think that little man was a cia agent but his silent friend is a real man haha


Be grateful that they kept it on broadcast instead of moving it straight to CBS All Access.


the actors on elementary are much better than most great show not sure why it is not on more, perhaps someone forgot is was supposed to be Sherlock like the way it uses the story line but everyone forgets sherlock was a master of disguise should use that more


Early Elementary seemed to be on a track to a reinvented slow origin story for Sherlock. But then they just threw that right out the window and made it a stock detective show. That's always frustrated me.


they have a long way to go with Instinct the women character is bad either the actress can not pull it off or the writers have not come up with anything for her to act, it just does not jell seems empty, also need to make man like the kingsmen more action they try with motorcycle but needs to be more like his secret friend


does she suck? she's so pretty I can't tell.


I will NEVER watch. It looks shallow and far from cerebral. Give me "Elementary", please.
