MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Fightclub 2.0 Trailer

Fightclub 2.0 Trailer

It was cool but got a bit ridiculous here and there. Absolutely loved Grodd showing up at the end! Too bad that he will probably not be in the crossover.


OK, saw the whole thing.

And I enjoyed it, but I would have liked a bit more fighting and a bit less CGI.

I also think eas is right, and it might have been more fun to see them all out of their element a bit more. Something more like the cocktail party in Ultron.



I am aware of that, thank you.

Setting aside that the fighting wasn't all that great (see CGI comment)...

What I meant was it's fun to see these characters interact. So instead of seeing them fight each other or this stupid sphere, show them in the ramp up or the side parts. Because again, what I like is seeing them interact. The parts of this that worked best, IMO, had very little to do with the fighting and everything to do with the interpersonal dynamics.

So put them in a situation where they're out of their element more, or playing some stupid-ass board game, or something. Where powers aren't just obliterating stupid spheres, but maybe being used to cheat at Twister or Monopoly or something.

For me? That would have been more effective and fun.

I do hope you jumped all over eas, too. But no, I see that you didn't. No real surprise.


The video doesn't work, mind re linking it?

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.


cringeworthy to be honest


This video has been removed by the user.
Sorry about that.




I downloaded the free CW app onto my iPhone. It was basically Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow casts initiating Supergirl into the Arrow-multiverse.



Much better on my PC monitor than on my phone.



Thanks for the link , Jay ! 😉

⚜ Lance is a Saint ⚜



Meh... It's okay. Not as Awesome as the previous one.

Fightclub 1.0 is waaaaay better

"When you're rich, you're not crazy... you're eccentric"


From the visuals to the concept, absolutely horrible! I really want to love the Arrowverse however, their not making it easy...

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.



Damn it! That was fun :))))))))
Diggle dropping the sandwich! Oh my god can't stop laughing!
And White Canary stole the show! Arrow's new suit looks awesome!


White Canary had nothing to do...

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.


none of them had. It is a teaser. I can't wait for the crossover though. I am sure she will have a lot to do then.
Too bad Vixen was not in the Fight club teaser. They should have been three girls and three guys.


She had a lot to do in the first season of Legends yet, was written so poorly that she no longer resembled her character. I'm the biggest fan the actress and character have, yet i can't stand what their doing to her.

Another point, what the hell was Oliver doing in this segment? The robot stole the Arrow head. hahahahahahaah.

Fate deals the cards, but we have to play them. I demand a reshuffle.



I am a feminazi because I am more excited for female heroes?!
I am just saying that Vixen is a great character.
People like you always put down female characters and that is why there is a lack of them now.


I'm bored, so I'll butt in.

I am a feminazi because I am more excited for female heroes?!

Nope, there definitely are female heroes worth getting excited for (...not that way, sheesh...).

I am just saying that Vixen is a great character.

Case in point. Pretty much any incarnation of her I've seen, except possibly the lackluster one we got in live-action. Could have done her so much better.

People like you always put down female characters and that is why there is a lack of them now.

This, on the other hand, brings you much closer to the feminazi line.

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.


This, on the other hand, brings you much closer to the feminazi line.

OK, ;) I have been called sexist too, so :)
I am just a bumped up viewer from the fact that there are no kick ass female fighters on Arrow any more.
In the whole Arrowverse it looks like White Canary is the only one left.
And there is a lot of criticism against female characters from fans, based on looks and story lines that is unnecessary. (I apologize to Elo if he is not one of them ;P)
That is why I am rooting for Vixen, who promises to be kick ass and well writen, and hope stays away from romance.
Kendra was such a missed oportunity to be powerful female character, based on the rich and interesting character she is in the comics. Instead she was wasted in romance and made weak, on the other hand the Hawkguy was the one who remembered his powers and past.
To be honest I would have been more excited if Flash and Green Arrow had a fight with Hawgirl in the crossover rather than Hawkguy, who actually was rather dull.


I agree with you for the most part but, to paraphrase a quote, you should not attribute to bigotry what can adequately be explained with ineptitude.

You're suffering from delusions of adequacy.
