MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > Liberal Agenda-Man: Diverse Homecoming

Liberal Agenda-Man: Diverse Homecoming

Is what I got from watching the whole movie. They even added the Washington Monument built by slave shtick to give reason not to celebrate anything built by slaves.

Overall the movie wasn't all too bad. I did enjoy it and there was a few decent jokes here or there but lots of cringefest mixed in as well. It's like they tried to force every ethnic group into the movie and made Michael Keaton marry to a black woman. The AI assist was cool at first then got annoying later on. Also, really? 500+ types of webbing skills? I bet he'll only use 10% of those at most.


I saw that Iron Spider suit AI clip in a promo on YouTube. Just awful. No one wants to see Spider-Man in a stupid Iron Man suit. Spider-Man is one of those characters where the suit does NOT make the man. He's a true superhero, not Iron Man or Batman who has to get their skills from a suit. And whatever gear Spidey does use, the web shooters, spider tracers, etc., he builds himself because he's also a scientific genius in his own right.


Yeah there was an obvious agenda at play here and yes, it was annoying as fuck. But I don't really blame Marvel.

Nowadays every single fucking movie is dissected by the media and Twitter to see how much diversity there is in it. And then there was that whole Oscars so white BS fiasco. I read articles about how they should use Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker, so when they cast Tom Holland, Feige probably figured that they needed to compensate by making a super diverse cast.

I dunno if y'all remember that Marvel had been catching a lot of flack recently because all of the original Avengers were white dudes (except for Black Widow). It's really the only aspect of the MCU that has received negative publicity. And now you have WB turning Aquaman into a polynesian, introducing Cyborg, and making the first modern female superhero movie in a shared universe in Wonder Woman.

Unfortunately, the media is super liberal and the more SJWy a movie is the more positive press coverage its gonna receive. That's just the reality of movie marketing today.


I'm all for diversity but not when it's forced with some agenda like that have going on here, especially the Washington Monument built by slaves scene. As for the heroes, why can't they just make new ones with similar traits? I guess there will be backlash there as well about them being the same or that they can't think of any new heroes with cool abilities with different ethnic backgrounds that they just choose to switch genders/ethnicity with current heroes. Talk about lazy or they just want to ruin already established characters of history.


I don't know where they were getting bashed for white Avengers, but I'm sure it was happening somewhere. Definitely sounds like this is something they would do in reaction to that. But I still don't doubt this social justice came more from Amy Pascal than the MCU, the ousted Sony exec famous for producing Girl Ghostbusters. The MCU has definitely turned some characters like Heimdall and Fury from white to black. They also changed Mandarin and Ancient One from Asian to white for some reason.

Wonder Woman is one of the big 3 DC heroes and has been for decades. She's also extremely well-known from her TV show and cartoon appearances. So the only surprise is her movie wasn't made sooner.

The comics put Cyborg in the Justice League years ago so the movies are just following the lead on that. Cyborg has also been popularized in the Teen Titans cartoon so it's a good name to put in to sell the movie. Seems like he's going to be the dullest character in the movie though unfortunately.

Since they were already going with the bearded Aquaman, I think they were safe changing his look a little more from the one most people know from Super Friends. Momoa is mixed Hawaiian, white and American Indian. He looks pretty white to me so I don't see race as an issue with his casting. The blonde hair would've been easy to fix but obviously they chose not to do it for whatever reason. They may have thought he would look too Thor-like with long blonde hair and wanted to keep his look distinct from any MCU character.


I agree. Entertainment should generally not be immersed in politics. The more they push it, the more it's gonna backfire of course, and the stupid media won't look in the mirror, but usually just blame "raycisum"


Terrible cringefest that movie was


First off love the title of your post "Liberal Agenda-Man: Diverse Homecoming" LMAO!!! Love it.

Yes I think people wanted spm to be black this time. So when they got another brit, I think the compensated by making EVERYONE else a minority.

And yeah how many webs are there? Bullet web, bungee web, sticky web, swing web, ball webs, ricochet web, umm not sure what else. Also the AI was a bit too involved in his love life....
