MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > I really want to like this but...

I really want to like this but... far i'm not convinced. Prometheus was a big disappointment, mostly because of the ruining of the Space Jockey myth and the loss of Giger's vision on the species'. Still, i'm not considering it the worst piece of cr@p or anything. Also, i'm always hopeful, that the creators of the movie would learn something of their faults, and make the new entry worthy. Actually, i was hoping for some kind of redemption Space Jockey-wise, like it might came out that these species' do exist, the engineer guys only imitating ther technology, or whatever. Whoever wants me to believe that in the original Alien it's an exoskeleton, it's evidently not.

The trailers for Prometheus looked much better than this movie's. So may it be a good sign, pattern-wise? The recently releasesd long part with the crew still doesen't convinced me, though i got the choking homage, it seemed to be slightly a parody of the original movie. How about a singing and dancing alien on the table? ;)

Btw, i'm not having high hopes, so it still could possibly be a suprise. (Or is that already some kind of hope? ;) )


"The trailers for Prometheus looked much better than this movie's. So may it be a good sign, pattern-wise? The recently releasesd long part with the crew still doesen't convinced me, though i got the choking homage, it seemed to be slightly a parody of the original movie. How about a singing and dancing alien on the table? ;)"

The clip released today was more humorous than I was expecting, but I found out it's a marketing clip (directed by Ridley's son Luke), and won't be in the final film.

I actually enjoyed Prometheus but understand why others didn't like it, and why they are worried about Alien: Covenant. Ridley did surprise me with The Martian, though, so I'm actually feeling good about this one.


The beginning scenes of Prometheus with Michael Fassbender were excellent, then by the end you had a person perform major surgery on themselves and able to run down a corridor without any futuristic explanation as to how. If they can capture the feel of the first part, they might be able to capture the magic of the original Alien.


Well I actually LOVED Prometheus. There were no faults in that film imo. First time I saw it, I admit I thought it was so so, but then I saw it again and that's when I really 'got it' and appreciated what a great film it was and what a great pre-prequel to Alien. I also really liked the actors involved, which helped: Fassbender, Rapace and Theron.

I am glad the trailer for Alien: Covenant isn't very good though, because that means they are not giving the plot away. Hopefully there will be a few surprises in store.
