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Kalyber (58)


Judge Reinhold It tries hard to be... Possible problem with the movie... Indiana Jones 5 Ranking All Jurassic Movies They botched the SPOILER scene CGI / Hybrid absolutely ruined it (possible spoilers) Dont Look Now paraphrase?! (spoiler) Your Snoke Theory Sucks! The Last Jedi of the X-files View all posts >


Have you found some other noteworthy titles in the topic? The Puppet Masters - 1994, with Donald Sutherland. Very subjective. For me, after only 1 viewing, yes, probably worse than KOTCS. Only because KOTCS still got Spielberg's touch on it, even if it haven't succeded. The length, the mood, the pacing was Spielbergian. Also Ford was still in a good shape. DOD was all over the place, tried to be Spielbergian, but failed miserably. Ford is too old, and they also made him sad and pathetic even at the end. De-aging was uncanny valley. There's no arc. In KOTCS there was an arc: He was in trouble at the beginning, and he succeeds in every level at the end. In DOD he's miserable from start to finish. Yeah, Marion, his ex-wife hugs him. Still divorced, the son still dead, still retired, etc. They shuold really have stopped after Crusade, or made a great 2nd trilogy in the 90's. As much as I wanted a new, better one after KOTCS, now I think it was still a better ending of the franchise. I wonder what Spielberg and even Lucas think about it honestly. You're not alone, but it's a topic for forever. In my opinion: Temple is more original than Crusade. Crusade is an obvious copy of the first, but I still like it a bit more. The structure is better in Crusade, and while it's often silly, Temple was the first to be way more silly than Raiders, so it started the trend. Crusade has some spiritual uplifting feeling with the Holy Grail, thus making the trilogy look like a closed circle. With Sean Connery as the father figure, the music, the vibes makes this a classic with Temple being something of a black sheep of the family. Though, the original three is perfect the way it is. 4 & 5 are more apocryphal. Raiders . Crusade . Temple . . --------- . . Skull . Dial Maybe no surprises here besides the last two(?). Dial could and should have been the fourth on this list, but they botched it hard. I've waited for it since Skull, and the potential was wasted with the 15 year gap, the Disney/Kennedy treatment, and the intention to make it an extremely expensive blockbuster pleasing everyone. It should have been made for the fans as an apology for Skull by Spielberg. Sad. +1, me too. Hehe, something similar happened with me too in the last month or so. As a kid I thought about him as a weird, kind of a creepy guy, with an odd hairdo. (I guess Buckaroo Banzai didn't help this image much). I've never seen 3rd Rock before, but I've started watching it and come to understand what a great guy he is, with killer comedic sense. If you grow up seeing a great actor mostly as an evil bad guy, like him in Cliffhanger, you can't separate the actor from a character, and i guess I somehow hated him how vile and slimy he was... Seeing him as the nicest and funniest guy is such a relief. :) That's true! But there might have been legal issues or budgetary limits. There was undediably more potential in this movie, but after all it was fine and worked the way it was. However, I found the first half stronger, with a somewhat lackluster second half. Maybe it's just me, but it looks kind of 1997. Lol I came here to see if someone posted it already. :D View all replies >