So an Android did it?

Seriously, this movie is saying that an Android who wished to create life went ahead and experimented on those albino people en masse, then perfected those plants which went into people and birthed aliens that way, and then David or whatever created the Xenomorphs we all know and er... love and that the captain of the Covenant was the first to be chestbursted??? And all because of a fucking ANDROID???

I hated Prometheus for ruining the Space Jockey with the albino people, and now I hate Covenant because... an Android did it.

Fuck you, Ridley Scott - what HAPPENED to you, MAN???


Yeap. So basically David is the god that creates the alien world that we "love" so much.
Ruined for life.
I can't understand why he hasn't taught the xenomorph to play flute yet.


But in Prometheus, David was taking orders from Waylan because Waylan wanted to live forever and he thought that the Creator's DNA would be the answer but whatever was in those vases was an organic hostile lifeform that was able to mutate sexuality into an already established lifeforms.

The black goo IS the stuff that allows mutation.


Yeah, when Scott was listening to fans about what they didnt like about prometheus he must have been high as fuck, because this shit show isnt what people wanted. People wanted to see the 'alien'. Who the fuck cares, let them watch alien again. Theres no need to make a reboot/re-imagining of the first movie and populate it with people so stupid they might as well be councillors at lake side camping resort with a dodgy history.

Making David the creator of the aliens is the type of thing an art stupid would come up with after huffing too much glue. I dont think IVe ever seen a movie piss all over the movie that came before it in quiet the same way covenant did to prometheus. AT this point that movie is pointless now. Might as well delete it from history. Davids back story could be summed in a ten minute "this guy is evil" prologue. Shaw was discarded with all the care a used condom gets after a one night stand with a fat bird that smells of fish. Same goes with any notion of exploring the ideas of our origins or what it means to be alive vs sentient, gods and souls and whatever other existential stuff you might have wished for. Once again david comes to meet the 'engineers' and once again its a massive fucking let down. In prometheus david talks the big dude, and instead of talking the big dude starts murdering everyone. Here, david arrives and gives everyone the finger before dropping the mother of all deuces on the engineers planet. So thats the end of that plot line, sorry shaw you survived only to be murdered by the android that you saved at the end of the first film. A pointless character and a pointless movie that disguarded any promise it might once have held because fans moaned about not seeing enough 'aliens'. (eyeroll)


Why does the movie have to be about the origins of humanity when it's really about the origins of the aliens.


so you didnt watch prometheus then?


I did. Just because the scientists in Prometeus were searching for the origin of humanity doesn't mean that's what the plot was about. It was more about the origins of the xenomorphs. Both the humans and the Engineers originally went to that planet for something but found something else more dangerous. That's the theme.


No, it wasn't. Clearly you weren't paying enough attention. Or worse, you're happy to accept plot holes.

Either way, I have nothing more to say to you. I refuse to talk to someone that can't even grasp the simple concept of the original movie. Especially since it was done so poorly and such an obvious way. It's because of people like you that depth and originality are things only spoken about in past tense. God forbid we have ideas that go beyond stuff blowing up and people getting killed in dumb fuck ways.

Next you'll be asking why transformers has to be about giant robots that turn into cars.


I didn't really wanna talk to you either.


probably shouldn't have asked me a fucking question then, huh?


Especially if I knew you were going to turn into a jackass.


Is there some reasons you think I should walk you through a movie and it's story? Prometheus is about US! It was always about US! It was a movie set in the alien universe that wasn't actually an alien movie. Scott said this countless fucking times in the run up to the movie being released. The entire plot revolved around finding out where we came from. I don't know how you could miss it since the characters were explaining the plot to each other the whole way through the movie in much the same patronising way a tv doctor explains how medicine works to another tv doctor.

So why does it have to be about the origin of us? Because that's what it's fucking about!

Alien fans the world over should be pissed at this "the android did it" bullshit. Instead of a mysterious alien that filled us with dread about what's "out there", turns out it was a pissed off android with daddy issues and that the void is empty after all.


That was really surprising.. to think that David (spoilers ahead) killed Dr Elizabeth after she repaired him, then went to kill all of the engineers and remembered poetically as Ozzymandias just to elaborate a plan to Kill evry life form with his creatures. He must really hate human beings.


How could Prometheus destroy the Space Jockey when you knew next to nothing about them?

Personally, I really liked Prometheus so wanted to see a film that was merely shown as a flashback in Alien Covenant. But we might still get it yet, I hope!

I also liked Alien Covenant and the complexities & the turmoil of David isn't new to Ridley Scott.

But though I liked it, I hope we do get a prequel to Alien Covenant showing the journey of both Shaw & David, we never really got the full story as to what may have happened to her.


it destroyed the SJ because not knowing anything about it WAS the point [as in, a dead ALIEN].

Making the elephantine looking ALIEN into a Bald Albino in a Suit was [and still is] pretty dumb.


Because it reduced an "alien" to nothing more than a proto human in a stupid suit that had no obvious function. Add to that they said the space jockey was fossilised and could clearly see inside it, yet the original movie takes place 30 years after Prometheus, and 20 years after covenant. Some how fossilisation occurred in 20 years, that's 9,980 years less than it takes anything else to fossilise.

But hang on, David just left the engineers planet on the covenant, leaving behind on space jockey ships. So how did a space jockey/engineer have thousands of eggs on its horse shoe shaped ship 10,000 years ago when the aliens we know and love we're only just made by David? Not to mention "those bones are bent out the way" turned out to be a space suit thing. The room changed dramatically from alien to Prometheus. Cryopods turned up, along with a helm with a whistle thing. Where did that come from?

What Scott did to the space jockey is on par with what Lucas did to the force in the phantom menace.


Sounds awesome. I cannot wait to see this film!
