MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Dumbshit in Covenant [by Stephen Ablett]

Dumbshit in Covenant [by Stephen Ablett]

"Spoilers. This film is beyond stupid, it's a complete utter mess.

1. There is a ship full off over 1000 sleeping passengers. Yet they have one, just one android to look after it all. Why not have 3, 10 or even 20 androids! They don't age, and surely should one fail, you need a backup! Piloting an entire ship usually takes more than one person!

2. A rogue solar flare hits the ship disabling it. It goes unexplained. Combine that with the random stray video signal, and M-class planet that appears out of nowhere, you scream "It's a trap!" If anything, it would appear some sort of attack.

3. An astronaut outside the ship picks up a stray signal through his helmets two-way radio, that somehow appears in visual form on the glass of his helmet? Yet the giant ship with the radio dish right next to him misses it!

4. That stray signal apparently happens to be a song in English. Yet who transmitted it? How did you determine the artist from the white noise? What they found on the planet later no-way explains why they sent a song into space for no apparent reason!

5. They are able to trace a stray video signal to a planet two weeks away at star-ship speed. Where do I begin to show how stupid this is?

6. They don't want to go back to sleep, so they go off exploring. Fine, but then you don't need to send almost the ENTIRE crew down to an alien planet! A scout team of four would have sufficed. Or maybe just the android on recognisance.

7. They pilot the drop ship through a plasma storm, yet it is sunlight clear within seeing distance. Why not fly around the storm?

8. Its clear intelligent alien life was on this planet. It sent radio signals out, there are buildings everywhere and a city, even a spacecraft. All of which could have been scouted from the ship while it flew around first. Scouting your environment first is rule 1 in any explorers handbook."

to be continued


"9. They land in the water, even though solid ground is just ten metres away. The water of an alien planet with unknown worms, piranhas and other possible alien lifeforms in it. Unstable ground is not wise to land on, and then to get your shoes wet why?

10. And they open the bay door while still trying to land, not after. Surely you open the door after landing, not during.

11. They open the doors without testing to see if the air was breathable. They don't bother wearing space suits, they don't send the android out first to test the area, they don't even bother to take down one of the truck that they clearly have at the end of the film.

12. They leave just one person on the ship, and leave the bay door wide open in unfamiliar terrain.

13. There is human vegetation (wheat) on the planet. Why? Did they just take seeds with them for the fun of it? What was the point of it?

14. The guy goes for a piss when he is on protection duty of an alien planet. Of all the times to go.

15. You do not let an infected person with an alien disease back on your ship. He should have been left outside.

16. Don't open the door to a quarantine lab with a monster in it, and don't go inside and slip on the blood.

17. When you miss the alien and shoot the wall of your shuttle with metal bullets, they usually ricochet and bounce around since the wall is metal, designed for interplanetary travel. The fuel canisters are not usually left inside the ship, on the wall next to the door.

18. The other two crew members that got back and were in the shuttle as it exploded, in the cockpit. At what point do you go check on all the screaming in the room next to them?

19. When following an android on an alien planet with a flare gun, through a dead city full of dead bodies, don't bother asking him about any of it. Or suspect him as the only survivor to have been the cause. And don't show any emotion whatsoever of walking through a mass graveyard. "

to be continued


20. Androids kissing each other. Android David raping a woman. Why?

21. The android David decides to give himself a haircut, using garden sheers for no obvious reason. No-one asks him why and his haircut is a perfect match for the other android which was clearly done with an electric razor. He could not possibly have matched hairstyles with a pair of sheers!

22. Android robots can play the flute. You need lungs for that, to blow air. Would someone look up the definition of android please!

23. Android David created the dust mites, the mutant embryo, a dozen eggs without a queen. Yet he made all this without any scientific equipment, zero tools, while living in a cave filled with his drawings and a flute. Yeah right.

24. To create the perfect alien life form, the smart mini dust mites were perfection. An un-killable micro monster that kills within minutes. Logically, why would it evolve to a size that makes it vulnerable?

25. Don't all split up in an alien vessel, while being hunted by killers. Stay together!

26. When you contact the main ship in orbit, give them a full report. Not just two words. And they should have abandoned you at that point to protect the rest of the passengers. 27. When the Captain finds David, talking to an Alien, and the decapitated head of a fellow crewmember in the water, he doesn't start shooting him. Instead he follows him into the bowels of the ship and into a room full of eggs. And still doesn't start blowing stuff up!

28. Do not look directly into an alien egg that is opening.

29. Apparently the gestation time of face alien impregnating a person to full alien form is just ten seconds now. Yet later on it takes a few hours, and in Alien it took a day. "

to be continued


"30. When Walter goes to confront David after being attacked, he should have got himself one of the guns. He was missing a hand, and about to fight another android on his home turf. How stupid do you have to be to pick a fight like that without a weapon to hand?

31. Do not fly a colony ship with over 1000 passengers on-board into a plasma storm, overwriting every safety protocol.

32. When you fly down in the loading platform ship, ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FLY BACK UP. There is no reason the pilot was swinging the ship around like a mad man. The alien was not affecting its movement, and the storm had even subsided. Yet he flew it into buildings and all sorts of tilting. Why?

33. What's the point of having guns? They all shot the aliens several times and bullets just seemingly just bounced off its head.

34. With an infected person still in sickbay and problems piling up, you don't turn of "Mother" the main ship computer for rebooting. And why would he do that anyway?

35. The aliens head-butt walls and head-butt through glass at every opportunity, without any harm to themselves. The glass on a star ship is as hard as metal, it had survived travel through a plasma storm! Yet a head-butt breaks it and the alien doesn't feel a thing! 36. The humans wear spacesuits to survive in the vacuum. They have to protect themselves from decompression. But apparently aliens can survive without them.

37. Almost all the crew are dead. We have an injured infected man in sickbay. Yet now is the perfect time for the last two crewmembers to take a very loud shower, with music on loud, and still not hear the siren alarms.

38. When you have two identical looking androids and one of them is evil. Perhaps ask it a few basic security questions before giving it full command of the ship.

There are more. But stupidity between the crew was off the scale in so many ways."

this long comment was posted on youtube:



Just scratched the surface ... but, yes, it was silly, but it was tense and more fun to look at and think about than Prometheus. I had the same thoughts as you, but while I was watching it I just decided to try to have fun. I admit it was hard.

The way they kept splitting up and walking away from each other is what always bothers me.

The whole backstory of David and Shaw was left for the audience to fill in. We are just supposed to think David is an evil robot. Like how Ash the original artificial person was ... because they are just evil.

No one thinks that David could be a threat, or would be telling anything other than the truth?

Still, the movie was action packed enough and driven fast enough to create a movie experience that was a lot like Alien, so they did OK. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it, but it was engaging if mostly to criticize it


Still, the movie was action packed enough and driven fast enough to create a movie experience that was a lot like Alien, so they did OK. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it...

I feel the say way about Alien Covenant. It had its braindead moments but it didn't infuriate me the way Prometheus did. I especially like that it ended on an unusually dark note which made innocents pay for the crew's stupidity.


I went back and forth on these two movies ... which was more offensive, which was worse ... but they are both about the same, just bad in different ways.


lol...very good.


Thank you. You saved me from wasting ten dollars on this tripe.


my pleasure


Could you put "massive spoilers" in your title? Thanks




You've got an excellent memory. Very detailed descriptions.
So are all these comments you've numbered what you were thinking during every sequence of the film?


this is not mine. I took it from a Youtube comment by a user named "Stephen Ablett"]. I happened to agree with everything he said.


1. I agree they should have had more than 1 android but in every movie in the series they have always had 1.
2. Don't know why they did it like this but they should have just cut that out and had it where signal was picked up on the ship like in 1979 film.
4.It was David (one on the planet) that Transmitted it. They sent it into space prob because David (on the planet) knew the ship and what it contained was there. Every single android they have put in these films has one purpose and thats to gain intelligence and send it back to the company main priority. Plus its a colony ship for terraforming which is why it had 1000+ passengers and was looking for an uninhabited planet to live on.
5. If they was able to trace signal in 1979 film then them tracing it today would be just as easy or even easier.
6.They go exploring because they had a big sleeping trip ahead of them if they went home or they could investigate signal from planet which I presume they thought before going down that since they traced a signal that had a song it was transmitted from a human.
7. Thats where the signal came from was in the storm. Storms come and go very quickly on that planet
8. Its clear to us viewers there was intelligent alien life on planet but as a crew they had no idea but they new someone intelligent sent the signal and they needed to find out who and why.


I still don't get how Shaw could have constructed David's body, considering the Engineers hated androids and David and Shaw fled in the spaceship belonging to the Engineers, so I doubt they had the materials etc to build an android inside.


SHHHH!!!!!! It's deep. you didn't get it. lol


Well you could explain it if you wished, thanks. Anyone know?

I just don't recall Shaw also taking David's body on the ship with her, which would be the only viable explanation as then she would have something to work with to 'glue' back together.

BTW I agree with ALL your points! lol Good work!


One more, how did Daniels know to use the airlock to kill the alien when she didn't know the xenomorph had acid for blood. I felt she acted a little bit too much like a fanboy who saw the other movies. I wasn't comfortable with that.


Alien ---> blow him to space

Aliens -----> fight the alien with a machine and blow it to space

Covenant -------> both from above.


great points TwistedAcrobat....I just wish that ive read these before I went to see the shitty thing...
