MovieChat Forums > Snatched (2017) Discussion > Everyone keeps talking about how fat she...

Everyone keeps talking about how fat she is...

.. I literally, just 5 minutes ago got out of the gym. Maybe 1/4 the women in there had better bodies than her, about 1/4 were roughly the same as her and I'd say half the women I just saw in the gym were worse off than her. WTF?


...what's your point?


I don't think she's fat,it's her mouth that makes her unattractive.


i think so... something is very off symmetrically with her face that makes her uncomfortable to watch. it isn't the weight, there are plenty of fat people i can watch without issue but something is just off with her face.


She isn't thaaat fat. The problem is facially she is very unattractive. Also at times her shoulders look very broad.


Actually yes, she is fat, but not "Jabba-fat". The problem lies with the standard of being overweight in America. If the majority is fat, it's harder to be seen as fat. Not bashing here. It's true. Fat is fat and she's got alot of it. ^^

Never noticed about the shoulders tho! 😰


Hey if you like big girls -- big girls need love too brother.

But her personality is so repulsive I'd rather screw/date an ugly girl or even an ugly fat girl.

At least then she's good in bed but doesn't lecture you about why your d-ck is a symbol of white supremacy or whatever.


Another perfect example of why they are shutting down the message boards!

Where will you hate filled losers go?

To hell I hope.

10 more days....


Oh *beep* off with this copy pasted *beep* Every post your there with this same exact comment. Maybe you're the issue here. She's a bad actor and a bad person that's why people are disliking her. That doesn't make them hatefilled trolls. Now if those people were going around bashing everyone and every film, then you might've had something. But they're not.


Yes she is overweight, but she still has a boyfriend that loves her.


Honestly, I said this time and again on the other boards---Schumer is not fat, even by average everyday standards. She's a normal-looking healthy woman who clearly hasn't starved herself down to a damn skeletal size two like most Hollywood actresses are asked to. I see women her size in real life all the time, and even they aren't considered fat, because she's not. Her size is really way over-exaggerated by mainly men who have been brainwashed by Hollywood to think that anything above size five is fat, and that being a skinny size 2 with the skin hanging off your bones is attractive (yuck.) I mean, half the actresses in Hollywood look like they shrunk themselves down to some damn toothpicks, since that what the film business always forces them to look like, to some extent. Hell, I was her size less than a couple of months ago (I've since lost some weight,and I'm a woman,btw) and I sure as hell didn't consider myself fat, because I wasn't. So get off her back---she is who she is. I don't ever see none of you complaining about how big certain male comics are, so cut out the sexist double standards bull****. Nobody ever seems to complain about how fat a male comic is, so STFU.


I don't find her fat, she has a pretty good body with nice boobs and curves, much more attractive than some stick thin supermodel. She said in an interview she is about 5 foot 7 and 160 lbs which isn't that big for a woman, I'm nearly the same size as her but I'm considered small for a man, I feel like a twig when I go to Wal-Mart or McDonald's and stand near a group of people.


That's a BMI of 25.1, barely overweight. Less than most Americans.


Why are you telling me to stfu? I didn't do anything. I said Amy was overweight. She is overweight for her height. But just because someone is overweight doesn't mean they are unworthy of love or cannot have a successful Hollywood career which Amy has proven.
I disagreed with the op. Do I have to say the words "I disagree." for you to understand from the rest of my comments that I disagree with the op fat shaming Amy?

I think you ought to see a psychiatrist for your issues because this topic is about Amy not about you and your weight issues.



I wasn't referring to you specifically--I was mainly referring to anyone who keeps saying she's "fat" when she's not anywhere near what anyone would call fat even in the real world. My apologies--- I'm usually more specific about whomever I'm referring to on these boards. I liked Trainwreck, though it was hilarious, but honestly, she seems to get constantly slammed for her weight all the time, as if that's all there is to her. I mean, Louis C.K. is bigger than she is,yet nobody's constantly complaining about how big he is every time they mention him. Like I said before, I wasn't referring to you at all. And I've lost all the weight I need to, so no more issues with that. The point is, women are always getting slammed if their bodies don't fit with what is seen as the norm,and that's a large part of the reason why young women have eating disorders and never feel comfortable in their own bodies unless they nearly starve themselves into what society says they ought to look like. That's what I find sickening, and it's sexist too. I rarely see anyone go on and on about how big and fat a male comedian is, even if he is big and fat. It's never made an issue for them the same way it's made an issue for a women----that's the problem I have with this whole societal obsession with weight--as if women are only worth admiring for their bodies alone. That's what I hate.


Oh okay. It's alright. Not a problem. Thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding.

Well I think that those young girls that have eating disorders develop them because of other deeper psychological problems. I don't think it has anything to do with looking at thin celebrities. I do think that young girls and women do develop low self esteem if they compare themselves to most celebrities. But eating disorders are a whole other thing altogether.


You're right on point, sleepingtiger.


She's not necessarily fat...but the bitch keeps telling people she's a a size 6 and she's more like a 14-16...

