MovieChat Forums > The Rover (2014) Discussion > Pretty girl rock: why?

Pretty girl rock: why?

This film was so excellently bleak, much like the road, until that song played. Another great aspect is how the reason of the collapse is never given, nor is the year. Just 10 years after the collapse.

At first I thought the blu ray was malfunctioning or my speakers started playing music in the middle of the movie.

But no... pretty girl rock by kerry hilson. A song from 2010. Which would make the collapse in the year 2000? And how is there radio? Gas is hard to come by but yet electricity is abundant enough to broadcast radio? Very strange to me. Any theories? I thought this scene was a major buzzkill.


Here's the answer:

The scene which involves Rey (Robert Pattinson) listening to the song "Pretty Girl Rock" by Keri Hilson is a joke by the director to remind the audience of how pretty Pattinson use to look in the Twilight films.

"Ain't life grand!"
