

Yeah, it's disappointing. But what can I say, I love Tommy Cruiser so much, and I love the underlying story of The Mummy so much (the '99 film is one of my favorite films of all time), that I will go see it anyway.

I don't always agree with the critical consensus so hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.



It's not the worst movie ever. Lets not exagerate.
Actually, my mom and my sister kinda liked it. I didn't like it just because i found some plot holes but it was at least entertaining and visually ok


What plot holes did you observe?



I read through em all. Even the positive ones aren't very flattering. Sounds like the first twenty minutes are pretty good. Which I believe is all the stuff heavily featured into the promos and trailers. The one that said Tom has finally given up and is the last of the classic guard of actors to give into mediocrity was pretty damning. Even the worst of Tom's movies always mention how he gave his usual 110 percent.


Critics were paid off again. Sigh if people can't see this stupid crap is going on. Wonder Woman was absolutely awful. There were even rumors that the film was a disaster. Lo and behold, it gets rave ratings even though logically, it is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Just a disaster.



Reporting this as a troll account. You've been given warning.

Really dude, though? This is sad how people on movie boards can't handle dissenting opinions.



"This is sad how people on movie boards can't handle dissenting opinions."

How ironic.

Have you tried looking in the mirror?


Now, it's down to 17%, only 8% among "top critics." Can't say this is surprising, really--the trailer looked absolutely awful--but when people are comparing it unfavorably to even the Brendan Fraser garbage, you know something has gone very, very wrong.

"The Dig"


Don't knock it unless you've seen it. I liked it.


No, don't see it and save your time for a better movie. There's plenty of those.


Shut up, thanks.

Did you even see it? Like I said, it's really not that bad.


Not that bad is not good enough anymore. I've seen too many movies for that.


But you love Wonder Woman.

Please, do STFU and quit pretending you have high standards, ROFLMAO.


It's clear what your standards are. Good luck with your last word!




It wasn't bad at all. The reviews are overly critical and harsh. There was nothing offensive or horrible about The Mummy. Nothing at all.


At least it is better than mummy 3.
