MovieChat Forums > Bastille Day (2016) Discussion > Could Idris Elba play 007/James Bond?

Could Idris Elba play 007/James Bond?

I heard the rumours a while back that he was being considered for the role after Daniel Craig.

He's a little rough around the edges but after seeing him in Bastille Day I think the potential is there, although he would need to be "cleaned up" both in his look and accent etc

I only say this because the Bond movies are getting darker and Daniel Craig has given Bond this "hardman" image. So it seems to be going in a direction that would fit Idris Elba well.

What do you think? And no need for any talk of colour, it's not a crime for agent 007 to be black.


i dont find him an interesting actor whatsoever, more suited to BBC tv drama and to be honest a black Bond, well, that would be about as appropriate as a black Hitler lol



Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!


Rough around the edges... that IS Bond. Although he would be my number 1 choice after Mr Craig. I think because he is black, they won't give him the role... which is very sad imo.


The best all round thing would be for Bond to be played with someone wearing a full black out Burka. That should cover all the PC nonsense. The comment about a white man playing some famous black person becomes a justified nonsensical comment. As SCOTLAND is full of asians from the sub continent a SCOTTISH born asian might be a better choice for REALITY. Other attempts by the US film studios were made a long time ago to compete with the idea of a super smooth killing spy who was saving the world. It was not politically correct to have some across the pond BRIT saving the world as that is the JOB of people like Trump today and the following.

MODESTY BLAISE [yeah a Brit]


and a few who have been successful but not actually world saving are Ethan Hunt and Jason Bourne.

This whole debate is surely being led by WHAT. I think the brit with the GINGER hair [more disrespect of course] Damien Lewis would make a great OBAMA/ALI/KUNTA KINTE/SHAKA ZULU/ after all he led a whole platoon of Yanks [who were not all yanks] all the way through WW2 after D Day. And suffered a visually horrible death defending the homeland.

He does have the charm and underlying WIT to be a James Bond but does not have a hint of Jock accent that at least two Bonds have managed with some ease.

A black Bond is not really for discussion unless we are allowed to include the blind, deaf, limbless, UGLY, dumb, walking aided, mobility aided, OCTOGENARIAN anti alcohol, tobacco, promiscuity. and gambling and the endless list. How about BOND being RUSSIAN CHINESE, MIDDLE EASTERN with Turban loose fitting dress like clothing over baggy trousers and long beard disclosing to the audience that one of his middle names is MOHAMMED and totally a cross dressing HOMOSEXUAL.


Honestly I don't get the fuss over Idris Elba. He was completely unforgettable and bland in this movie. If this was his audition for the role of Bond, Then he failed miserably. I'm struggling to even think of a movie he has been in where he carried it, gave a great performance or had a massive box office smash. In reality he's a TV actor who doesn't have the presence, profile or charisma to play Bond. In this movie I never got any impression that Elba was doing anything other than playing a character with an (bad) American accent. He was talked about as being this super badass CIA operative who played by his own set of rules. Instead we got a podgy monosyllabic guy who had no real grip on any of the situations he was in and would have caused the bad guys plan to work if it wasn't for Rob Stark and that French bird.


I liked Elba in this movie and thought he was fine with what he was given...but his character doesn't go beyond reserved with other people, reckless and impulsive. It seemed like more of the dramatic moments and character development were given to Madden and LeBon, both of whom were very good in their roles because their characters seemed a little less one note.

I doubt Elba will be Bond. He seems through with the whole idea when asked about it. I think he could make a good one if he has a strong script and a good director.



Me neither , he portrays about as much emotion and character in every movie he does than a plank of wood and mumbles his way through scripts!

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!


He's way too tall and gawky to play james bond. He couldnt even get thru teh doorways withotu ducking. Maybe it look painful but now I know why hollywood always casts tom cruise size men.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


The rumors are entirely from random Elba fans around the internet and the studio/casting directors have never shown a bit of interest in Elba. They have even shot down the idea multiple times and pointed out that ELba is not suave enough for part, which I completely agree with. Additionally, I believe Jamie Bell is the only one who has actually been linked to the part as of now, and he's 14 years younger than Elba, so that gives us an idea of the age range they're looking at for the role.
