MovieChat Forums > 1984 (2023) Discussion > Wow, what a great flick!

Wow, what a great flick!

Just finished watching "1984" (2023) by Diana Ringo, I wasn't sure what to expect, and I gotta say, this version just blew me away. It’s a blend of Orwell's classic with some elements from the book "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin thrown in, you can tell from the start that Ringo was going for something ambitious, and for me, it totally worked. The world-building is as dark and oppressive as you'd expect, but what really stands out is the lead performance and the music.

First off, Aleksandr Obmanov as the lead is on another level. Dude gave me serious Joaquin Phoenix energy – intense, raw, and just totally gripping. He nails the inner conflict of his character, torn between staying loyal to Big Brother or risking everything to fight back. His performance alone makes this worth watching.

And the music? It’s spot on, its one of the best soundtracks I've heard in ages. The score perfectly captures the bleak, suffocating vibe of the world they’re living in, but it’s also got moments that pull you deeper into the emotional turmoil of the characters. It definitely sticks with you after the movie ends.

The mix "1984" with the influence from "We" adds a whole new layer to the story, especially with the focus on outlawing art and imagination. That, plus the crazy visual style and Obmanov’s killer performance, makes this one of the best dystopian flicks I’ve seen in a while. Ringo even filmed it in Moscow, which gives the whole thing an extra layer of symbolism, especially in today’s political climate.

If you’re into dystopian flicks, this one’s definitely worth your time. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think of this version?


Hmmmmm, nah I don't think so ......


Are you the director?


Lol, I first thought it was a cast or crew member because that's the posters first post.


I wonder what changes they made to the novel. Is the ruling party still IngSoc?


Directed by
    Diana Ringo

    Diana Ringo

Written by
    Diana Ringo

Produced by
    Diana Ringo

Music by
    Diana Ringo

Cinematography by
    Diana Ringo

Editing by
    Diana Ringo


This is obviously Diana Ringo posting this. You're doing a great job of patting yourself on the back here, Diana 🙄



Hilarious, single poster advertisement. Lame.


When you realize you left the pizza in the oven...
