PC emasculated Bond

Bond movies are pandering to feminazism- no more alpha males, even a modern version.

How long before eunuch Studio execs cave in to blue haired fatties?


It goes all the way back to Casino Royale and they BALL TORTURED Bond in that chair.
That's not the Bond I wanted to see. Not much fun anymore after that like Connery/Moore


let's face it Bond died with Brosnan.

i like Craig .. but feel that the scripts don't do him any favors.
Casino is 50-50 for me. Quantum I'll never watch again. Skyfall was great during the first half, and just fell apart.. Spectre was plain bad.

maybe this film will bring something awesome?


>> i like Craig .. but feel that the scripts don't do him any favors. <<

I feel the opposite. Craig is an awful Bond and should have never been cast. But he had the fortune of having good scripts like Casino Royale and Skyfall. Pierce Brosnan had to deal with crappy scripts and try to make them work.


you think Skyfall had a good script......?
it definitely started off well but come on. anything after Severine gets shot, and Silva arrested is pure bullshit.

but hey to each their own.


They just had to kill the good looking girl. smh


You watched Casino Royale...and DIDN’T like Daniel Craig??


Funny I quickly scanned that and thought it said "Bond died with Bardem" which for me would be about right as Skyfall was the final nail in the coffin.


^ hah.
that works too


While I agree with some of this, the ball torture was in the original Casino Royale book, I believe, so that is not part of the rest of this argument.
