Delayed until November?

Not official. Deadline:

In what should not be a shocker, we are hearing that MGM/Eon’s No Time to Die is bound to move from its Easter weekend release of April 2 to some time in the fall, as the world waits for this pandemic to come under control. Several sources inform us this morning. Note, the UK, is a key market in No Time to Die‘s rollout, and they’re facing a similar situation as the U.S.: They don’t know exactly when exhibition will be fully back up and running.

The leakage on the Cary Joji Fukunaga-directed film started yesterday on the Dutch site Bn DeStem, in which Dutch exhibitor Carlo Lambregts revealed that he heard No Time to Die was heading from its Easter weekend date to November.


I've delved deep into this subject lately and right now it's looking like 2022!


I highly doubt this comes out this year.


on course to equal/break the LtK-GE summer89-nov95 gap


Stupid move. Why not release during the northern hemisphere summer?

You can bet your bottom dollar that this respiratory virus' figures will decrease then before going back up next winter! And of course by then a new evil mutation will have occurred requiring another lockdown...

Summer release or just punt it onto Netflix so we can all thankfully see the end of Craig "Bond"...


Lol, as if the pandemic is the reason this was ever delayed in the first place. It should have come out no later than 2018.


It was ready for November 2019 which is when it should have come out yes. But they got greedy and wanted a quasi-Summer release and got bit in the arse.

Of course, you probably think they're still reshooting stuff so I don't know why I bother. If it were such a turkey as you think they would have dumped it by now.


Exactly. Even though all these excessive delays are disappointing, they are doing what's necessary for the films success and for the sake of the franchise. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with reshoots or whatever. The film is completed and locked and will release when necessary.


Will it be included in 2062's 100-years collection?


See I'm a big Bond fan and watch nearly all of them (I might have 5 or so I don't own) every Nov. - Dec. I was looking forward to this one as Spectre was underwheming, but at this point, should I care anymore? MGM doesn't give two shits about the fans anymore, clearly. It is all about the money. I doubt I'll see it in theaters, though I've seen a good few there!


I don't know, it's a huge tentpole movie that both EON and MGM are trying to keep relevant and profitable. I do think the trailer was a little absurd but maybe over the top Bond is what we need right now.


I understand how big it is, but keeping it relevant is problematic if they wait too long. Plus, again, like other films, we will remember it more, not less, if released during COVID with so little competition! Give it to streaming or whatever and it will still be well remembered!
