MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > Well Wikipedia confirmed it (SPOILER WAR...

Well Wikipedia confirmed it (SPOILER WARNING)

Bond does actually die

At least the gunbarrel is at the beginning despite there being no blood


Yep. Sadly I wasn’t bullshitting.

The gunbarrel is…interesting. Tries to be a bit gimmicky but yes, at least it’s at the beginning where it belongs.


Yeah my apologies it just never crossed my mind that they would do anything that stupid, if the next Bond actor is just called “James Bond” because it’s a code name then I am just going to snap.


No worries pal. I’d be skeptical too because it does sound unbelievable when you say it. “James Bond dies”, you know. Just sounds ridiculous.

If his death had been done in a better way, maybe I would be more okay with it. As it is it just doesn’t work and Safin ends up being a crappy villain as well. His character is all over the place towards the end.

I honestly think they’ll just start from scratch with another reboot. It’s a shame because I was hoping they’d just go back to telling individual stories each film, but now to get the masses back on board they’ll be clear to market Bond 26 as a fresh start and “taking Bond back to his or (heaven forbid) her roots”. I think they’ve shot themselves in the foot here.


They absolutely have shot themselves in the foot, a reboot is like a one time thing, you can’t keep telling origin stories over and over again. Trying to have a continuous storyline throughout all the Craig films was the dumbest idea ever. I was at first OK with QOS wrapping up the events fr Casino Royale but it’s getting ridiculous now. So what are your predictions? Do you think Kinnear, Fiennes, Wishaw and Harris will stick around?

Apparently Felix dies as well so they can’t bring Jeffrey Wright back


I'm calling it now, "James Bond" will be a woman in the reboot.

They have no plans on hiring a straight white male for the role. Hollyweird has been gung-ho on destroying every single masculine figure it can get its pedo-paws on, and they've been wanting to bury Bond for a while now.


It’s so pathetic that they don’t have the talent or the creativity to create a good female spy film that they have to attach the name James Bond to it to get people to go see it.


I thought (according to an article I recently read) that Barbara Broccoli stated that James Bond would continue to be a male. She just didn't say if said male would be white or not. I am in the boat with many others that believe that they should create new 00 characters that can be a female, or a non-white male if they really want to check that diversity box.


Hmm, I'm reading the article now on Deadline...

Okay so she says they'll be finding a replacement in 2022... nothing about Bond staying male.

Not feeling very well about that.

Let's see... we have another interview covered by the Independent.

Headline is promising... but then they seem to extract from Broccoli's statement something she never actually said. Here's her actual quote...

"James Bond is a male character. I hope that there will be many, many films made with women, for women, by women, about women.

“I don't think we have to take a male character and have a woman portray him. So yes, I see him as male. And I'm sort of in denial, I would love for Daniel to continue forever.”

She reiterated that she'll discuss Craig's replacement with her brother in 2022.

While she says that Bond should be a male, and that she obviously seems to have the classical traits of a woman who likes a masculine, charismatic, sexy man, it's not entirely up to her and the zeitgeist at large seems so averse to a straight white male that I can't see her standing tall against the flood of crappy activists posing as journalists to either have Bond race-swapped or gender-swapped.

However, I sure hope that you're right and that she sticks to her guns on this one, because this is one of those times that a woman needs to be stubborn against all other kinds of influences and she needs to stick to her intuition no matter what happens. Whether or not she holds out against the Woketards will be determined in 2022...

I guess we should hope for the best but expect the worse.


Its gonna be the black female chick I guarantee it. Especially with the filmmakers saying shit like this


The thought of that makes me feel so ill and sick to my stomach. This wokeness truly is an infectious disease that is rotting away everything we care about and hold dear in entertainment culture.


It can't be a code name. We see his parents' gravestone in Skyfall, and the gamekeeper identifies him as James Bond.


I think Wishaw will be the only survivor. He’s probably the most popular of the supporting cast. Maybe Fiennes might stick around, but I honestly think they’ll try and distance themselves from the Craig era for the most part. Can’t see Kinnear and Harris sticking around, which is a shame because I like them.


God, Wishaw. I can't stand the git, I can only think of his Perfume murderer role, where he was a right weirdo.


Having things connect the previous bond to the next one didn't start with Daniel Craigs bond. You'll find that did that in other pre-Craig bonds as well.


There were some small details before this Craig story arc, but not on an annoying level.


The previous 20 had some subtle references to other films, it was never the interconnected story arc that the Craig films have


I’m aware of that but the other Bond’s were all in the same continuity. Craig was the first reboot and only Judi Dench was carried over from the old Bond continuity. So I think for the most part they will distance themselves from the Craig era.


As I was saying on another thread they could simply continue on from Pierce Brosnan on that continuity. Craig's "Bond" was already a reboot, so the Connery / Moore ... Brosnan's Bond lives on.


The movie industry is still hellbent on burning everything down. I'm not surprised at this at all.


so.... this is a spoiler? or a joke?

if it is a spoiler, wouldn't it be polite and humane to mark this post as such?


It is a spoiler, yes, but you really shouldn’t be on a this movie’s page if you don’t want spoilers.


OR they could be polite and mark it as spoiler like respectable humans do.

I thought maybe the wikipedia page in mention was going to be about the budget, or effects, or woke casting or something... not a blatant spoiler. lesson learned: humanity sucks


I completely agree. I effing hate it when some a-hole spoils something major...and then says....well, you shouldn't be on here if you haven't seen the movie yet. Bull....fucking....SHIT. Movie enthusiasts come on these boards WELL before the premieres of films, in anticipation of them. This particular board for NTTD is a prime example. People have been coming to these threads for YEARS...NONE of them having seen it yet.


You're looking for an ideal which doesn't exist. You cannot control the world.

There's no way I'd look at the page of any movie here I was keen on seeing once it had been released...


we can each try to make the world a better place


For you and for me and the entire human raceeeee.....


It’s not about controlling the world or reaching for unattainable ideals. It’s about adding the word “Spoilers”, like countless others manage to do.


The point was that if you're specifically going to come on the film board of a film which has just been released and find yourself complaining about spoilers then you may as well open your window at night and start howling at the moon.

You cannot control other people's behaviour. You can however control your own...


maybe by mentioning it, this will remind others, and cause more change.... over NOT causing better change.

I'm not trying to gender swap famous characters, force pronoun usage, or other SJW BS, just asking for a SPOLIER notify like most others are bright enough to do.

I already dont plan to support this film. just think it is stupid to spoil things for others.
AND I choose to ware a mask for others as well. :D :D


I don't disagree with what you're looking for, I'm just saying it's never going to happen - I've seen this argument played out for years and years on this site and IMDb before it. As I said the only thing you can control is yourself otherwise it's just howling at the moon...

But actually in the case of this thread, the title is "Well Wikipedia confirmed it". The label warning you not to look was written very clearly on the tin!


it happened. it's now fixed. :)


Its fucking real

Oh my god. So now we're gonna have a black female 007. They have to take every white character away from us don't they?


Either that or they reboot the franchise AGAIN and we get yet another Bond origin story


They don't need to reboot but James Bond is a white man from the UK. There's no need to change that for woke idiots


Well they are going to have to because Bond is now dead so they will have to restart the continuity. They can't go forward in this continuity because Bond no longer exists.


Such an awful ending, it feels like something that definitely should have been rewritten and reshot.

I doubt they put this in front of test audiences.


Fuuuck, I spoiled myself a bit watching that. Gonna wipe from memory. Why is it playing early overseas? Yeesh, they really don't want us back at home watching it don't they.

Anywho, still going to watch no less. No black 007 from what I can see. Sounds like white female 007 Mathilde. She will grow up to be like daddy or whoever she is. Then it'll be some story about i was told stories of his when I was little and I wanted to join the MI6. Maybe she'll get her own designation but eh, or not. That or she grows up to be the next Q or sidekick to a new male bond (probably POC).


I bet when that happens everyone is going to think James Bond was a myth or a legend , just like the Jedi in TFA


At first I was thinking you were joking and referencing the classic bond walk then shoot gun barrel sequence...


Just watched it, up until James Bond being killed by the British I was quite enjoying the film apart from a few irks, it wasn’t great but just ok but killing James Bond in that way was disgusting and unnecessary, it may have even killed the franchise, the rewatchability factor of Craig’s previous movies has now just shot to zero!

Just glad I watched it for free, don't waste your money on it.


...the rewatchability factor of Craig’s previous movies has now just shot to zero!

Or any of them. I grew up in the Roger Moore era, but accepted all the subsequent Bonds regardless of who played him. But instead of Bond being a genius who foiled everyone's plan to kill him, it turns out he's just another reckless guy who got away with it a few times. He ends up dying in the prime of his life - his whole invincible image is shot with me now.

No sense watching any Bond anymore.

Just glad I watched it for free, don't waste your money on it.

I haven't paid a penny directly to Hollyweird since 2016 when they made it clear that I was deplorable. I'm sure they wouldn't want my tainted dollars. Technology has provided me a way to see anything I want without funding people that hate me.


I saw three of the Daniel Craig movies at the cinema, but I'm much more a fan of the Sean Connery era, I'm so glad I didn't waste the time and money to watch this one at the cinema though!


I prefer the Brosnan era.


He's my second fave, GoldenEye is my second fave Bond film.
