Best season?

I think either Season 2 or 3.
Season 4 was still very good but not quite as good in my opinion.


2 and 3 best followed by 1. 4 was atrocious in my opinion.


2,3,4 then 1.
I'm putting 1 last because i think it had too many unnecessary scenes and the governer wasn't very good


Have to say Season 1, it was a great depection of how Bea first experienced prison life and the whole build up of the season was well done especially with the villain. I also loved Season 3 because of the changes that were made when Bea ended up becoming top dog and having some of the women change their ways and got along with one another slowly and all of Governor Ferguson's diabolical ways and her performance throughout the season in general.


I think Kris McQuade was excellent as Jacs in the first season. I actually found her far more menacing than Ferguson. I think Pamela Rabe is one of Australia’s (and Canada’s) best actresses but the writers pushed believability with her character to the absolute limit, to the point it was almost cartoonish villainy. You really had to suspend disbelief to buy that a former governor would be a) sent to the prison she tried to destroy b) ever be allowed into general population, regardless of who she was blackmailing and c) be sent right back to the same prison AGAIN after murdering Bea, once again in general population!

And now she’s back from the dead! I’d laugh out loud if I didn’t love the show so much and wasn’t quietly excited to find out how. Bastard writers!


yes back from the dead lost her memory. regained it.. very much a days of our lives character sadly. and I liked her in those early season but she god ridiculous. and now they tried to make it as though she 'redeemed herself' in the final episode and gets away without any punishment. she was NOT NEEDED in those final 2 season it was stupid they should have moved the story forward with other storylines instead of going back to hers she should have stayed dead.


Season three
Season two
Season one
Season four

The last season REALLY stretched some points to the point of absurd like Freak the Hannibal Lecter.


I enjoyed season 3 the best. Season 2 is a close second. Then season 4. Finally season 1.


3, I tried to rewatch 4 and found it unwatchable, the other 3 I can rewatch without problems. The quality dropped this season, a lot.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


In order: 2, 3, 1, 4.


Season 2 and 3. Season 4 was too pedestrian.
