Best season?

I think either Season 2 or 3.
Season 4 was still very good but not quite as good in my opinion.


SPOILERS: Tossup between season 2 and season 3. Both Ferguson and Bea were fierce-those two seasons were what made me a superfan of the show! Season 1 after that-I loved Jacs Holt as a villain. Season 4 last. It had some interesting plot lines and redeeming moments, but I think the writers made a mistake by making Ferguson an inmate so quickly. The season 4 finale, however, was EPIC.


Season 2,4,1 then 3.


best was Season 3 for me. followed by 2 then the rest. 5 had some very slow episodes before the penultimate episode.

it's a shame they had to rush the Ferguson to inmate status (Ferg was best as Governor) and kill Bea off so soon.


Idk. I LOVED Allie and Bea. Allie especially. I guess that was Season 4. Bea seemed a bit awkward with the lesbian thing. But ALLIE, OMG what a treasure. That scene in the showers where she is crying and Bea is being a hard ass.. "I can still feel you....!"


I love them all, but I'd have to go for series 1. Rebooting Prisoner could have gone so very wrong but every choice they made in the first series was so very right. And I may be in the minority but I found Jacs to be a far more frightening antagonist than Ferguson. She seemed to be scarier in a more realistic way, whereas Ferguson (as enjoyable as Pamela Rabe is to watch) is a more cartoonish villain, so psychotic and over the top that you really have to suspend disbelief to accept that she would be incarcerated in the same prison she committed most of her crimes!

I was a little disappointed with series 6 but I'm still looking forward to the next season. It's the best drama Australia has to offer right now.


2 and 1
