MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > In hindsight, did Carrie Fisher look ill...

In hindsight, did Carrie Fisher look ill here and in "The Force Awakens"?

She seemed more tired, frail and haggard (and had that noticeable "old lady smoker voice" instead of the faux British accent/Rosalind Russell imitation as in the original trilogy). Granted, she was at least 30 years older since "Return of the Jedi" and General Leia admittedly has a more matronly quality in the latter movies, but Carrie just looks sad and vulnerable in most of her scenes. I mean, she was 60 at the time that she passed, but she could've easily passed off as 80-85.


I don't think I noticed anything "ill" looking but to be she just looked like a different human being. Harrison Ford looked exactly the same. He looked exactly like Han.....he was just older. Wrinkles and gray hair. Fisher....she didn't even look like the same person. She must have had a lot of cosmetic surgery on herself because I can't even see the same Leia in there at all. It was as if they recast her with a different actress.


True that. Recently caught Return of the Jedi on TV other day not seen any of the OT in years enough to have kind of forgotten what she looked like back then and man she looked a COMPLETELY different person back then ... in TLJ she literally looked how you might've expected her to look at mid 80s yet she was only late 50s! Its like they had aged her up for the movie! (she did look ALOT worse in TLJ than TFA, and in that she looked very Botox'd - she must've deteriorated alot between filming the 2 movies - no doubt due to increase in drugs/alcohol. Guess she mustve relapsed big time after TFA ..maybe being in SW again brought back all the drug problems she had when filming the originals? But even more so. plus the rapid weight loss etc must've really affected her too ....well it must've as she died!)

Ford ok he about 74 in TFA but theres no denying he still looks full on like Harrison Ford just how you'd expect him to look 30y on from Jedi (he looks like he could pass for 10years younger really. He must've really taken care of himself over the years with diet/exercise)..same with Hamill he looked like an older 'Obi Wan-esque' Luke like the EU/fan drawings etc had been imagining him in the years before TFA (although like Fisher he did look bad/obese before he got in shape for the new films )


She looked perfectly fine in Rogue One. Youthful in fact.
