Why Rian Johnson?

Why did they hire him ? i didnt think Looper was all that great , i would of like to of seen Speilberg given a shot, or David Fincher , Johnson used Star wars as some sort of film school experiment, he seems like a proper poindexter.


Disney needs Yes Men with paper thin resumes.


Mold them, shape them, cuck them. Whatever it takes....


In a recent interview Ridley Scott was asked if he would be interested in directing a SW movie.

His answer holds the key to the answer that you seek IMO


i shall search out this, scott u mention


"i would of like to of seen"





His politics match Kennedy (and JJ Abrams). They probably interviewed a lot of writer/directors and he was the one they could count on to continue their women and minorities vs white males agenda, and not care and even be hostile to the white male fanbase from the previous movies.


Unfortunately they will never change or learn. Money is all they care about in the end so unless people refuse to buy the tickets, videos and merchandise they will continue to do this time after time.


Poor neglected thing. Six films and that isn't enough to reassure your wounded boy ego. Boo Hoo! There's only one white male in the new characters. There must be a war on white males.


Lucas is a liberal...so your point is?


He ended up being a good choice. He did a fine job.


All the buzz around TLJ was about how great Johnson did and how much Kennedy and Disney loved working with him. They even announced doing a whole trilogy with him pre TLJ release. He is absolutely a yes man, will do whatever they tell him to do. He was also very well liked by the fan base... before TLJ released anyway.

I'm not a huge fan of looper but it was one of the better movies to come out that year clearly a standout.. I mean shoot best Bruce Willis movie in over a decade. I do believe he's talented and is perfectly capable of doing good movies, but the problem was that he obviously had no idea what to do with what the TFA set up. So he scratched it and wrote his own little side story that would have been fine for a non canon comic but should have never been the basis of a full episode movie. I mean seriously you take out Luke and nothing of any significance happens in this movie. I will say he is great at working with actors and getting the best out of them.

His interview was apparently about whether or not he could deliver what they wanted on time and on budget. When it should have been about what story he had in mind and where the character go after TFA. I doubt they even read a script or outline before hiring him.
