MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > So JJ Abrams Will Actually Have to Write...

So JJ Abrams Will Actually Have to Write an Ending...

Has this guy actually written an ending to anything in his life? Lost was all about bait-and-switching you with different mysteries and the big payoff was that none of it meant squat. He's really good at posing the questions, creating a mystery, and then he wanders off to the next project and lets someone else deal with the mess.

Now, after all his plot threads have been completely nuked and no one gives a crap about any mysteries, he's somehow going to have to scrape together enough material to provide an "ending" to the most broken trilogy in the history of cinema... How's that karma taste JJ?


Yeah Johnson kind of handed him a sh*t sandwich. I wonder how they will kill Lando :/





Amazing :) .


That's actually brilliant. :)




That is a frightening thought.



Well, I read somewhere that Abrams didn't tell Johnson where he was going with any of the mystery threads. If true it serves him right that Johnson ignored them, as Abrams probably didn't have a clue to begin with. I rather have no mysteries than ones that doesn't go anywhere or doesn't add up.


No - he hasn't, and there is nowhere for this story to go. Rey defeats Ren? Big whoop - she's 10^10 times more powerful anyway. Rey turns evil? And risk the wrath of Salon et al? I don't think so. Ren turns good? Well then where's the climax? They build YET ANOTHER FUCKING SUPER WEAPON? Surely even the most deluded Fanboys are not going swallow that. The First Order attack the rebels? All 3 of them?

I can't wait honestly. It's going to be a fantastic experimentation in group think and mass delusion. You essentially have thousands of critics that have either sold their soul/lost their minds praising these films to the hilt and you have millions of people desperately trying to convince themselves they're not being sold snake oil. Question is - will the tide break? I think too many people have too much invested in the idea of IX being good. JJ could show three hours of him masturbating with $100 bills and they'd still love it.

But here's hoping the hack doesn't get away with a 2nd time.


The sequels have been poorly constructed since the beginning. The new characters are shallow with little motivation, the Resistance/First Order dynamic makes no sense, and there is no myth arc. They have no where to go.




Pretty much this.


I predict everyone watch this film 3 or 5 times in a movie theater in order to try to figure things out and determine if the film was any good. Then they'll come out crying how the film was shit - yet, because they all went to see it 10 times, the movie will make more than the 2 previous films combined.

That's the only thing that really fascinates me - now people have to see a movie 3 times in order to determine if the film was any good. DEVOLUTION is HERE = corporations win.


GREAT!!! So we will find out that they have been in purgatory the whole time!!!


Is JJ actually writing the storyboard or is he just directing?


He is the director.


Yeah but is there a writer as well or did he literally pen the script himself?


He is one of the writers.


Guess we're getting a LOST ending then, LOL.


I hope not, although I’m starting to care less and less. I’m becoming resigned to the death of Star Wars.



Does he use a writer at all?



He pitched his idea a few weeks ago...yeah😳


Good point, I was just curious if he actually wrote the script himself or just pitched what someone else wrote. Either way it'll be a weird episode, especially with having to deal with no Carrie Fisher.


And I thought her little star dancer routine was the last awkward Leia moment I had to bare witness to...thanks for reminding me😄



Yeah, Abrams is too obsessed with his damn "MYSTERY BOX" philosophy.
