What will happen with Leia now?

And what do you wish had happened to her in this film? Since her story was a fucked up mess in this one.


Her death could become the driving force that pushes Kylo toward the light. Open with her funeral, and show Kylo secretly watching from a hidden spot.


She will be mentioned at the top of the next crawl title sequence.

"Leia is dead,
Luke is dead,
Ewoks are no more,
Porgs rule the galaxy..."


It will be revealed that she never came out of her sickbed. What you saw was an android copy. Now that the android has been unmasked, she has no further role in the story.


That idea sounds as stupid as if they wrote some sort of a dumb plotline where Luke projects an Astral version of himself to Kylo Ren on a battlefield and then die for a contrived reason....Oh, wait a minute...






They could mention in the crawl that after the loss of her brother and Han and the realization of the monster her son has become she succumbed to the trauma caused by her space exposure. Open with a funeral for all three of them. It would be a simple way to reintroduce Lando if they wished too



Yeah, its seem like excuses at this point. The whole casino subplot was a waste of time, how could you not figure out a way to insert him there, perhaps give that part at least something that was worth while.


They wanted Rose to be crushing on Finn. Let's face it, if Lando -- the smoothest brother in the galaxy -- suddenly shows up, Rose wets her mechanic jumpsuit immediately and forgets all about Finn.



"She lost the will to live..."

Great idea! We can finally get the Luke, Han and Leia reunion we were deprived of.


lol Well yeah basically...just like her mother.

Its sad that the new guys are so wrapped up in themselves they struggle with these older characters,lets just kill them that is easier than keeping them around making our new people look bad.


She fell through a plot hole.


A good one! :D



I wish she had been the one to do the suicide attack. Or been killed when the FO pilots blew up the bridge. Or gotten nuked by the dreadnought in the opening sequence. Anything other than having her live to the end. Why you wouldn't kill off the character played by the actress who is dead I really can't understand.


Because it was too late to overhaul the movie when she died and it was impossible to re-film any scenes that might be required to kill her off.

Having her die in the bridge attack would require removing all her scenes later in the movie or re-filming them all, hastily replacing her with someone else. Most of them would simply vanish. The sets were probably all gone since she passed about six months after filming ended, so it would be a lot of work unless they just green-screened someone over her (which would look awful).

Having her be the one to kamikaze the ship would be impossible because it would require new scenes to replace Holdo staying behind and piloting it.

Removing so much of her work from her final movie would be an insult to her career. The most respectful and most effective thing to do is just to deal with it in the next movie.


They managed to give Peter Cushing multiple new scenes and lines, and he's been dead for 23 years.

Indeed, they already cgi'ed Carrie in R1.


Yes, and Lucasfilm did get the rights from the Fisher estate to use her likeness in a CGI re-creation for Episode 9.

However, they ultimately decided against doing it, as of the last known info. That can always change, of course.

As much work as that is, it wouldn't have been realistic to get it done in time for Last Jedi in the year between her death and the movie's release.



It was kinda crass yes since she also spent time in a coma before she died, nobody is calling out on it, they all saw it as emotional since it all had happened in real life, it's pathetic.


It was quite unfortunate and disrespectful that they took advantage of Carrie Fisher's death for a cheap "gotcha" twist in a movie.

Do you really believe this? Keep in mind, she was alive when that was written, when it was planned, and when it was filmed.

So please tell me you really believe what you typed.



So you mean to tell me that you had believed Rian somehow created that entire scenario after her death and managed to work it into the movie? Even though she filmed all of it while she was alive, including the space scene and all the scenes of her in a coma?

Please tell me this is what you believed. I can't imagine what it would take to believe that, but I'd love to hear it.


Oh and I'm not quite sure how it is "inept" to fail to predict the untimely death of an actress.





She looked so ridiculous flying to the ship. Also a competent writer wouldn't do a pull out bullshit like Finn being saved by Rose or whatever, that was so bad. The entire film is like that.


I expected something simple like she dies and her death gives Luke the motivation to get back into the fight.
