MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Should the Rebellion make an ethnic clea...

Should the Rebellion make an ethnic cleansing of white males in the galaxy?

According to the narrative of the modern Star Wars, white males are inherently evil nazis psychopaths. They can't help it, it's likely a biological evil feature. So... should the Rebellion kill all non-hispanic white males in order to bring Peace, Progress, Human Rights and Social Justice to the galaxy?


Naturally! And replace them with arab-looking, women-respecting males and, above all, BLACK SUPERIOR RACE!


Actually, no - you know what's on the docket? The #metoo movement - in the next film, Rey will be raped by Luke Skywalker's ghost and will spend the rest of the film chasing him, and finally taking him out for good.
