MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > am i'm the only one that noticed TLJ was...

am i'm the only one that noticed TLJ was a completely different movie?

when i watched TLJ it feels like a completely different movie. they didn't mentioned the Starkiller base or anything in TFA. I know they mention Han solo.

it feels like TLJ completely erased everything in TFA.


I'm still stuck on ships running out of gas "IN SPACE" and slowing down to be caught from behind. You know......inertia, space being a vacuum and all.


It didn't erase what was established in TFA, it simply ignored it. Ruin somehow forgot he was making a sequel, and wrote it as if it was a stand-alone film. Thus, none of the character arcs or plotlines set up in TFA were followed up on, making it feel disjoint.

One only hopes that JJ has found a way to retcon at least some of TLJ and finish the character and plot arcs as he originally intended in TROS.
