MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Looking like Kennedy and Johnson fired T...

Looking like Kennedy and Johnson fired Trevorrow because...

He adamantly disagreed with killing off Luke and Snoke in episode nine.

Cost him a huge amount of money...and what is looking like a huge amount of egg on his face...


What truly baffles me is how the whole thing went down. Let's take a look:

1) Trevorrow and Johnson are hired virtually at the same time to do EP9 and 8. At this point, nobody has even a remote clue what these episodes could look like. Gotta see what JJ comes up with first.

2) TFA is done and Johnson begins working on EP8. He decides this and that should happen (possibly Luke's death).

3) Trevorrow says that Johnson's script is incompatible with what he wants to do in EP9.

4) Trevorrow gets fired because Johnson has apparently more power within Disney/Lucasfilm.

Clearly, this whole 'make it up along the way' strategy of developing the ST backfired greatly. Right when TFA was made all the three directors should have sat together and agreed on a rough outline of the whole story. Hiring a director, however, and then later realising that what he has planned doesn't fit with what another director has planned is the most unprofessional and frankly dumb approach imaginable. TLJ already departed heavily from (or even flat out contradicted) TFA, EP9 will probably be even worse since JJ has pretty much nowhere to go from there. What a mess.


Man I can't stand Kennedy and she destroyed Star Wars. The only way the fans can send a message is to not give them any money. Don't buy tickets to Star Wars movies and don't buy merchandise. Wait till the movies come on HBO to watch them.

Now with JJ's recent comments, he shouldn't be supported either. If E9 does poorly in the theatres, at least compared to other Star Wars movies, the studio will get the message and changes will be made.


Exactly this. KK's Lucas film has demonstrated nothing save contempt for everyone outside of their Hollywood bubble.

The original story - fuck it, wipe it out.
The original characters - fuck 'em, make them shit so we can sell a new generation of consumers new toy lines.
Mark Hamill - fuck him, if he wanted his concerns listened to he should have worked on his career more and been powerful enough for us to give a shit about his thoughts.
The original fans - Bunch of idiots that will buy whatever shit we serve

The only language they speak is money. Don't give them a cent.


So true, they think of original fans with contempt.


I really hope fans can pull through on this. I know I will


Nobody in their right minds would be happy with TLJ if they had to make IX. As you say, where can the story go? The original characters are all dead (one way or another) so now they're going to have to tell a story that doesn't leach off the OT and there are precisely fuck all interesting places for the story to go.

I can't wait to see what JJ comes up with (not that I'll be paying a penny) - and brace yourself for cognitive dissonance on an unprecedented scale when the blogosphere is forced to attempt to justify one of the most bungled film trilogies in history.


OT destroyed. Next step, destroy the PT. JarJar already said he was going to tie it all back to them.


Can't wait


100% agree!!!


I don't understand why Hollywood doesn't work the way it used to anymore. Why does the director get a say in anything at all? You have a script and then you hire a director for the job. If the director is lucky he gets a say in the casting. That's how it's supposed to work. All this ultimate creator control is absurd. All three movies should have been written and ready before directors were even brought into the fold.


I doubt RJ really had that much say honestly. It was KK's vision he was hired to realize. The idea that TLJ was all the subversive vision of a maverick director is just Disney spin BS to hide the truth, that RJ was doing exactly what the Disney bigwigs wanted him to do, namely to destroy the actual Star Wars so the zombie Disney version could take its place. Now that the deed is done RJ will be discarded faster than a used bogroll wad, just my prediction.



I think that might explain splitting the directing up, yes, but it doesn't explain the making it all up as they go bit. I just find that incredible! And before somebody chips in with 'the original OT wasn't planned' it began with a coherent story that had a very satisfactory ending. It beggars belief that they green lit a $200 Million dollar film on a franchise they just paid $4000 with a script that doesn't explain how we got from VI to VII OR any idea of where to go in VIII.

And they've got away with it. Almost. The backlash for TLJ is a small ray of hope that sanity will prevail.



Fascinating read. After the TLJ disaster it's clear there are/were significant internal drama at Disney. SICKENING.


Glad you...enjoyed? Well no not know what I mean 😉


My read is that he bailed when he saw what KK really wanted to do: turning SW into nothing but a vehicle to push her fasco-feminist agenda, and specifically the character assassination of Luke Skywalker. Either he objected morally or just realized it would basically taint his name forever and probably end up being career suicide. Fortunately for KK the vermin RJ was too much of a preening self-satisfied idiot to have such concerns.


Well that was annoying to read. My stock in Trevorrow has certainly risen.


After reading that, I feel so angry and cheated at what Kathleen Kennedy has done to Star Wars. I was supportive of Colin Trevorrow when he was hired to direct Episode IX, and his story ideas felt like classic Star Wars.


im completly and utterly baffled as to why disney put Rian Johnson on such a high pedistal , what is it that he has done that is so epic they give him free rein to The Last Jedi and a new sequel trilogy ? why ? please can someone help me ? the man has had to continually explain events in TLJ to this day, TLJ was an absolute abomination, i absolutly dread to think what this new sequel trilogy will be like, i can imagine it being a star wars comedy.

Im close to the point now where im totally done with my beloved star wars, what i once loved is slowly turning into a complete and utter shambles. Fuck you Rian


Just don't think of it as Star Wars, because that's not what this is. I used to think SW at this point would be better without Lucas, but Disney is proving me very wrong. One day maybe some competent people will bring life and meaning back into it, but right now it is just a horrific, politicized cash grab. It's not Star Wars.


I'm glad he fucked off Ep9. Imagine having to do Kathleen's bidding and tainting your name forever. Trevorrow is no big director yet. He has made small films. Jurassic World is his only big movie. Book of Henry was poor received. I liked it, it was strange, but I liked it.

I'm glad he left SW and hope he keeps making Jurassic movies and just stays with that franchise. Maybe make some more smaller movies. He needs to keep his career. If he stayed with Ep9 and did whatever KK wanted, his career would be over. Or atleast his nerd-cred/fandom-cred would be over. He would have lost the internet and would have been hated just like Rian Johnson is now. Not that it matters much for the money that he would earn. But respect of the fans is something that I would imagine to be important.

I would hate it if fans around the world hated me. He has a bright future ahead, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom looks great and after that there is still 1 more movie to go to finish the trilogy. Maybe he will direct some Jurassic spin-offs? or prequels? who knows.
