MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The Last Jedi Deleted Scene: Finn vs Pha...

The Last Jedi Deleted Scene: Finn vs Phasma (starts 1:30)


I was surprised this version of the scene wasn’t in the novelization.


Its an okay scene. But Phasma still dies like a bitch. Why the hell doesn't she order the stormtroopers to just SHOOT FINN!? Why are they just standing there? Why does she allow him to have this whole monologue about Starkiller base? Then Phasma dies. What did she add to the overall story of SW?


It is pretty stupid but at least she had a scene. And they cut it for what? More Cantino Bight goodness?


Well...that sucked!


Yeah I was just checking to see if this was posted yet.

Godawful scene. Rian sucks. You know the only reason he cut this out is because his bloated movie ran too long already, not because the scene is awful.


Well all the scenes were awful really. At least here there was a slight attempt, however feeble, at character development and actually tying things into the events of TFA.


I thought it was a joke when he was standing there with the little toy weapon. Now that I've watched the whole thing. Is it a joke?

Why even bother having Phasma in it in the first place? She didn't do anything that couldn't have been done by a regular stromtrooper. The dumbass stormtrooper in TFA that brought a melee weapon to a gunfight had about as much relevance as she did.
