How Is Rey So Powerful?

Think we will get an explanation?


The force is strong with her. Super strong.

I don't have a problem with her being a powerful Jedi, but it got kind of silly when she was telling Han Solo how to fix the Falcon.


Since nobody bothers to actually fact check and keeps claiming Luke also magicly got his powers

Just google how much time passes between star wars movies first ok


Through the power of fiction.


She draws her power from the tears of weak men who cant grasp the idea that a JJ Abrams movie might have a mystery in it that will be explained later.


Isn't this literally what the op asked, if there will be an explanation?

Let's hope so!


Hard to know, theres so many people that just shit their pants and jumped in when rey plugged a game genie into her force powers.

One of things people say about JJ is that he sets up good mysteries, but that he has no end game attached. Like he just set up the question, then lets someone else answer it. In this instance I think the biggest problem these movies have is that there was no overall out line. It was just going to be three different dudes doing what they wanted. A lot of people complain about the last jedi, but I have to wonder is the reason the last jedi was the way it was is because of how JJ set it up. I mean what was Rian supposed to do with Luke hiding away on an island in the middle of nowhere and having some random girl walk up to him with a lightsaber?

I just dont get how disney can master the interconnecting stories with the marvel brand, but not even do the basics right with star wars. They blame the fact the franchise is losing is popularity because "theres too many of them". Which, IMO, is utter bullshit. Make good movies, people will come. Make shit movies, of course no one is going to want to come back. The horrible thing is solo wasnt that bad, yet took the hit for the last jedi. IMO, kennedy needs to go. Shes been in charge of star wars since 2012 and shes not done a good job at all. Star wars is a license to print money. And shes fucked up the printing press.

Apologies for the rant. Apparently that been in there a while. lol


Internet rumours abound about her being a descendant of Palpatine.


We already know why she's so powerful, because she's Rey and she has Mary Sue powers (which don't require an explanation because if you want an explanation then you're sexist)
