best to worst now?


ROTS (can't really decide to put this above Eps 789 or after)

R1 - probably after ROTJ? or ROTS maybe?
Solo - maybe after AOTC? or TPM? idk I didn't care for Solo at all.


A New Hope
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace


Disney trilogy does not count, am I right? Lol


Not to me it doesn't. Not ever.


Yeah I feel you, I do not recognize them as official, Star Wars ended with ROTJ for me as well. But it is still hard to get it out of your mind. Like the image of Luke milking a Sea Cow or knowing that the Emperor was brought back. It still eats at you like a gnat.


How right you are, my friend, how right you are. I will never be able to 100% pretend it all ended with Return of the Jedi. I'm a realist. As long as Disney calls it "canon" I just can't fully purge it out of my mind. Hell, even IF they de-canonize it, I'll never forget some of what I saw.

They really did piss in the soup and it's unfortunate because Star Wars was my favorite movie franchise all my life. I'm in my mid-thirties now. I grew up watching the old movies on old VHS tapes, grain and all. A New Hope is my favorite movie of all time. To watch Disney take a steaming dump on all that hurts in a way I can't describe.

And what truly pisses me off are the following:

-Some piece of shit schmuck like Rian Johnson coming along and telling me and those like me "Tough shit if I ruined your movies. They're not for you anymore, you sexist pig!"

-Some BITCH named Kathleen Kennedy coming along and calling me "sexist" and "misogynist" for "daring" to complain about her ruining my original trilogy.

-Apologist fanboys of the sequel trilogy parroting everything Johnson and Kennedy said and having the gall to claim I don't matter. I grew up with this stuff and feel outraged that they destroyed the entire PURPOSE of those movies I grew up with but *I* am the problem? I say this to them: "Who the fck do you think you are? Just because you guys look upon these movies as casual fans doesn't mean it's wrong for impassioned fans like me to exist.". But that's how it goes now. If fans like me get outraged by this crap, we get a bunch of fart-sniffers coming along and saying: "Get over it. Your childhood is over, nerd!" and "You guys are pathetic. It's, like, just a movie, bruh!". Idiots. Like what--it's wrong to be a pissed off fan? Is that what they're trying to say? Sure sounds like it.


Well Rian Johnson is right to tell you "tough shit if they ruined your precious Star Wars movie"you don't fact it would be hilarious if Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy came to your house just to personally spit in your face and tell you " tough shit" you deserve to have your precious Star Wars movie ruined cause all you do is act like a little spoiled, entitled brat that bitches and moans and throws tantrums if just the slightest little thing doesn't go your way. Grow the hell up, it's just a movie...the way you belly ache about how much you cherish the old Star Wars movies I wouldn't be surprised if you'd throw your own bitch of a wife under a bus to save this sunk franchise. I for one take great pleasure in seeing the misery this disastrous down fall of your beloved Star Wars is causing you, it's been a long time coming lol !




Yes it will never be fully out of our minds and that is frustrating. Seeing the complete tranformation of the franchise to something we find repulsive is frustrating. The fact that it impacts our enjoyment of the originals is frustrating.

Yeah the 'you're a sexist if you don't like Rey and the new Star Wars' stuff is so damn annoying it is hard to put into words. To basically have the filmmakers say 'screw you' to those that made the franchise what it is, is also a huge slap in the face.

Yeah the 'casual and disney fans that jump down our throats for our enthusiastic disdain for this garbage direction can go screw themselves.


Yeah, I mean--I love Leia. Loved her all my life. She's a sassy badass who never needed "super-duper powers" in order to BE badass.


Damn y'all need to get a damn life....😂😂


You have convinced me. You and I should never comment on any movies ever again. Since commenting and discussing films means we need to “get a life”. You go first I’ll be right behind you, I promise.


Original Trilogy is best:
1 The Empire Strikes Back
2 A New Hope
3 Return of A Jedi

The Prequel Trilogy:
4 Attack of the Clones
5 Phantom Menace
6 Revenge of the Sith

Worst is Disney fan fiction which undermined and attacked the original story and characters by destroying the ending of Return of a Jedi and destroying the character arcs of all the main characters:
7 Force Awakens
8 Rise of Skywalker
9 Last Jedi




ROTS (I know it’s not the best but is a personal fave)
Rogue 1



Have not seen TROS.


ESB 10/10
ANH 10/10
ROTJ 9.5/10
ROTS 9/10
TFA 8/10
R1 8/10
TROS 7.5/10
TPM 6/10
AOTC 5/10
SOLO 3/10
TLJ 2/10


01) Empire Strikes Back
02) A New Hope
03) Revenge Of The Sith
04) Return Of The Jedi
05) Attack Of The Clones
06) The Phantom Menace
07) The Holiday Special
08) The Last Jedi
09) Solo
10) Rogue One
11) Rise Of Skywalker
12) The Force Awakens


Nice list. Too many people are still not ranking TFA as the worse when it is really the film that is guilty of changing the type of films Star Wars is, violated and broke nearly every lore and magic system rule, pissed all over the OT and original characters, replaced with a bunch of boring caricatures that had modern day preppy personalities that in no way matched their given background and was just a boring lazy rehash of the Original combined with empty mystery boxes that established no setting and no clear direction.


So other people need to agree with you in order for their opinion to be valid? No actually not how life works sorry bud. As it stands TFA is better received than any Star Wars film outside the OT. I respect the fact that you disagree but you have no right to comment on what other people should rank a film. The majority disagrees with you get over it.


That’s not what he said


of course it is not; but posters like that have a tendency to overreact and present these non-arguments when cornered. I say that I think people are not taking everything into consideration in such rankings; especially those that view the sequel trilogy as an epic fail (at least overall) in execution. The film that is guilty of causing this failure was TFA; therefore (i feel) people should be ranking it lower.

To this assessment posters such as fn217phasma who love TFA without a justifiable reason other than 'well I liked it so there' try changing it to an argument about the weight of our opinions and completely ignore the actual analysis and criticism of the film itself. In short, it is a deflection for those with weak reason.


Yeah phasma is nothing more than a strawman, he doesn't have the first clue what he's talking about and he seems to be really really immature.

Maybe this is my bias but one reason I rank TFA so low is because of how overrated it was. People like Chris Stuckmann fanboyed in his pants when it first came out and when I saw it I was like "wait what do people see in this?" I was bored out of my mind and the characters were annoying. To this day I still can't figure out what the fuss was all about, it's nothing more than a soulless retread of A New Hope.


Same, I never got the hype; I hated it completely by about half way through the movie. I think some of the early moments that ruined it for me was, by the time Rey was fixing the falcon, Finn said the 'cute boyfriend' line and JJ 'blew his load' way to early with revealing Kylo's parents I was about done with the new films.

I never got the hype either, all the 'this is what Star Wars is supposed to be' or 'JJ returned us to what we loved' type stuff. What do we need a death star 3.0 and a "not-a-Tatooine' to fell like star wars. Is the force supposed to be a magic system that requires no training to be used? The fanboys went too nuts over this.

I think what bothered me more though was not just that people ignored all the flaws and praised it to high heaven but it was all the empty speculation on what would come next. I was so annoyed by that because it was very, very clear they had no plan in mind so literally any speculation was equally valid. There was no evidence to support any theory over any other. It was mind-numbingly frustrating.


Oh the line that is like a nail running against a chalkboard for me is “I bypassed the compressor” that is one of the most cringe inducing lines I have ever heard coming from MaRey Sue one of the most cringe inducing characters of all time. See with me I was stupid enough to think they did have a plan, it wasn’t until The Last Jedi that I realized this franchise was completely directionless


Oh yeah, that one was bad, but I don't know if the line of dialogue was bad or if it was her delivery. Either way, it made me cringe too. But then almost her entire performance I found cringe inducing like that. It started when she was having full conversation's with BB-8 that really started to set me off on her. I think the one were she 'rescues' him for apparently no reason just to try to send him off on his own again. I mean that scene made so little sense it hurts my mind to try to break it down. But for fun here we go:

First she hears the other scavenger getting tangled up with BB-8 so she decided to intervene and aggressively send him away in a threatening manner. Why? was she going to take BB-8 for herself? No, then what right did she have to try to deny him his take? A droid is seen as equipment not a being; so the other guy had as much right to it. Why does she treat BB-8 like a sentient being?

But then it gets even worse, she unties BB-8 and sends him off for no reason. Why even bother to rescue him if you are sending him off on his own again just to get captured again? And then she is conversing with him; responding to specific dialogue. How the hell can she speak droid, he speaks in chirps and chimes and yet she responds to him like she understands words. And on top of that here delivery was like annoyance with him, I get what they were going for with this scene and it was just dumb and a pathetic attempt to make Rey look 'cool'. It is stuff like this that set me off on this film.

It was not stupid to think they had a plan (they should have one). Many were caught up in the spectacle and not paying attention to the details in the characters, setting and plot. I just happened to notice all the issues as they were happening and knew there was not going to be a good answer to any of it.


Daisy Ridley is a bad actress and what made things worse is she had a horrible script to work with. I can't really explain why this is bad but after her and Finn pull off that little maneuver in the Falcon where the canon was jammed the shot of her pulling the lever that takes the Falcon out of the freefall was pretty cringe as well.

She is way over powered and she's not even a likable character which makes us actively root against her which is not how you are supposed to set up your main protagonist. She's an annoying, know-it-all Mary Sue. Sending off a droid out into the desert was a dumb idea, what the hell is the droid supposed to do? He'll overheat or get picked up in a matter of no time, she's an idiot.

I pointed this out earlier but there have been plenty of strong female characters in the past who were well written, we didn't have to have the message shoved in our faces every 5 seconds that she was a strong female character, her actions spoke for themselves. Examples: Sarah Conner, Ellen Ripley, Princess Leia, Tracy from On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Marion Ravenwood.

Another thing that just annoyed the crap out of me was when Leia first met FInn she immediately says "what you did was brave you must tell me everything you know" and then she even lets him sit in on attack meetings. Um the guy was a stormtrooper just a few days ago, for all she knew the whole thing was a setup and Finn was a double agent who was relaying the rebels plan back to the empire (I refuse to call them the Resistance and First Order). What a dumb scene. Oh and then there's the scene where Han and Leia both talk about things to each other that they both know and it's so blatantly obvious that they are really talking to the audience (they might as well have just broken the 4th wall)


I do not know her other work so cannot judge her overall as an actress but she was not a good fit for an action orientated role and did not fit the (bad) script. But no matter who played the role with over the top demonstrations of her being 'awesome' such as the scene you describeb it was going to be cringe. They just tried too hard to show her off and it came across so forced.

Exactly, it is not just her being overpowered but she is smug about it too. Like they were going out of the way to make her look extra noble but also wanted to make it look like she was not ambitious; the result of this meant she literally has not one discernible personality characteristic. Who is she as a person? What are her goals, motivations, aims, and what reason does she have for her seemingly benevolent actions? We actually never know other than she wants to know who she is and where she fits in? Well she should have had that figured out by the end of her being a teenager; which might have been more acceptable but by the end of the 1st film there still should have been an arc.

There are so many great strong female character leads, the latest one that I loved was Nebula in Endgame, she was freaking awesome and I think is now my favorite Marvel character. It is so frustrating to hear the 'you just don't like strong female characters' fallacy.

oh yeah there was just so much nonsensical things that had to happen to put people in certain places; I mean they make the joke about Finn being in 'sanitation'. That does not even make sense, how would he even know about the technical specification of the Death Star 3 as a janitor and why the heck would they re-assign him to the elite ground assault unit under Kylo? So many dumb scenes, actually almost every scene i can think of had something wrong with it.


You rank it low partly because of the rating? Interesting shouldn't you rank it based on it's own merits and not by everyone else's thoughts? And I am supposedly the ignorant one? Interesting logic there.


It is a logical reaction when thinking something is bad, others liking it for what appears to us to be insufficient or poor reasons will cause an equal and opposing response. This comes out in the form of becoming even more rigid in one's opinion and maybe in rating something even lower in a form of protest to those that are disagreeing but not providing any recognizable reason for having a different opinion.

Simply put, those like you do not provide sufficient reason to view the film highly and yet you do anyway. this causes us to view you and the film even lower and rate it such. You want that to change, start defending the film with more than 'well I liked it' or 'the flaws didn't bother me' or things of that nature. Objective merits and not personal opinions.


That's not what I said, seriously lay off the strawman. It's still a POS regardless of how overrated it is.


Maybe this is my bias but one reason I rank TFA so low is because of how overrated it was.

This showcases you are marking it down because of what other people thought of it. Your quote not mine chief. You should be judging it completely by it's own merits not by what other people thought. No strawman here I took your quote verbatim.


Show me where I said that was the only reason it was ranked last. Show me where I said that it was a good movie but was only ranked last due to its reception.


Nice try. Here is my quote.

You rank it low partly because of the rating?

You should not mark a movie down even partly because of what other people thought. No strawman I took your words verbatim. You got caught, it is time to come clean.


Show me where I said that was the only reason I ranked it low?


Show me where I said that was the only reason you ranked it low. You are attempting to change the argument. I said that shouldn't factor in at all. With your quote you showed that influenced your rating a bit.


Trust me sweetheart, even without my bias being factored in it still would have been an F movie so your entire premise is irrelevant. Also considering these are my rankings I can use whatever criteria I feel like.


Not the point. That shouldn't factor in at all. I do not trust bias people. Feel free to use whatever criteria you like, but know that people will put less stock in you when you show your bias.


You were never going to trust me in the first place because you didn’t like my opinion from the start. I don’t trust people who frequently twist other people’s words around and you have been called out for that repeatedly


Not true I trust dteam6 and he is an avid hater of these new films. I did not twist anything I took your words verbatim.


Go back and read we’ve called you out multiple times for strawmanning


Nope I took your words verbatim. I noticed you can't come against your own quote lol.


I noticed you had no defense for your pathetic strawman attempts


How is it a strawman when I took your quote verbatim? I do not think you know what a strawman argument is.


Go back and read this thread you were called out multiple times. Also I clearly said that even if it wasn’t for the fanboyism I’d still rank this movie very low, even after leaving the theater before I even read any reviews I already didn’t think it was better than phantom menace. you’re really reaching here


I did and I found nothing. Still you openly stated the fact that it was rated too high led you to rank it even lower. Which shows you rank things on a curve based on what others think. Rather juvenile if you ask me. How am I reaching when you literally said that with your own words?


You seem to think that the reviews had a drastic effect on the films ranking when it didn’t, I hated the film even before I read the reviews. I am not going to spoon feed this to you either go back and read or give it up


You yourself said it factored into you rating it lower. Your words not mine. I understand you hate the film regardless that is not the point. You openly admitted on a public form that it's rating by other people factored into you rating it lower.


I also said I still would have hated the film even without the fanboyism so it doesn’t make any difference.


Nope obviously it did because you openly admitted that it factored into you rating it lower. You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, it is time to come clean.


Lol come clean about what? Again it’s my ranking I can rank it how I want.time for you to come clean about your strawmans and your deflection attempts


About the fact that you rank movies on a curve based on what others think. You openly stated this which shows you are insecure about other people's opinion.


And it’s my subjective opinion, I can determine it anyway I please


Yep you can, never said you couldn't. I just do not respect people who are bias like that. It Destroys credibility. Not that you had any to begin with.


Factoring out the fanboyism what would I have ranked it? Unless you can prove that that factor was enough to drop the film down significantly your entire premise falls flat on its stupid face


Only you can know that. You openly did state though that factored into you rating it lower. Which is juvenile. It shows you care about what other people think.


Since you can’t demonstrate that it would have been higher without considering that factor you have no argument. But here I just reconsidered my rankings and this is how it stands when I completely disregard fanboys:
1) The Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) Revenge of the Sith
4) Return of the Jedi
5) Attack of the Clones
6) The Phantom Menace
7) The Holiday Special
8) The Last Jedi
9) Solo
10) Rogue One
11) The Rise of Skywalker
12) The Force Awakens

There end of discussion , the fanboyism didn’t have any affect on the actual rankings.


I think this is all a deflection on your part because you can’t defend this POS movie


Nope I caught you and now you are deflecting. It is okay it is your right to be wrong.


It is a deflection you can’t defend your movie so you try to attack the integrity of the people who don’t like it. Very pathetic on your part


I have no issue with people disliking the film. dteam6 hates these new Star Wars films and I enjoy them. Difference is unlike you he is intelligent. He also does not make ignorant claims like you.


Lol that’s pretty arrogant of you, anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant by default


Then why do I respect dteam6? He disagrees with me.


Don’t know who you’re talking about



I see one interaction between the two of you, and it looks like in that one instance you chose to engage in an honest discussion, why you can't do that elsewhere is your problem.


I was honest, I took your quote verbatim.


"Nice list. Too many people are still not ranking TFA as the worse when it is really the film that is guilty of changing the type of films Star Wars is, violated and broke nearly every lore and magic system rule, pissed all over the OT and original characters, replaced with a bunch of boring caricatures that had modern day preppy personalities that in no way matched their given background and was just a boring lazy rehash of the Original combined with empty mystery boxes that established no setting and no clear direction."

YOU: So other people need to agree with you in order for their opinion to be valid? No actually not how life works sorry bud. As it stands TFA is better received than any Star Wars film outside the OT. I respect the fact that you disagree but you have no right to comment on what other people should rank a film. The majority disagrees with you get over it.

That is dishonest. The guy was just stating his opinion then you asserted that he asserted that people had to agree with him in order to be valid and he said no such thing.


Lol so you have abandoned our conversation and leeched onto another. This is because you are now grasping at straws since you lost the original debate. Anyway I am done with you go on now.


So you can't address that point?

And I didn't lose anything, I gave you your recount and the rankings came out exactly the same way they were before.


Welcome to the ignore list. You will not be missed.


What a loss


No I can respect a person who disagrees with me. Dteam6 is an avid hater of the Disney Star Wars films. Thing is he does not expect everyone to share his view. You feel other people should be ranking it lower because you are insecure in your view. You want to be validated, that is why you want it to be ranked lower. Dteam6 is at least straight up about how he feels and is civilized to those who disagree. Wish I could say the same for you. Oh well life goes on.


I do not expect others to share my view. I feel that if you hate TLJ and you dislike TFA you are putting the blame on the wrong film; my argument is that TLJ was bad because of how bad TFA was at setting up a coherent story with 'likable' characters. I have not heard any reason or arguments to counter that claim. I do not respect an argument if one has not presented an argument, I can't respect something that is not there.

I do not need to be validated, but I do expect people to be able to provide reasons for how they view things or you risk coming across as one that is not putting much thought or effort into things. Why should I respect your opinion if it seems you have not given your opinion much thought?


Oh but it is quite apparent you do expect others to share your view. I never asked you to respect an argument that is not there. Again you miss the point entirely.

You do need to be validated it shows in what you are saying. You commented and said people need to rate TFA lower. You expect an explanation but who says you are entitled to one? No one owes anybody anything. I can and will rate the films whatever it is I please. Oh and the reason I have no interest in sharing my opinions is because it is quite apparent you are closed minded. Why waste time on someone who is married to an idea?

Your mind is made up so I will do us both a favor and save us both the time of day. Bottom line do not tell others what they should rate a film. The world does not owe you anything. Either way as it stands TFA is better received than the prequels were. You are in the minority in thinking it is worse. I get being curious to know people's reasons but you are not entitled to it. Critics and users write reviews on films and tell you why they think it works or does not. They do not wait and go hold on let me get through this person first before I put up my thoughts.


You are truly dense aren’t you. I AM NOT TELLING PEOPE HOW TO RANK THINGS. I am only saying that if you put more blame on TLJ being a terrible film than you do it’s predecessor then you have not considered fully the problems that TFA caused it you did then you would rank it lower. You have no argument against that point so you just keep densely stating I am trying to tell people how to rank films and then claim I am insecure and in need of validation. Which is all fallacy statement and not argument. You such at this. Don’t comment if you don’t understand what you are replying to. It makes you look stupid and wastes my time


No argument of mine has been presented and I will keep it that way against the closed minded. It is apparent you need validation otherwise you wold not be in cahoots with moviechatuser497. Do a little digging through his post history, he is quite the ignorant one. Let me ask this what determines a movie's place in cinematic history? Is it you or is it what the mass majority of people and or critics thought? So you are basically saying that it is impossible to dislike Last Jedi while enjoying TFA if you understand film making?


What makes a film is great is a combination of many things. The quality of the movie itself when all merits are considered, story qualities characters plots settings as well as production value. Then the critical response and audience response and how well those can hold up to scrutiny. But one of the most important elements is how it stands up to the test of time. As far as I can see TFA failed multiple categories of story telling despite it high production value
Audience and critics response to it initially was great but as far as I can see it is not standing the test of time. Even with the last movie in the trilogy it launched in theaters right now. It will be remembered as the beginning of the end of Star Wars. At least as far as I can see
Where am I wrong in any of this assessment?


Not standing the test of time critically? Last time I checked which was just now TFA and Last Jedi have exceptional scores on Rottentomatoes and metacritic. So no not true.

Not by a long shot is it the beginning of the end for Star Wars only a bump in the road. The Mandalorian got great reviews and is thriving. TROS while critically mixed still is making good money, therefore there will be more Star Wars to come. I think you want it to be the end but isn't. An example of a dead franchise is Terminator. The critical score was lukewarm at best and it was a box office bomb. That franchise is dead.


Rating on websites have literally nothing to do with the test of time. In most cases the hundreds of thousands of reviews and scores were cast immediately after watching the film. of those hundreds of thousands only a very few would go back and amend their score. So the rating will be basically what it always was upon release; at least for films that have existed 'after' the internet became popular.

The Mandalorian is a very mediocre show, I do not see it having much staying power but time will tell. TROS is on track to make less than TLJ. The finale of Star Wars should have been making Avengers Endgame type money. They will barely break a billion dollars when all said and done. Factor in the production and marketing cost and the fact that the theaters get about half of every ticket sale; TROS will actually not make very much money and far far less than it should have.

I agree about Terminator. Salvation was the beginning of the end for that film franchise. If I was to equate it with Star Wars; TROS is about where Terminator Genisys was after release in terms of the IP death spin. There will be a few more movies that will come out that will gradually do worse and worse; like worse than Solo. another 5 years later they will try to do a reboot of somekind again and it will bomb even harder and then they will stop making them for quite some time.


What are the movies that typically make the best of lists? You guessed it acclaimed films! Even if you want to pull that card with the ratings then people on imdb also have a voice. As it stands TFA is rated better than all of the prequels. So is Rogue One. So it seems to me it is standing the test of time better than the prequels did. Acclaimed films are the movies that make the best of lists. TFA also made the top 10 of afi in 2015. In case you do not know them here is a description of how they determine a top 100 list.

The first of the AFI 100 Years... series of cinematic milestones, AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies is a list of the 100 best American movies, as determined by the American Film Institute from a poll of more than 1,500 artists and leaders in the film industry who chose from a list of 400 nominated movies. The 100-best list was unveiled in 1998.

The Mandalorian is not a mediocre show by any stretch. It has gotten solid critical acclaim by critics and by users. It seems to be the one thing in Disney Star Wars that fans seem to unanimously agree on. It is nestled in at an 8.9 rating currently. Mediocre? Sorry but um no not even close. Just because a film does not make as much as their last by no means makes it a failure. Was it what they hoped for no but it is far from a bomb. By this logic people lost interest after A new Hope since Empire Strikes Back did not gross as much. A billion dollars is still a profit either way. It will take a serious tank to take down Star Wars. Star Wars is like Bond it will always be a part of cinema no matter how many entries they do.

Mediocre according to you. You have nothing other than opinion on that one. The mass majority thinks otherwise.

Everybody swore up and down it would gross less money than Solo. Well... That did not happen. The reason I think you are desperate for validation is I think you want these things to happen. You want everyone to agree with your view that these films are worse than the prequels. Therefore you are now projecting, and hoping that the numbers drop to support your view.


Only some films that are critically acclaimed stand the test of time and some films that were poorly acclaimed out the gates become considered among the best ever. TFA has not been around long enough to be re-evaluated and I promise you it has less impact than even the prequels did. Give it 5 more years and people will talk about the prequels with more fondness than this trilogy; which will be remembered as the worse. Despite you going to your grave loving it.

Mandalorian is a rather bland video game plot like questing structure that makes very little progress in its first stage act and then transitions into an episodic structure all the while the primary character doesn't talk or grow much and mostly just walks around stiffly. People are praising it to high heaven because it is the first Star Wars to not totally suck in about 30 years and people are suckers for the "baby yoda". It has incredibly high production value (maybe better than the films) but relies on nostalgia just as much as the Sequel Trilogy and Rogue One. Rogue One I felt was an okay movie, rather uninspired but at least it was not insulting and lore breaking.

Nope, I just described the objective weaknesses of that show and almost all critics agree on those points. That rate it high in-spite of those shortcomings, which is why the term hypocrite you used early applies.

I do not think anyone swore it would lose money like Solo did, we mostly said it would not make as much as it should have; it being on track to make less than TLJ is proof that our evaluation was correct. Claiming that I am desperate for validation is a fallacy, a non-argument. It means you are full of crap and this conversation is now derailed.

The prequels are bad but in a different way. I value Story over aesthetics and expectations; and even execution of the story. Objectively the prequels might be as bad as the sequels; but subjectively the sequels bothered me far worse.


You are right only some films that are acclaimed do but typically it is the acclaimed films that make it. Rare cases of films mixed upon release turn around later but the batting average shows that the acclaimed films make the best of lists. If you adjust for inflation TFA is the second highest grossing Star Wars movie ever made. Which shows it had a bigger cultural impact than any of the prequels did. Next in line was Phantom menace but after that Rogue One and Last Jedi made more money than the prequels when adjusting for inflation. So no wrong on that account.

Rogue One did not suck and got praised as well. So no it was not the first Star Wars film to not suck in 30 years. Again your opinion.

Acknowledging a weakness does not mean something is not highly regarded. Look at the reception for the show on imdb. That is not a mediocre score it got. Can something have a flaw everyone acknowledges and still be highly received? The answer is yes.

No me saying you need validation is not a fallacy. You are saying stuff which reeks of desperation for validation. You said the prequels had more cultural impact than the Disney sequels and I debunked it. That was an empty statement you made. Then you go on to say I promise you the prequels will be more fondly remembered. Funny TFA is 4 years old now and it still sits firmly above the prequels on imdb. How much longer do I have to wait? This shows you want that to happen to support your view. Not a fallacy an observation.

I myself find the sequels to be far better. You are in the minority in thinking the prequels are better.


I Didn’t see Solo or TROS so I can’t rank those but other than that:






For me:

SOLO/QI'RA - though boring


Move Solo down next to TFA and this is my list too, triplea.
>secret handshake<


Good list, Rouge One is definitely underrated by most people, I think it got thrown out with the bathwater of the terrible Disney trilogy. I watched it over xmas for the third time and if anything, it's getting better not worse. There are a few little "quirks" where the filmmakers neglected to respect OT cannon, but it feels like Star Wars.

I also agree that the Lucas Prequel trilogy goes from best to worst (most people have elevated ROTS for some reason, but it's the same trash, IMO).
