Serious question: What do you think the odds are of Disney removing this trilogy from canon?

Given the massive backlash and the "pissed in the soup" feeling, what do you think the odds are of Disney pulling a Ghostbusters Afterlife and Halloween 2018 with this franchise and making a "pretend the other sequels didn't happen" followup?

We live in a strange time now where many of these are popping up. Some successful (Halloween 2018) and some total flops (Terminator Dark Fate).

Some have theorized that they may sack Kennedy and put the Disney+ tv crew in charge of a "new regime" moving forward.

Can we hope for Disney to pull its head out of its ass? I have my doubts.


Canon? What's that?

They're going to milk this Star Wars universe until its last drop. When they're done with all the sequels and spin-offs, next come the reboot. Canon? What's that?


Kennedy will be moved out, but there is no chance that the sequel trilogy will be de-canonized.


It would be nice, but it’s not happening. They’ve dumped so much money into these movies with their merchandising and video games. The trilogy overall did very well critically and financially, and it was only the original fans did the trilogy not connect with. Not to mention, the prequel trilogy was met with equally negative criticism but Disney decided not to remove them from canon (though they did ignore them).

I hate all of the “direct sequels that ignore everything but the first” trend that’s going on. If the studios don’t like the sequels, they shouldn’t have made them that way. Dark Fate was the THIRD direct sequel in that franchise and it did nothing.


They can't sell the new toys for shit, and most of the sequel characters are disliked, but if it were to happen, which I doubt unfortunately, they'd need to pay mega bucks to bring back Ford and Hamill, and the guy who plays Chewie now will be glad of the work!

They’d also need to use the George Lucas plot points that were so callously discarded in favour of the force is female shit, I think they were partly scared that it would be too much like the prequels and the use of kids was another drawback, but that was before Stranger Things and IT showed kid actors can be bankable again.

I’d love to see it happen, Lucas was disrespected big time by Disney and by some fans after the prequels.
