MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave 2 (2013) Discussion > another castration film? Any guys gettin...

another castration film? Any guys getting tired of this crap?




I'm a guy and while I obviously averted my eyes during that scene, I wasn't offended by it or full of righteous anger on Ivan's behalf. I had no sympathy for Ivan and didn't identify with him out of some misguided sense of gender solidarity. He was a repulsive character. I'm not generally offended by scenes of vengeance in revenge films, regardless of whether they are perpetrated by a male or female protagonists. I also don't view this as a "castration film" nor am I aware of that genre.


To answer the OP's question, I guess just as tired as women are of seeing other women being raped which is portrayed in TV shows and movies alike more often than they show the raped getting revenge by castrating their rapists. Yet I'm not whining about it like some of the sissy ass men here are. If you are so tired of this crap, why do you bother watching?


Not really the same thing though is it...

Rape is very rare but if it does happen then its a horrible thing. However it is reality, and does happen. Showing it is a way films reflect reality. They rarely show hardcore details and usually approach showing virtually nothing when its on TV.

Castration on the other hand never really happens, in this film they not only included it, but they took it to the ridiculously offensive stage and showed you everything.

Even the rape in this film didn't show as much as that scene at the end. So it doesnt even compare. This film was made for the mentally unhinged man haters out there which these days go by the title of feminist and thats it. No man wanted to see this crap especially when they didn't get to see anything remotely similar when she was being tortured.

....The only good feminist is a dead feminist...


"No man wanted to see this crap" yet I see a bunch of men on here who have not only seen it but are now bitching about it. I find it hard to believe that no one knew what kind of movie this was before watching it. And you are out of your mind if you think that rape is "very rare". So what more did you want to see in regards to the rape? The actual penetration? I'm sure neither the female or male actors would agree to that. Also, you mean to tell me that torturing her and tormenting her wasn't enough for you? The torture and tormenting that they did show alleges the rape.

What does it matter whether or not castration rarely happens or not? Sorry, but I would imagine that in the eyes of the victims of rape (be it a woman or a man), I would think that castration would seem like justice to them. I'm not co-signing taking justice into your own hands mind you, but I can definitely understand.

And per your comment at the end of your post, funny how you have a problem with castration, but have no use for anyone who is pro-women and think they're better off dead. That speaks volumes to a person's character. Either you're scared of women or feel threatened by them which explains why you're offended by seeing a violent rapist or rapists being emasculated even if it's in a movie.


Ok first of all you state that rape isn't rare.... This is *beep* lets look at the FBI statistics shall we ?

In every 100,000 people 29.3 "people" are raped. As that is people not women that means the number of women that are raped every 100,000 is even less. That is tiny, thats lower than nearly every other recorded crime. So you can stick your feminist victim complex where the sun doesnt shine on that one.

Second of all, please show me explicitly listing the names of films where we have women who have molested children or have raped children where we then see a revenge scene where we see the woman laid out on a table and then their genitalia not only in full show but then cut to shreds showing every single detail, with a vengeful child that was once sexually abused by her ?

When you show me a film like that I will start taking what you are saying seriously, because at the moment you are talking utter garbage.

Hell, show me a film where we have had a woman tied down and a man is attacking and rupturing her breasts or mutilating her genitalia in any form even without some kind of vengeful person doing it for a justified reason ?

You can't, so to say this is remotely acceptable is again garbage. Perhaps if you spent more time looking at the facts and less time throwing insults at me your post might be readable. Currently it just reads like it was written by a blind 5 yr old child, because you clearly can't see whats in front of your face.

This film shows a rape (sex) where you don't even see all of her, then goes on to show full nudity of the men and complete close ups of their genitalia being tortured. If you can't see how that is completely over the top and unbalanced, you are a retard and need some professional help.

....The only good feminist is a dead feminist...


Wow! Really guy?

First off, it's honestly not that serious to me to prove anything to some miscellaneous IMDB wanna-be gangsta. And even if I did decide to take the time to research and list the movies that I find to be explicit, who's to say that the next person (like yourself) will find them explicit? I'm sure you would say that it wasn't as explicit as you would like a rape scene to be. I'm guessing from your posts that you would like to see the actress actually get raped. Which by the way, I find amusing that you think I need professional help when you're the one who wants to watch an actual rape. The point that I was trying to make in my original post is that hyper-sensitive people have no business watching movies like this.

Secondly, I'm a 5 year old?! No sir, you're the 5 year old whining like one about it....

"Oh, they are so explicit with male castration and not the woman being raped"..... :'(

Well boo f'ing hoo!

You sound very immature complaining that you didn’t get to see as much T and A as you were hoping to.

I've never complained about rape scenes in TV or movies regardless of who is being raped (man or woman) the way you are complaining about the castration scenes. I also stand by my original statement that there are more TV shows and movies that depict rape than castration. And of course basic TV doesn't show much of anything including nudity and/or foul language. But that doesn't change that the implication of rape is still there in some TV shows that are dealing with the topic. Not too much in the way of castration on TV and not nearly as much in movies as there is rape.

While admittedly, rape scenes are not easy to watch but neither is the castration because I can still imagine the agony of it even though I don't have male genitalia myself. But guess what? I understand that this is a movie and accept it for what it is. I put my big girl panties on and decide; do I want to watch it or not. Perhaps you should try putting on some big girl panties and set yourself free. It's quite clear from your posts that you hate women and might be better off as one since I can't imagine any female in her right mind would want to deal with a woman hater such as yourself. But then again, I wouldn't want you to be part of the sisterhood either.

Thirdly, as I mentioned earlier, I really don't care that much to take the time to do any sort of research for an IMDB troll as it isn't that serious to me so I will take you at your word that those are the "FBI statistics" in regards to rape but keep in mind that those numbers would increase if more people (both men and women alike) would actually report the crime. So those “FBI statistics” really don't mean too much to me. So you can stick that and your chauvinistic women hating BS where the sun don't shine on that one yourself as soon as you take the stick out. Side note, even 1 person being raped is still too much. And once again, I don't care if that 1 person is male or female.

Ultimately, it's just a movie. Get your life and get over it bro.

P.S. - If you actually read my first comment on this thread, it was directed at the original poster, not you. And I'm not sure where you're getting that I came for you first in my initial response to you. In fact, you took the first stab at me. But if you felt that I attacked you in some way, that's the hyper-sensitivity I was referring to in the first paragraph of this post. But you're in luck though. It just so happens that I have a tampon and some Midol for that. I'd take it if I were you. Seems like you need it.


So to summarise your long and bloated post, you have no evidence to back up your "help I am a victim" mentality and therefore have just proved me completely right and you are full of crap.

Thanks for backing my argument up.

Your strawman arguments are a little tiring though. I never said I hated women I challenge you to find a post that I have made that I do. You will fail.

At the end of the day your argument is weak and pathetic. You know I am right, you haven't been able to provide any examples of such graphic and twisted detail and gore shown in this movie against a male against a female and that has proven my point.

And that has proven the point of the OP as well. Men as sick and tired of having this complete double standard when it comes to movies and TV.

Women can get away with anything and men are supposed to just take it, but when a man does something well then we go extreme sadistic on his ass and thats completely justified in the minds of women like you.

The only reason that you are ok with this is because you clearly hate men, and have some kind of chip on your shoulder. Otherwise you too would admit that there is something wrong with only showing men in this manner.

Next time you want to engage in a debate on a topic try and remove the chip off your shoulder first.

....The only good feminist is a dead feminist...


Oh please, cry me more of a river. {Insert violins here} “Women can get away with everything and men are supposed to just take it…..” God, YOU are really pathetic. Begging the question, who has the “victim mentality”?

Nope, you are wrong again. (I can’t help but notice that you being wrong is a constant habit.) I’m not a man hater, but I am a rapist hater. And so sorry to disappoint you, but I do not play the position of a victim either. That would be you sir and this whole entire thread; men complaining about the poor, torturous rapists in a fictional movie who were castrated. DISCLAIMER: No men were actually castrated in the filming of this movie. Will that make you sleep better at night?

Please seek professional help for your anger towards women and address with a therapist as to why you see women as such a threat to your masculinity and also why you see reverse sexism in everything. Perhaps you should also discuss why you cannot differentiate between fact and fiction, real life and fantasy/entertainment. And where do I get the idea that you are a woman hater? Hmmmm, let me think. Could it be.... "....The only good feminist is a dead feminist...."?

I don't advocate violence towards anyone - male or female. I've said this over and over again in all of my posts. So it doesn't really support your theory that I'm a man hater. Your lines really are so crossed. You are so caught up. This is just a movie and you are getting confused between real life and entertainment. Being that I am able to comprehend the simple fact that this is just a FICTIONAL MOVIE, I don’t have a problem with the female character getting revenge on her rapists/torturers because it is just that - a MOVIE. After all the other countless movies and TV shows where a character (any character; be it male or female) has been raped and doesn’t seek their own personal revenge, it’s a different take on the subject matter. But as far as real life goes, I've already said I don't believe in taking justice into your own hands. I DO NOT justify it. Although it is completely understandable and human nature to feel the need to take revenge but that doesn’t mean you should act upon it unless it is truly self-defense.

So you think there's a double standard against men? LMAO! Sir, I can't thank you enough for my laugh of the day. No, really, that was funny. At least your post is good for something - a good laugh - and that's about all it's good for. I could mention all of the double standards towards women in entertainment too but I’m not going to bitch about it because then I would be the “victim” you accuse me of. Instead, I’ll continue to let you be the hypocrite here. If at any time I don’t like what I am watching, I have the power to turn it off as do you and anyone else who is offended. However, unlike you, I understand the difference between real life and entertainment. So that is why I can watch a movie like this and not complain about it. IF (and that’s a BIG if) there really is a double standard against men in TV/movies, be thankful you don't have to contend with the REAL double standard that females have to face day in and day out in REAL life. By reading your posts, you certainly couldn’t handle it.

Oh and it's not that I haven't been ABLE to provide any examples, it's just that I choose not to for reasons previously mentioned. So that proves nothing to your non-existent point. Side note, please learn to read my posts thoroughly if you plan on responding.

There’s a chip on MY shoulder?! That’s funny coming from you. If I have a so-called chip on my shoulder it’s from having the same redundant and very exhausting, tedious conversation with ignorant trolls such as you.

To address a previous comment of yours, I agree that there isn’t much in the way of castration in movies and/or TV. I never said there was. Again, you did not really read my posts. So you mean to tell me you can’t deal with the very few movies and/or TV shows that do deal with it or show it? Man the F up dude! You sound really soft and pink right now sweetheart. If the movie (or any movie or TV show for that matter) offends anyone’s delicate sensibilities (that goes for both men and women alike), don’t watch it. And I will give you the benefit of the doubt, if you didn’t know what kind of movie this was before you started watching it, as soon as you saw something that offended you, all you had to do is grab your remote and turn it off. Otherwise, slap an “H” on your chest and “Handle” it! Good grief.

P.S. FYI, a true feminist believes in equality of all people including both sexes. If you take a moment away from your sexist women hating long enough perhaps you might be able to see that.


I only had to read the last couple of lines to know the rest of your ridiculously long and inaccurate / deliberately fraudulent post is utter horse $hite

"a feminist believes in equality of all people including both sexes."

You are so deluded if you believe that it explains why the rest of your post is utter nonsense.

"Oh and it's not that I haven't been ABLE to provide any examples, it's just that I choose not to for reasons previously mentioned."

Hahah so pathetic, you haven't even got the balls to admit you can't provide any examples, because there aren't any. Its sad when people like you can't even admit when you are wrong and have to lie and spew crap to try and deflect from the point you are wrong.

Interacting with you is like dealing with an adolescent. With your dialect including "LMAO" and "Man the F up Dude!" and "cry me more of a river (insert violins here)" I can only assume that you are actually a child this explains your weak arguments and mindless ramblings...

You also seem to lack the intellectual maturity to understand that feminism does not equal women. Feminism was created and is based on feminist theory. Feminism is an ideology that the vast majority of women want nothing to do with. At the last count under 15% of women in the US would consider themselves a feminist. Why ? Because its an ideology and is full of bitter, twisted, vile, overweight, sexist, bigoted, misandry spewing women who hate men and attack everything that is male.

This is why feminism is a tiny minority group and is growing smaller every day as more and more people abandon the name and walk away.

All helped by events like Gamers Gate which showed feminists trying to force themselves into the gaming world and them being told to do one and being completely rejected from it.

Or by Shirt gate where feminists attacked a scientist who had after 10 years of planning just landed a probe on a comet travelling at 100,000 mph just for the shirt he was wearing.

Or how about Page 3 in the UK where feminists tried to attack a public newspaper and force it to remove a page it has had in print for decades and were also told to do one.

Feminism is nothing about equality, if it was it would focus on mens issues as well and it has repeatedly demonstrated that it does not do that and never will. Instead as it has run out of female issues (no matter how pathetic and trivial) it has now turned to being about hatred and attacking anything that men enjoy (Gamer Gate was a perfect example of that).

So no I have nothing against women, like I said the vast majority of women hate feminism and the hatred and decisiveness nature of it. I do have a problem with feminists as they are (as I have described) vile and hateful creatures who produce films like this one.

But I am sure you already knew that.....


Here we go again. You’re like an annoying car alarm that just keeps going off; makes a whole lot of noise and does nothing else except to give everyone around a headache.

Either you are intentionally missing the point just so you can argue for argument’s sake, dim-witted or a combination of the two. Troll, please get a clue. I wrote LMAO because I didn’t feel like writing out the entire phrase and also because I was really laughing my a$$ off (there feel better) at your ridiculousness and I wrote “F” so not to violate any sort of terms of this website by writing out the four letter F word that rhymes with truck. Not quite sure why you consider the other phrases immature in your warped mind and quite frankly, I don’t really care either. I guess that’s what happens when you have a hollow argument, you have to nitpick at petty things.

If you are going to quote me, please at least get the quote right. I said a TRUE feminist believes in equality of all people including both sexes. And I still stand by that statement. Any violent extremist can claim an allegiance to a particular group, religion, ideology, etc…but that doesn’t make them a true follower and/or believer. To make a quick analogy, there are extreme terrorists who commit unspeakable acts of violence and hold public executions and claim it is in the name of their higher power so does that mean they represent their entire religion? I think not as I don’t judge people based on the actions of some mentally unstable extremists. I’m quite sure the true followers of the faith don’t co-sign what those extremists are doing and believe those savage animals are not only doing a disservice to it but are also making a mockery of it as well. So according to your dumb logic, you make broad generalizations of a group of people based on some sick, twisted individuals who have a distorted view of it to begin with. So that would make you not only a sexist but a bigot too. No surprise there though as sexism and bigotry usually go hand in hand anyway. All through my posts, I keep saying I don’t advocate violence and keep putting men and women in the same category as equals. How sexist and hateful of me that is, isn’t it? But I forgot, you don’t really read my posts so I have no choice but to sound like a broken record by repeating the same thing over and over again. I don’t condone any of the above violence you mentioned and I also don’t condone any of the violence you “forgot” to mention either that men have committed against women.

Could your arguments be any more gender specific? Men this, men that, men’s issues, etc…. I know this is going to be a foreign concept for you but how about putting your energy into ALL people’s issues and interests? And then you wonder why I believe you are sexist. Because you are obviously only concerned with the interests of men. Thank you once again for proving my point. And that’s exactly the reason why I can’t admit that I’m wrong because well, I’m not. Not in this case anyway. I’m concerned not only with the issues of both sexes but the issues of all people in general as I mentioned several times in all of my posts but surprise, surprise, not one mention from you about women’s issues with the exception to say that they are “pathetic and trivial”. Hmm, sexist much? SMH in disgust (oh excuse me, shaking my head in disgust).

If you feel that men’s voices are not being heard or men’s issues not addressed, by all means start a “Maleism movement” or a support group. I support your right to do just that. I’m all for everyone’s voice being heard and having the same equal rights unlike you.

“attacking anything that men enjoy”…So women can’t enjoy gaming too? My bad, I didn’t realize that gaming was something exclusively intended for the all boy’s club. Not that I game personally as I have more important things to do with my time than to play childish games. So by all means, if you wish to indulge your childishness, you can have that as far as I’m concerned - game away my man or should I say my child.

“ Hahah so pathetic, you haven't even got the balls to admit you can't provide any examples, because there aren't any”…Wow! What do you know? For once you ARE right, I DON’T have any balls. And I wouldn’t know offhand about any examples because I haven’t even bothered to research nor will I as it’s not that serious to me. Only you have got your panties in a twist over this. And isn’t “Hahah” the old school way of saying LOL or LMAO? Epic fail of an attempt to try criticize me for using the abbreviation of LMAO. What a pathetic hypocrite you are. You are so full of yourself. So sad that you are blinded by your self-righteousness to see it. Please have a seat. In fact, have several seats.

“So no I have nothing against women”…I know you don’t bother to read what I write but I don’t think you even bother to read what you write either otherwise you would find it as contradictory and delusional as I do.

So to circle back to the original topic at hand, since YOU keep deflecting and taking this way off topic, this is supposed to be a forum to discuss this movie. The bottom line is the movie is intended for mature audiences. You are clearly not mature enough to handle the subject matter and unfortunately you lacked the common sense to turn it off once you were offended and as a result came here to complain that the fictional characters who portrayed the rapists/torturers in this fictional movie were treated so unfairly and unjustly and are also upset that you didn’t get to see any T and A nor witness an actual rape. Then you make a lame attempt to come at me because I was trying to make a point to the OP of this thread that the outrage is hypocritical. But by all means, everyone is entitled to be in their feelings about it no matter how misplaced or misguided their outrage may be. Just don’t be surprised when someone then calls you out for it.

Oh and by the way, the majority of the credited producers of this film were male and only one female. And in case you were wondering, the writers and director credited were also male.

But I am sure YOU already knew THAT…..



I think the point is just that you never ever see a victim man torturing and murdering an evil woman or destroying her genitals because that movie would be picketed and banned regardless of whatever that woman had done to 'deserve it'. Violence against women in movies is seen as a universally bad thing. Violence against men is fine because they always 'deserved it'. Revenge was justified but I kinda wish she wouldn't target their manhood and just killed them instead.


"Even the rape in this film didn't show as much as that scene at the end. So it doesnt even compare."

There it is. So the real reason you didn't like the film is that the rape wasn't graphic enough? No wonder you fit right in with all of the impotent MRAs in this thread.


Wahhhhh! Meh meh, wahhhhhh!

Don't panic, the wahhbulance is on there way (just kidding, if experiencing a real emergency please call 911 or your local emergency number).

So, female violence against men is sooooo out of control! Wahh, they show male peepees being cut off simply because a male forced his junk in her. The sexism is Sooooo apparent!!! Let's ignore pretty much the entire horror/action genre!

I see your point.

Please pull up the statistics of female violence against men. Yes, now let's pull up the statistics of male violence against females.

Hmmm, I wonder why movies depict mostly males as aggressive towards females; and said females subsequently want to exact revenge on said males? Why would someone who has had a penis involuntarily shoved up them be so angry? It's fun!!!

Experiment: Let's forcibly stick a dildo up your cheek hole and see how you'd like to respond.

Men are bigger babies than women.
Proven fact, we have a higher pain/suffering tolerance than you overgrown toddlers with turd diapers. Wahhh! I've got the sniffles, hold me mommy.


(Btw, unfortunately, I'm straight).


Holy crap! Talk about immature, insensitive, hateful and ignorant responses here.

This is how I expect a racist to respond to the recent protests against police brutality or the Confederate flag controversy.

What gives you the right to dismiss violent acts against other just because the numbers in your eyes don't measure up to your standards.
Would you say something like this if they were children? or a different color?


Oh shut it. The op is complaining about "another male castration film" regarding a movie about "another female torture rape theme." I'm insensitive? How about the douche with the audacity to be hot and bothered with the occasional film featuring a sort-of castration amidst the plethora of aggressive violence films towards females. 

It's like a middle class person from a developed country complaining about the lack of two-ply toilet paper while in the favelas of Brazil. Give me a f$#@ face break. 

He's insensitive! And you're either a troll or a butt hurt guy still steaming over some girl that dumped your sorry self. Which would explain all the whiny ignorant comments in favor of the op's boo hoos. 

Complaining about a man who lost his twins by the woman he kidnapped, allowed to be tortured and raped, then buried alive is the epitome of insensitive whiny man child bs.

I'm not dismissing violence. I'm laughing at his attempt to sympathize with the aggressors of this film knowing full well that the thread should really be labeled "another female torture porn?? Any human beings getting tired of this crap?"

Don't you have some torture rape porn (usually against women) to watch followed with bellowing about how hard of a time the men who do the "torturing" have doing it?


And you're either a troll or a butt hurt guy still steaming over some girl that dumped your sorry self.

Don't you have some torture rape porn (usually against women) to watch followed with bellowing about how hard of a time the men who do the "torturing" have doing it?

First of all, don't make assumptions about me when you don't know a F*#&$*) thing about me and if that's your case, I could assume that you are a bitter, angry, man-hating, shrill and hollow shell of a human being. And they're behaving like children?

I'm laughing at his attempt to sympathize with the aggressors of this film knowing full well that the thread should really be labeled "another female torture porn?? Any human beings getting tired of this crap?"

Myself nor anyone else in their right mind is sympathizing with the aggressors in these movies and if they are, they have a whole different set of problems.

If I had to guess since the OP never elaborated his point, his gripe seems to be that some men and women dismiss female on male violence in general on those who are innocent and it is mostly used for comedy purposes and it is really unfair to everyone.


You say:

First of all, don't make assumptions about me when you don't know a F*#&$*) thing about me

Myself nor anyone else in their right mind is sympathizing with the aggressors in these movies

Hmmm, are you making assumptions about these people without knowing a F*#&$*) thing about them?

his gripe seems to be that some men and women dismiss female on male violence in general on those who are innocent

Don't know what this means.


IT is disturbing that you think that GUYS would be against this movie because of the unrealistic cartoon violence in it...but don't seem to think women would care about the realistic brutal rape that in these movies...despite what the sick *beep* claim, it does for the titillation of disturbed virgins.


Yes, but my question is, why do we have to see male genitalia, when we never see female, unless it's rated xxx? My eyes are crying out for relief.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Another rape movie? Any women getting tired of this crap?


Haven't you heard? Women aren't allowed to be sick of anything, because voicing a negative opinion of something is what feminazis do. Also, men are totally oppressed and it's super sad.


And who DECIDES who is or isn't "allowed" to feel anything and more importantly, are they RIGHT? Because if they are, rhetorical question, why even have all the fuss, right?


The guys deserve it. I love it.


But people over here say that if the same thing happened to female perpetrators in the name of revenge, there would BE NO justifiable reaction of applause, so I guess we have to come to the conclusion that all of this stems from men being more powerful and guilty of it all that's why, I'm not saying I disagree with it all, I just found it interesting how few people decided to go int odepth on that question posed, unless they found it unnecessary but then other people had DIFFERENT opinions and oh well, we live in a sad world where some people are ignorant and others not, oh well.
