Profusion of Profanity

The more of the modern "horror" genre I get exposed to more disturbed I am about where we are going with all of this.

I think, for me, it started with the retake on the hills have eyes or somesuch, I read a review referring to the category of "torture porn" to which this film belongs, in the reviewers judgement.

I never heard that term before and it really made me reconsider how we are desensitizing ourselves to all dehumanizing imagery and ideas.

I vowed never to watch these types of movies again.
I failed, saw one or two (probably one of the SAW movies) stopped again, and then less so and less so (a couple times total), and now I think it has been quite some time since I saw anything of the kind.

Now seeing this exists (noticed on IMDB, have NOT watched it), DAMN.
What is wrong with people.

That is what this movie is about...its commission and consequences to the perps....but this is an expansion on a preexisting story....the only way the genre continues is if we keep RAPING....more violent more grotesque, until that too becomes "RAPE PORN"!!!

How far should we go with this ladies and gents ????

Perhaps we should do I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE 3, and rape a couple of children, and when people are finished being entertained by that, then in 4 maybe we should rape some dogs and cats, or we can blend genres and include a zombie outbreak infect a family in 5 where a family rape and cannibalize each other, or 6 in which a woman is raped by the child she gave up for adoption, who then gets raped in jail waiting for sentencing, then the child of this incestual rape becomes of age the father comes "home" from prison and proceeds to rape his daughter for an hour or so of the flick.....hey, that's entertainment!

There is a saying, some wise person once uttered, and it bears uttering now and again.

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"

Some kinds of films we just shouldn't do, not because of laws, but a sense of common decency, its bad enough we have made torture into entertainment, but now RAPE, should we have no limits???

I leave that an open question to you all!!!


There is no limit for evil in human being.

I did not see this film, but I saw "The Serbian", so I can say: "SICK" and "PSYCHOPATH" are the movie makers.


Couldn't agree more, there has to be something wrong with people that get any kind of entertainment value out of movies like this...
Glad I came here before watching this....I'll stick with my PG-13 horror!


If this disturbed you, NEVER watch "A Serbian Film". Seriously.
I'm something new entirely. With my own set of rules. I'm Dexter. Boo.


All baby rape aside(or newborn porn as its coined in ASF), A Serbian film has comedic elements, does this?

And people like the OP need to toughen up or stick with the PG13 films because as time goes on I can guarantee horror film makers will continue to push the envelope and produce more graphic films.

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All good points. A Serbian Film also has a deeper social commentary about Serbian culture and politics. This does not. I like this film. There were aspects of it toward the end that fell flat for me, but there were moments that worked for me as well. I connected with the character throughout her ordeal, but it kind of lost me during her revenge (although not completely, and it was adequate).

A Serbian Film is on an entirely different level, and possesses a much deeper context, which is why I find it more disturbing. Baby porn, a father raping his own son, is horrific, and this idea is made worse by what it represents about Serbian culture (the gist of which is that the government and culture has coerced fathers to metaphorically rape their own families).

But to watch it being done literally... pretty effective material.

Completely agree with your second point. If they don't like it, don't watch it. I prefer to stretch the limits of my mind and challenge myself.
I'm something new entirely. With my own set of rules. I'm Dexter. Boo.


I struggle to believe ASF has levels. I just thought it was exploitation in every possible sense, like the McDonalds of extreme films. Perhaps I was a bit too distracted to see the underlying social commentary but let's be honest it's a pretty ridiculous movie. And although I can see what you mean with the fathers/sons/government allegory, I can't help but feel that subtext took a distant backseat to the director's desire to achieve cult status with the most distasteful film possible. It's because of that juvenile approach that ASF fell flat for me, it didn't shock, appall, entertain or amuse, just kind of annoyed me. But like I say, maybe I missed the bigger picture.

I agree with most of the OP's sentiments, I haven't seen ISOYG 2 yet and probably won't bother after reading the various feedback on this site, the original and remake got the message across loud and clear so this sequel seems unnecessary. The new extremity genre feels saturated already, all the newer films seem to caricature and mimic the earlier and somewhat more intelligent ones (for example 'head crushing' a la Irréversible is used with monotonous regularity and slow painful torture like in Audition is another one). It's become a gross-out competition where the film-makers choose relentless graphic imagery over anything remotely thought-provoking.

No doubt Irréversible raised the bar (and probably got the ball rolling again) when it came to depictions of rape and violence, but it was much darker and real than any of the trash I've watched since. This made it more disturbing, I felt uneasy and empathetic because the cause and effect are outlined so clearly. 'Torture porn' lacks this important quality because it indulges in amorality rather than showing us the tragic consequences.


I agree with every single sentence you wrote. Your opinions on ASF, ISOYG and Irréversible: couldn't have said it better myself.

Seriously, stop hacking into my brain! :D


You don't even need to watch Serbian. Just read the reviews and IMDB forum. Those are much better than the movie anyway.


At least we'll know this movie will be a hit in India...






I have to agree with the OP. Some things just aren't meant to be sequalised.

I love horror films, one of my favorite films of all time is The Exorcist, but that doesn't dwell on torture.

I also have respect for Martyrs and A Serbian Film, because there's an underlying social commentary, whether it be themes of exploring an after life, or political or cultural (A Serbian Film isn't the only one, see also Life and Death of a Porno Gang, Klip, something seems seriously wrong with Serbian culture if those films are anything to go by).

But with rape/revenge films, what else can you say?

The original 1978 version is actually pretty good, the original title was meant to be Day of the Woman, and is seen by many feminists as a classic example of female empowerment. Many films at the time had rape scenes but they never showed them as being as shocking and serious as the original, then turning it into a tale of female sexual empowerment.

It looks like they're trying to do a Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street type of thing, if this film becomes successful enough I'm pretty sure they'd make more for dollars.

Irresponsible film making, you don't make a franchise from rape films.

As for torture films, there's no need for them anymore. Just turn the bloody news on.
