MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Political, Stupid, Predictable and Borin...

Political, Stupid, Predictable and Boring

Their was very little that was innovative or creative in this film. It's just another political message movie about how humanity is too violent and paranoid (especially the Americans who refer to the aliens as "monsters" and riot "across the country" any time there's a crisis) and needs to learn to get along by having the nations of the world "talk to each other" i.e. the governments of the world get together as opposed to, lets say, the nations of the world leaving one another alone or some other different and original idea - or having no political message at all.

The plot device of a scientist finding closure with a dead or estranged loved one through an extraterrestrial experience is something we've seen in several sci-fi movies in the last 20 years which makes the outcome of this film extremely predictable. And anytime the Chinese are involved in a new popular film, you know it's going to end with them performing a major role in the story's resolution, usually playing a metaphorical long-lost parental figure to the Americans.

The movie did come up with its own twist by having the Chinese General as the aggressor but the film makes it clear that he was acting rogue and was going against the wishes of the Chines government. And since anti-military themes have peppered Hollywood films for decades, there's nothing very original in that direction.

I realize that with the new Chinese demand for movies and Hollywood studios attempting to appeal to the growing Chinese market, there is going to be more Chinese representation in popular film, but if studio execs had any real guts, they would allow one of the main characters to be of Chinese descent and take an active part in the whole story instead of shoehorning them in at the ending.

It's frustrating that this film has received such a high rating. It just goes to show that the generations who grew up after the "New Hollywood Directors" period of the 70s and 80s (where a string of creative and original movies were made) have been robbed of the experience of seeing something truly new and don't know any better but to call this an 8-star movie.


> Their was very little that was innovative or creative in this film. It's just another political message movie about how humanity is too violent and paranoid (especially the Americans who refer to the aliens as "monsters" and riot "across the country" any time there's a crisis) and needs to learn to get along by having the nations of the world "talk to each other" i.e. the governments of the world get together as opposed to, lets say, the nations of the world leaving one another alone or some other different and original idea - or having no political message at all.

Yeah, it had a bunch of that sorta stuff, but I though most of that took a back seat to the linguistics and the exploration of how language effects the way we think. I'm really interested in linguistics, so this movie was a real treat to me, but I'm starting to think the whole linguistics angle of the movie really didn't interest all that many people, and considering it's like 50% of the movie I guess you are left with a movie about geopolitics and stuff like that. But all of that was mostly playing out on tv screens in the background.

I also didn't feel like the character of the Chinese general was shoehorned in at the end, I thought his inclusion as essentially the real twist of the movie was one of the best parts, he went from being an unimportant characters in the background of the movie to one of the most important characters in the whole story.

> It just goes to show that the generations who grew up after the "New Hollywood Directors" period of the 70s and 80s (where a string of creative and original movies were made) have been robbed of the experience of seeing something truly new and don't know any better but to call this an 8-star movie.

Well, like I said, as a linguist I sure as hell thought a movie about linguistics certainly qualified as "something truly new". I'm not even sure the Sapir Whorf hypothesis has been mentioned in another movie, much less been made central to the plot of 1


The linguistic angle was really only there as a set piece to say we need to learn how to communicate and connect with others instead of jumping to war and violence first. It's a strong message that I feel is handled in a boring way by this movie. I also agree with you about the Chinese general. It felt like most of the important stuff was going on around the Adams and Renner characters yet we were stuck with them. This has all been done so much better in other movies.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Yes! You're so 1,00/% correct...... It's similar to the "Davinci code"~ in which would've been a GREAT MOVIE if they never cast the HUMAN SLEEPING PILL....... Tom Hanks!!!!! My God, that guy sucks, so bad....... All he did throughout the entire movie was WHISPER in a monotone voice that makes him believe that it's actually cool....... No Tom, you destroyed a potential great, suspenseful movie w/your narcissist character! Everytime I watch a movie w/him starting, I always fall asleep because he always whispers to his lines and never shows any intense emotions...... If Tom Cruise replaced Tom Hanks, the Davinci Code would've been a huge success! Believe me, I'm no big fan of Tom Cruise but at least he puts PASSION and seriousness into his roles! Valkyrie is a great example of this...... Tom Cruise was AWESOME in that movie and again, I'm not a fan of at all for him but he does a great job of his acting skills! Imagine if Tom Hanks played Valkyrie? He'd be whispering throughout the entire movie w/no emotions at all, except falling in love w/his cool low-key voice...... I one scene, where he and that french girl we're being held up from that brinks van in the forest village in France, some guy is pointing a gun at him and he acts so silly w/his boring, monotone voice, he made it seem like a comedy! He's also done a Berlin movie about the cold war, in which I fell asleep in about 10 minutes into that movie as well........


Maybe you should post in the tom hanks forum?


very true.


"It's just another political message movie about how humanity is too violent and paranoid (especially the Americans who refer to the aliens as "monsters" and riot "across the country" any time there's a crisis) and needs to learn to get along by having the nations of the world "talk to each other"

And what's wrong with that, you jingoistic Republican?


Heh.. if nothing else, I now need to see what people are writing for Clint Eastwood films


From what I can understand, most people went into the movie expecting this to be another Independence Day with Will Smith mindlessly fighting bad guys.

This is a good movie, that makes you think about several things, sorry for the low attention span people that were "tricked" into watching it.
