MovieChat Forums > Whiplash (2014) Discussion > Are Homophobic Slurs Motivating?

Are Homophobic Slurs Motivating?

I liked this movie but one thing that really bothered me and kept violently yanking me out of the film was the vulgar, homophobic insults and taunts Fletcher kept throwing at his students.

I don't understand why the insults had to be homophobic in nature. Is the idea of being gay so disgusting and embarrassing it automatically makes you try harder? To me it was an easy out and really lazy writing. It's like how when someone is possessed in a horror movie that's characterized by saying really sexually deviant things. Here it's like the only way you can motivate males is by questioning, demeaning or insulting their sexuality. Why is that?


It wasn't just homophobic, it was sexist too. Apparently doing something "like a 9 year old girl" is much worse than doing it like a 9 year old boy, and "ladies" is suuuch an insult, right? 😒


I don't know. Are people who are only sensitive to certain slurs slurcentric?


Yes back then it was an being gay ment no way to reproduce which most saw as completely unnatural.


Didn’t Fletcher also make derogatory comments about ethnicity? Is that somehow better than homophobic slurs?

Anyway, as someone above pointed out, Fletcher is an asshole. We are supposed to he appalled at what he says.


Fletcher is toxic masculinity personified. Probably a closeted self-hating gay man.


Back in the day being called gay was the supreme insult.

It was still around in the mid-00s. I think it was only around the mid-10s when it phased out. It did seem a tad odd to me a film this recent had used this insult.


The second that asshole threw a homophobic insult, or any other kind, at any self-respecting student with a spine, he'd get told to go fuck himself and he'd lose a student. There are lots of good teachers who know psychological and physical abuse are not the way people learn to be musicians.


It's kind of the stereotypical drill instructor schtick. Cut down someone's masculinity with that stuff.
