What team are you on?

I have seen lots of posts about everyone's sympathy toward Marcel, and fury toward Elijah. I was curious how many people are rooting for Marcel, and how many are rooting for the Mikaelsons.

I am personally rooting for the Mikaelsons. Not because I believe they are not at fault, or do not sympathize with Marcel. I simply root for them, because I started to watch this show for them. In many cases their actions are abhorrent, but I made the choice to know that is what the show would be about.


team elijah


I am team Mikaelsons always and forever. Not because they are good people, I love those faults characters, sometimes I am angry at them mostly when they hurt each other.

I am not team Marcel although I understand his anger because of Davina's death. He is the bigger hypocrite then any of the Mikaelsons. He does not despise them, he has always envied them and want to take what is theirs.


Klaus & Kol could die, I'd be OK with that. The rest I like them. I'm on Team Everyone get a long... But since there is either Mikaelsons vs Marcel/Vincent I'll go Mikaelsons.


I'm on Team Everyone get a long...

I could easily join your team, but the writers would never.




I am also for the mikaelsons. Damm right its their show. Kill E, F, or K and I am off the show.


The Mikaelssons of course. The Original Family. Always and Forever!


I feel and understand both. Still team Mikaelsons.


It's funny you think there is a team when they're all the same family. Did an entire episode of Klaus saying "He is my son." Not drive that home for you? Does he need to take out a billboard?

They're all on the same team but Elijah as always buts in between father and son. He did it when Marcel was a boy and he's still doing it now.

If Marcel hadn't saved Elijah he wouldn't even be above ground to kill him on the bridge. Remember his creepy cult wanting to bury him or drop him in the ocean so no one could kill him? The only reason that didn't happen was because of Marcel.

How you people can go on and on about being against Marcel when he's bent over backwards for them with nothing in return is laughable. He's done more to prove he's family than they have for him which is why he's mad. Derp.


What I mean by teams is whose side is everyone hoping comes out on top.

I think it's pretty clear in the next episode that Marcel is attempting to take down the Mikaelsons. We know that he is putting Klaus on trial, and has bitten Kol and Elijah. From Lucien's bite, we know that it is lethal. So when I ask whose team people are on, I mean who do they ultimately want to prevail.

I actually have said on multiple threads that I sympathize with Marcel. I just know in the end that I root for Klaus and Elijah regardless of their faults. I think the only way I would reconsider is if one of them killed the other or Rebekah.

I appreciate your opinion. I hope in the future it can be more pleasant and less sarcastic, but we can't always get what we want, just a simple request.


If it seems sarcastic it's because I'm getting tired of seeing the best episode this silly show has ever crapped out boiled down to immature nonsense about how Klaus and Elijah can do no wrong and every other character is expendable.

That garbage is crippling both TO and TVD.

It's not hard to see Marcel was treated badly and his family need to right there wrong. We had a whole season beating us over the head with this fact through Lucian making it clear that they've done this to others.

Any time anyone tries to discuss this season rationally we get a bunch of jaded responses like OMG Elijah is so hot I don't care what he does Marcel needs to die.

Its getting told old as fu**. Should 12 year olds even be watching this show? I'd hate to imagine any adults are posting crap like that and I'm personally tired of reading it.

You can like a character and criticize them. There's no need for loyalty to fictional characters.

I hated Klaus for multiple seasons and yet I like the show and have also come around to the character as he tries to change. How is it so hard for people to look at characters that way?

It's mind boggling how anyone can say they hate Marcel when all he's ever done is help clean up his family's mess since they came back to town. I don't blame him for not looking for them.


I can understand your frustrations, I have my own about the way people approach subjects. I think subjectivity is all over the place, and I will openly admit my own. I think finding objectivity is difficult, because it's more rare and for the most part people are not going to achieve it.

I can't remember which thread it was, but there was someone who blamed Marcel for Davina's death stating that if he had not intervened in the first Harvest ritual that it never would have been happened. I think that shows blatant against Marcel, and an inability to be objective.

I am a little surprised at how hostile of a response this OP got. It was just a question. I was surprised that people were angry at Elijah to the point that people were calling for his death. I was curious how many people felt that way.

I've never hated Marcel, and a lot of people on this thread don't either. I've actually been impressed by multiple people's responses who have openly admitted their biased.

It's actually a really interesting discussion to have, but it works a lot better if it's not hostile.

Again, thank you for your opinions, I enjoyed reading them.


there is a team when they're all the same family.

^ this

Does he need to take out a billboard?


They're all on the same team but Elijah as always buts in between father and son. He did it when Marcel was a boy and he's still doing it now.

what did he do when he was a boy? Elijah killing Marcel made sick sense considering he thought Marcel will kill the rest of them. Most of the people in his spot would have done the same thing but you are right. Elijah did cause a rift between father and son by not speaking up that Klaus and Hayley were NOT involved in his decision abut Davina. He should have cleared Klaus's name when Klaus was not involved in that. Maybe it would have helped, maybe not but he should have at least TRIED.

he's bent over backwards for them with nothing in return is laughable.

yes this season and maybe last season too (already forgotten last season) but in season 1 he was actively trying to throw TO out of town or defeat them with Rebekah's help....

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When Marcel was a kid he started trying to teach him all the things he wanted and tried to keep him away from Klaus because he felt he was a bad influence. When Klaus lost Marcel he started going on a rampage so Elijah stepped aside and started acting like he hated Marcel so he'd go back to Klaus.

To me it was extremely messed up because Elijah wasn't the one who saved Marcel let alone adopted him. If it was up to Elijah Marcel would've remained a literal slave to his own biological father or an orphan.

It all happened in a flashback covering Marcel's backstory I think last season. It sets up this history of Elijah stepping in to interfere with Klaus' parenting. I think it's jealousy because Elijah has no kids of his own. He's always talking about Klaus family as his own and it's weird as f to magically fall deeply in love with your brother's baby's mother.

Elijah needs a life. I can't and won't ever like this character. He's too pathetic. The actor being hot is a non-factor for me.


When Marcel was a kid he started trying to teach him all the things he wanted and tried to keep him away from Klaus because he felt he was a bad influence. When Klaus lost Marcel he started going on a rampage so Elijah stepped aside and started acting like he hated Marcel so he'd go back to Klaus.

Oh right I remember it now but I didnt remember why he took over Marcel as a student or why Klaus went on that rampage. I do remember ELijah was very cruel to Marcel when he stopped teaching him. I remember Marcel still being bitter about it. I think he even said something to Elijah in season 2.

It sets up this history of Elijah stepping in to interfere with Klaus' parenting. I think it's jealousy because Elijah has no kids of his own. He's always talking about Klaus family as his own and it's weird as f to magically fall deeply in love with your brother's baby's mother.

Elijah needs a life. I can't and won't ever like this character. He's too pathetic. The actor being hot is a non-factor for me.

Hmm I never looked at scene with Marcel as his interference with parent but i agree with the rest. I thought Elijah was doing it coz he saw Marcel as family too. I do think Elijah is somewhat jealous of Klaus for what he has, first marcel and then Hope. It is ironic that both Elijah and Rebekah wanted their own family but it was Klaus who adopted, they didnt even think about it... I think Klaus family is Elijah's family by extension but the thing is that ELijah does not recognize that Klaus has a nuclear family within that big family and he needs to let him take control of his family.

Elijah's character has not made an ounce of development since the show started or even before. and he does need a life.

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Everybody has motive their own agenda including Marcel it wasn't all from the kindness of his heart..don't let that fool you.


Just wanted to say you're one of my fave commentators on here simply because it seems most people actually didn't bother to pay attention to Marcel's story or really anything beyond Elijah's or Klaus' pretty face so they can't see how this has been set up very carefully over the last season and this season, and why this is probably the best arc the show has ever done because it's actually grounded in the characters and the show's mythology.

The show is so good when it gets all the family dynamics right the way they are now. Hope they don't mess it up.


This is ridiculous and laughable, just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean people aren't paying attention. Just because the actors playing Klaus and Elijah are attractive, some people aren't seeing the "light"? From what I see and being on this board since season 1, I have to say that's a bunch of bull crap. You're going to make that excuse every time people don't agree with you?😒


I sure hope noone us implying Marcel is less than good looking. Its apparent people don't side with TO simply for looks.




Its apparent people don't side with TO simply for looks.

actually that is not entirely true but yes not all the people side with TO coz of their looks.

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My point is, it could also be said that people side with Marcel, or even Davina, because of their looks.


yes I know what you meant. I have seen people side with characters just coz of their looks and top of the list are Klaus and Elijah even Rebekah. Hayley and yes Marcel too so that poster has a point too. But like I said not everyone side with a character just coz of their looks. Everyone has a reason to side with a character. Some side with them coz of story, some coz they are main characters, some coz they like their writing, some coz of their (actors playing those roles) looks.

I have often wondered if Klaus was not played by Joseph Morgan then would he have gained such an audience. I mean the character Klaus is interesting but it doesnt help that Joseph played it so well not to mention his looks. If another actor not as good looking as JOMO played it as well as JOMO would he have gained that much fan base?

So these are your puppies. They are cute... :)

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Joseph definitely brought Klaus to life.

They are cute and don't require a college fund.


They are cute and don't require a college fund.

Definitely... lol about the bold part.

Joseph did both his acting and looks.

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I would certainly agree if it weren't for JOMO btw I love that his name is so serious sounding and it gets reduced to JOMO just cause it's easier to type such a disconnect, but yeah if it weren't for how he plays Klaus, his own charm and charisma the character certainly could fall flat, even in the stereotypical evil moments we have seen a million times how JOMO delivers in those scenes makes it worth watching.

Much like Daniel does with Elijah which I have said before but he does a magnificent job over making Elijah over the top and theatrical but not in oh god that's terrible sort of way, it's fun and feels like a real quirk of the character that he has this sort of flare.

I will say I never got the siding with a character because your attracted to the actor I mean I love Claire Holt she to me is the most attractive woman on the show when she appears, and Danielle Campbell being a close second but S1 I thought Rebekah was out of line a lot especially in the end when they have her and everyone else ignore story elements they just introduced the following episode, and Davina well I almost never agreed with her because I always thought she was an instigator or problems which she then cried about because she never won.

I just don't get how people will think oh that one pretty that one right like a sodding caveman after a lobotomy but I could just be weird I dunno.


I get what you are saying and that is why I said "not all of fan... " but the hard reality of this world is that most of the people are attracted to beauty/ looks and that does cloud their judgement.

Why do you think most of the shows hire good looking actors/actresses? That is a clever way of getting audience in the start and then people get hooked on to those shows coz of those actors. And if the story falls flat some leave other stick around.

I think in Elijah's and Klaus's case it is actors charm that makes us sympathetic towards the role.

Just look at Clair Holt. Rebekah's character is worst written character in three years followed by Cami but both characters are loved just cause of the actresses who did a very fine job in playing both those roles. People love Clair Holt portrayal of Rebekah when she had no story. Same goes for Leah pipe's portrayal of Cami.

btw I love that his name is so serious sounding and it gets reduced to JOMO just cause it's easier to type such a disconnect

LOL yes Joseph does sound a very respectable name but yes JOMO is easy to type. I do find saying Joseph nicer than JOMO.

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noone us implying Marcel is less than good looking
The hole cast is ridiculously good looking. Friends, foes and family. If we went for the looks we wouldn't disagree with any character.


I stand by my statement around people simply not paying attention to Marcel's character arc or really, any of the characters' arcs - and sometimes that's because the writing is so crap, other times it's because viewers aren't paying attention or are overly invested in a protagonist-centred morality that discounts other characters' emotional journeys. Whether they do it because of looks or more nefarious reasons, who knows or cares, really.


I don't care if you stand by your point, I just didn't agree.


I totally agree. I think I am guilty of that too in a few instances. An actor's look and acting does impact fans judgment of his/ her character. Just in this show I have seen a badly written character and his/her story getting a lot of appraise just coz of actor/actress's looks or acting ability and I have seen a very well written character and his/her story getting a lot of hate just coz of actor/actress's looks or acting ability.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


this has been set up very carefully over the last season and this season, and why this is probably the best arc the show has ever done because it's actually grounded in the characters and the show's mythology.

only if it leads to something more than just "always and forever"

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I love 'always and forever' family above all.


i know :). many do few like me dont.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


Team mikaelson for sure. Despite the bad things they do, I watch the show for them and like them all (although I wouldn't cry if kol had to take one for the team).
