Orcis Trek 3

From various articles/rumours etc it sounded like Orcis script (which he was going to direct) was going to be very 'Star Treky' dealing with alternate timelines/realities - so something like Days of Future Past/Terminator Genysis/BTTF2 & Yesterdays Enterprise/All Good Things/Trails&Tribulations. And of course like ST09 touched upon in order to reboot the universe, but in much greater depth and maybe not with time travel as time travels been done 3 times already in the movies (or 4 if you count Generations) and as recently as just the last but one film (but its not been done yet in the AGT/DOFP consciousness type way) and would've involved Shatner in a fairly prominent role (at the time he stated JJ had informed him hed be in it) either as actual Kirk 'Prime' somehow, or as a future version of Pines Kirk (maybe Shatner would've been zipping across timelines/interacting with familiar events like Picard in AGT?). Nimoy was also rumoured as going to be involved (before he died of course). And it may have potentially wrapped up/ended it as a trilogy Nolan Dark Knight style (which i think Orci had previously stated the nuTrek films were sort of following as a template) - so maybe the alternate universe was somehow to be concluded (but not necessarily the end of the film series) maybe even to make way for the new TV show set in the prime universe? e.g. ties to the events of the first film - an 'all roads led to here' type thing involving links to the Narada and its disappearance at the end of ST09? old Spock returning to the Prime universe? ShatKirk?, maybe even TNG?

That stuff (if it was to be that) sounds very 'Star Treky'/fanish (possibly the grounds on which Orci left) and something that would make sense for a fan like Orci to come up with (taking into account the previous 2 films stories and comparisons to TDK trilogy) especially with it being the 50th anniversary, evoking call backs to Treks rich history (like Dr Who 50th did). I'd have much preferred that kind of stuff to what I seen/heard so far of STB (which looks as its going to be like a big budget version of Omega Glory meets Avatar/Insurrection with a Generations style crash and emphasis on the prime directive. no dealing with ShatKirk, alternate timelines, etc.)

Perhaps Paramount didnt want to go with it as they didn't want to be dealing with 'Prime' stuff (esp without Nimoys involvement due to ill health/death) and potentially conclude the rebooted alt universe, and just wanted to proceed as if it were a new ongoing universe (potentially leading to ST4/5 etc as the cast are signed up to) with an all new adventure unrelated to any complicated alternate universe stuff and call backs to what happened in the 'Prime' universe (which was a central aspect of both ST09 and STID)

Maybe IDW comics will do Orcis ST3 as a 50th Ann special - 'Beyond Darkness?' (like what happened with Harve Bennetts Trek VI Academy movie which was sort of done as a DC comics special at the time of Trek VI/the 25th anniversary)


From Trek Beyond anniversary post


it was ok (by far the least interesting of the 3 imo) but the 3rd movie was supposed to be the Roberto Orci version with Shatner coming back as Kirk to help the JJ crew against an alien villian (BCranston) who wanted to wipeout the kelvin timeline. which wouldve been like the pay off movie (tying up stuff from the 1st film regarding the timeline), and had Shatner in it for the 50 anniversary

This movie SUCKED! // When the preview announced the director as "the man who brought you Fast & Furious, i knew it would suck and be turned into Fast & Furious with Phasers. And, i was so right. Abrams knew it was awful which is why he stepped back.

idk why they went the Fast&Furious route not just the F&F director but trying to sell it as such in that awful trailer everyone saw in front of The Force Awakens . Its like they thought the action of the previous 2 films was the way to go and it had to up the ante and make it like Fast&Furious meets Guardians of the Galaxy bc both were doing billions at the box office. When really the way to go was Orci's script about the timeline threat with Shatner returning as Kirk. which wouldve returned to the intrigue of the timetravel/alt universe stuff of the 1st film (and to a degree the 2nd with it being an alt universe version of Wrath of Khan) and obviously having Shatner there would've been good for the anniversary.


Roberto Orci's #StarTrek 3 (instead of Beyond) with William Shatner returning as Kirk to help new Kirk & Spock against an alien villain (Bryan Cranston) wanting to wipe out the Kelvin timeline. Also Tarantino's Star Trek (A Piece of the Action meets City on the Edge of Forever?)


These movies ended with Star Trek Beyond for me.

Roberto Orci seemed to have a solid sequel story that would be very Trek flavoured and they went with the more Fast and the Furious/Action Adventure route with the 3rd. Trek needs to be Trek... science fiction, philosophy, themes


Roberto Orci’s Star Trek 3 is my Snyder Cut




The 3rd one shouldve been a direct sequel to the 1st, it had been written by Roberto Orci (cowriter of Trek 2009 and Into Darkness). about the timeline under threat from a Soran type villain (to be played by Bryan Cranston) who wanted to erase the kelvin timeline and revert back to the prime timeline via some ancient time device (probably similar to the Dial of Destiny), William Shatner was to have returned as OG Kirk somehow (CGI deaged to 'Generations' age) to help Pine/Quinto's Kirk&Spock, also hottie Alice Eve was due to come back too . Unfortunate Paramount figured it was all abit too 'Star Trekkie' so fired Orci and hired Pegg/Lin to do the lame Trek meets Spaced meets GuardiansofGalaxy meets FastFurious movie (however they could still do Orci's script for the 4th movie)
