MovieChat Forums > Trap (2024) Discussion > How this was written by a professional w...

How this was written by a professional writer? this feel so amateurish

Two important points that apparently nobody have notice or just don't care

All the hallways and even the stairs are full of people during the concert, what are this people doing, where they are going? Only God and Shyamalan knows, this is a stadium and look more like a mall for the amount of people wandering around, the only difference there is nothing to see in a stadium beside the main event, so this has no sense, normally hallways in a stadium are empty during a concert because everybody is at the concert you know the event they paid to see.

And is clear all those people wandering like lost cattle walking around in circles during the whole concert is needed so Hartnet can blend in without been notice by the FBI because other way he would be walking alone and couldn't have done all the things he did, so this happens because the story need to aka lazy writing

Which brings me to my second point this dude must be a magician because he does a bunch of s** in front of a bunch of people and nobody notice it, he pushed the drunk girl in the stairs no way nobody saw him do that, how he sabotaged the fried machine in front of so many people who are around him? Literally they are close to him that s** is impossible, he took the walkie-talkie in a room full of police, and he didn't even turn around to see if even one of the dozens of police officers in that small place was looking in his direction, and that is other problem he isn't even sneaky he just does things and nobody sees him.

Recently check the list of all the movies directed by Shyamalan and I don't understand why I'm still watching this guy movies and still giving him the benefit of the doubt, of all his movies I only really liked 4, Sixth sense, signs, The village and Unbreakable, and kinda like split but mostly for the plot twist at the end, the rest of his filmography has been a huge disappointment for me at the worst piece of trash I have ever seen level


"I don't understand why I'm still watching this guy movies"
I didn't even like the sixth sense and I still watch his crap.

I watch a lot of movies, including his.
I usually watch his nonsense because I expect something surprising to happen in his movies, so that makes them entertaining and easy to watch. The I regret wasting 2 hours on his crap.
It's junk cinema at its worse:
I eat it because it's easy and lazy. I never get any nutriment out of it. I regret it afterwards.


yeah really felt like he didnt give this much thought...

Old and Glass are not bad, even Knock at the cabin is better than this.


Signs is one of the stupidest movies in history.

Aliens travel here in massive space ships and they can't get into a house.

They have no clothes or weapons but can achieve interstellar travel.

They are an advanced civilization but are deadly allergic to water. They decide to land on Earth, which is covered with water and has a massive amount of water in the atmosphere. It would be like landing on a planet and trying to take it over when it has seas of acid and rains down from the sky.

The aliens would have to be literally degenerated retards with some kind of automated ships that don't care about their welfare.


Signs is between my few favorites of Shyamalan because I never saw those creatures as aliens, I always have thought is pretty obvious they are demons, the theme of the movie is about recovering the faith and believe in a superior benevolent power, that things happen for a reason, even when I don't necessarily believe in those ideas the way they are explored in the movie is pretty obvious and kinda brilliant because involve the audience and put them in the same place than the characters.

Really nothing in the movie should make you believe those are aliens except people in the movie think they are, which is an even more deeply exploration of the main idea of a world without faith when they see evil they don't recognize it and assume is something else, is even a commentary about the audience as well, think about it the very way you describe them should make you at least suspect those are demons but never came to mind.

Jesus they are even killed by holly water the little girl was blessing the water all over the place


I know that's a current interpretation but they show that they are in ships in the movie.

Why would demons need to travel in ships and why would demons have issues with water?

Holy water isn't "holy" to anyone but Catholics, and so that's rather stupid to conclude it would do something. Many other types of Christians don't believe in holy water. That's a pagan belief mixed in with Catholicism. Plus, Hindus, Shintos, Muslims, etc believe in demon type creatures and the solution isn't water.

The aliens have no powers, except a venomous gas nozzle in their arms, and can't get into a house weather they are aliens or demons. It's the same illogical writing we saw in Trap, and his other films.

In the last Unbreakable, Bruce gets killed in a I assume he can brush his teeth, take a shower, and drink fluids without losing all of his powers.

With Signs you are creating your own story to make a typical M Knight crappy movie good.


The director is a one trick pony and he keeps getting worse with age. He’s in a position to self finance or else most of his pictures would not have been made.
