MovieChat Forums > Reign (2013) Discussion > Just jumped the shark for me. (spoilers)

Just jumped the shark for me. (spoilers)

Okay, so I've watched this show just for the eye candy. I like jewelry and clothes and even though these are pretty inaccurate and the hair outrageously so, but at least they've tried to stick to history somewhat with the broad storyline and characters. Except for the completely fictional Sebastian "Fitzroy".

Well, they've jumped the shark tonight.

Queen Elizabeth was never pregnant and died a virgin. She had an examination in her later years that proved she was still a virgin.

So sorry. This show has not only jumped the shark, but pole vaulted is more like it.

And now that Mary is a widow, she needs to leave France and go to Scotland.

Oh, and the casting of Elizabeth is just plain awful. Doesn't look like her even a little. They could have made a little more effort even if it was just the wig and makeup.


Well there is the theory that she was secretly married to Dudley and is the mother of Sir Francis Bacon...

The show jumped the shark for me with the whole Queen Elizabeth storyline. The casting is so awful that, if I continue watching, I might just fast forward through the England parts.


I already want to. The whole Elizabeth thing for me is one big yawn. I liked her better when she was talked about but not seen.


Yes! I enjoyed the show more when she was an off-screen character.

I just remembered a thought I had while watching this latest episode... when Elizabeth was whining about being pregnant, I asked myself when I started watching General Hospital (or insert any daytime soap opera here).


I couldn't agree with you more or said it any better. The whole thing has just gotten ridiculous.


Well they have already rewritten history with a pregnancy before, meaning Lola becoming pregnant by Francis. History does not say that Francis had any children.

I don't even know what was the point of Lola and Francis having a child together. Despite the claims in interviews that the baby was going to cause real trouble for Frary, it never really did.

Sometimes I think they are writing without any long-term plans in mind.


I'm sure it was just to provide a greater variety of storylines for the Lola character, and more storylines in general.


Well they have already rewritten history with a pregnancy before, meaning Lola becoming pregnant by Francis. History does not say that Francis had any children.

I don't even know what was the point of Lola and Francis having a child together. Despite the claims in interviews that the baby was going to cause real trouble for Frary, it never really did.

Sometimes I think they are writing without any long-term plans in mind.


Here is what I think they are thinking as they write (no plans for the future- I agree): I believe that since the Monarchy and Court could pay or arrange for any truth they want to be "historical record" then anything could have "actually" happened this giving them freedom to write any behind the scenes drama they wanted. Francis or Henry or anyone could have easily had a child or children that they never claimed. Enter Bash or any other character needed or wanted. Personally I don't think there was nearly as much sex and love drama in reality but I believe the political drama ran rampant back then. But what kind of fun would that be for the CW- LOL?


Do less complaining, hey, that's an idea!!! It has always been labeled as "historical fiction" which means, yeah, a little bit of creative liberties are taken. Everybody knows in those days, nobody wore underwear so they could just whip it out at any given time. DO YOU HONESTLY believe Elizabeth was so righteous and pure? She was her father's daughter. KNOW WHO THAT WAS? Horny Henry the VIII. He screwed everybody in one way or another. He DID have illegitimate kids all over. I don't believe for one second QEI was a virgin in her time. The actress who plays her in REIGN is good. She might be too pretty but that can't be held against her. Doctors were paid hush money, God knows the Catholics were paid well, but QEI was Protestant...and anybody can be paid off for fear of losing their heads. Anyway, it doesn't bother me that she's supposedly pregnant. The only thing that bothers me is all the complaints about REIGN. I have converted so many fans to this and they love it. I think it's the best Tudor like show to come along.


Queen Elizabeth was never pregnant and died a virgin. She had an examination in her later years that proved she was still a virgin.

I highly doubt that. Today doctors are quite independent and highly regarded, and yet we everyday hear stories how doctor xx lied or falsified diagnosis, etc.

In those days, Queen Elizabeth was an absolute monarch, she could literally behead the doctor if she didnt liked his diagnosis, and nobody would have blinked. Do you really believe corruption and fear of death was non-existent among doctors back then?

If we would be talking about a saint, its one thing, but Queen Elizabeth was anything but the saint. Therefore I'm 99,99% sure she had affairs through her life.


She was never proved a virgin or had any kind of examination. The rumor that she had an abnormally thick hymen or perhaps suffered from Vaginismus, which is why she was (possibly) unable to have sex, but all these rumours came about after her death. There is NO evidence that she was truly a virgin (or was examined and proved to be a virgin)other than her own word.Indeed during her lifetime the scandals were abundant of her flirtatious and sexual encounters started with her own stepmother's husband as a young teenager. There just is no proof that Elizabeth was a virgin.


If we are talking about historical inaccuracies I'm pretty sure mary never had an affair. Least of all with Louis. He was already married with children by the time mary came around. It's only for the drama. Get over it.


Not quite sure why you directed your remark at me, I didn't mention Mary at all or the inaccuracies I was replying to the OP who claimed there is proof Elizabeth was a virgin. Hence we were discussing reality not drama, so I suggest you take your own advice and get over it.


Well it was an accident to reply directly to you. I'm on my phone and did it wrong
