MovieChat Forums > Backtrack (2016) Discussion > Surprised by the low rating...

Surprised by the low rating...

For me, this film delivered exactly what I was looking for. It kept me thinking how certain parts of the storyline added up and was in my opinion, put together artfully without being too pretentious and leaving too much out or dumbing it down so far that everything is given away too soon.
Adrien Brodys accent was very good, Sam Neill fantastic as ever and all other supporting roles were acted and presented well. I do wonder if there are those voting on this film who were perhaps looking for a glitzy Hollywood style film finished with a neat red bow and gifted to them or perhaps an art house film with long cuts and sparse dialogue but very nice to look at. I said this because a film such as backtrack really is what its supposed to be, it is a mystery / thriller and it delivers it well. So why the low rating imdb? :-D


I can't say I'm shocked, the ending felt like it was taken directly from "What Lies Beneath". Not only that, but the movie itself was quite slow with little tension or build up.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Harrison Ford raped and murdered a child? Who then derailed a train by mistake?


It's a well made example of its genre. The script, acting, design and direction are good. Some of the jump scares actually made me jump, which is unusual. But the story itself (ghosts returning to expose the truth and avenge their deaths) is hardly original.

Among recent supernatural movies, I preferred It Follows, which is currently a point higher on IMDb. I wouldn't say it's better made but the story idea is more original and scarier.


I thought it was very good - there were several key characters who you think may have been dead too (apart from his patients) but you are never quite sure - surprising 8/10 from me


i don't think of it as particularly low. it has almost 6 points and i gave it a 7. it was a good movie, but not a great one.

no, this has nothing to do with arthouse or blockbuster expectations. there simply wasn't enough to make this exceptional. we have seen all of this before, yet it was handled properly.


Backtrack would have been a great “who done it” film, even if there were no ghosts in the plot. This sub-genre of mystery ghost movies always makes me question whether the ghosts were even required to tell the story. Sure, metaphorical “ghosts” put in a film to represent repressed memories works; but do plots suffer when they require a ghosts direct interaction as a plot device. These mystery films seem to suffer when the require literal “ghosts” in their plots This would have been a great mystery film, but I wonder if even similar films would have done better with no elements of ghosts at all.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand how adding an element of the fantastical can often lead to more exciting stories. Many great story tellers have embellished their stories to make them more exciting in their retelling. And in movies, adding elements of the fantastical always seems to work best when they are integral to the plot, characters, and settings of their stories. For instance, having four men run around a city shooting ghosts with proton packs requires a fictional universe where ghosts run rampant in the streets. And if the plot existed in a universe where ghosts didn’t exist, but it followed four men who where still running around a city chasing ghosts… you’d have a very different film indeed. But in movies such as this, with only minor tweaking to the writing this could have been the same movie without ghosts. Personally, I find that by adding an unnecessary element of the fantastical they hurt the film because it removes the film from a realistic reality into a more fictionalized one. There are a million ways to tell a ghost story, and there are a million ghost stories, and this type of movie is a legitimate sub-genre we’ve seen before and will see again. It’s a type of ghost story that seems to suffer from even being a ghost story. And maybe, it should have just stayed a mystery film?


I see your point (I think) - if you have a good story, why make it less believable by adding supernatural elements?

But look at it from a different perspective. Suppose your goal is to tell a ghost story. Wouldn't you want to make it as believable as possible? By, perhaps, surrounding it with a well written story?

I liked the film and thought they did a nice job.


I agree this was a great film! Great acting and mystery/thriller/horror storyline.


the ending was bad and killed the build up, this whole movie is some kind of miserable remake to the master piece "the jacket" by adrian brody


I liked it. It held my interest. Like any other movie it had it's negative points. But overall it was enjoyable.
