MovieChat Forums > Backtrack (2016) Discussion > Surprised by the low rating...

Surprised by the low rating...

For me, this film delivered exactly what I was looking for. It kept me thinking how certain parts of the storyline added up and was in my opinion, put together artfully without being too pretentious and leaving too much out or dumbing it down so far that everything is given away too soon.
Adrien Brodys accent was very good, Sam Neill fantastic as ever and all other supporting roles were acted and presented well. I do wonder if there are those voting on this film who were perhaps looking for a glitzy Hollywood style film finished with a neat red bow and gifted to them or perhaps an art house film with long cuts and sparse dialogue but very nice to look at. I said this because a film such as backtrack really is what its supposed to be, it is a mystery / thriller and it delivers it well. So why the low rating imdb? :-D


I was amazed at the low rating this film received here. It did what it did very well. It kept you thinking, and just when you thought you knew what was going on, the game changed. It led you along very nicely, but not condescendingly. I am not a fan of jump scares, but the few that happened were done very well and were not gratuitous.

I don't know what people expected. I had no expectations as I had never heard of this film before, and came upon it on Netflix. Liking both Brody and Neill, thought I'd give it a shot. Found it under under " Thrillers", and that it certainly was. Throw mystery, suspense and ghosts into the mix, and it intrigued me. Well done, it expertly created the perfect unsettled mood.


Life can be arbitrary and comes without a warranty.


For me, the first half was terrible and the second half was good. "too pretentious" makes me think that even you realize that it was somewhat pretentious, which is what I was thinking throughout the first 2/3s of the film. A lot of the first half seems absolutely unnecessary, even in hindsight. I kept thinking that this was another "The Sixth Sense", only poorly done. There was just too much mystery(convolution) and not enough . . . I don't have a word for it. There isn't much to hold interest in the first half.


Not saying this was excellent, but these types of horror/thrillers always get low ratings because people nitpick everything and rate them based on plausibility. Which makes no sense since they're supernatural, but whatever,
