In Memoriam

Who did they snub this year? Why don't they just insert TCM Remembers in lieu of this yearly train wreck? Bette Mildler was sublime.


Was Jonathon Winters on there?


No he wasn't. I think he was on last year.


Good memory!
I thought Shirley Temple should have been the final clip over PSH.


I think it should've been that way too. I think Hollywood doesn't pay enough homage to the Golden Age actors. There aren't to many left. Shame. She should've been first or last. It was good to see Sidney and Kim Novak.


They snubbed the star of the Fast and Furious...the car that crashed. RIP Porsche 911. We'll miss you.




I think he meant the car in which Paul Walker died in.


No they didn't. He was on there


Lee Thompson Young was snubbed (as I figured they might do). He was in a few big-named movies.


He mainly a TV star through


You can rewatch it here


They always leave people out. It sucks. I didn't like the "music" during the slide show. Why didn't they have Bette sing DURING the slide show? I also miss the scattered applause during the slide show. Also, the three men labelled as inventors should have included WHAT they invented. The only one they specified his invention was the guy that invented Visual Arts category.

I did enjoy Bill Murray's adding Harold Ramis to the list of nominees he was presenting.

The snowflake makes it cold cold cold, Set temperature makes it hold hold hold.


I didn't know that Maximillian Shell had passed until then. I audibly gasped. Such a wonderful talent. Great presence on screen. And to see Paul Walker's face included was something.


Dennis Farina wasn't included. Odd.



Did anyone catch that final one that was added at the bottom of the screen for a half-second after Midler's song? I thought it might have been for the camerawoman who was killed recently on the set of "Midnight Rider" , but I didn't catch the name, it was so quick.


There was a banner at the bottom with Sarah Jones' name and picture as a consolation prize of sorts and it said for a complete list of In Memoriam names go to the

I think if they had time to have Bette Midler come on and sing an older song AFTER the memoriam montage, they could have at least continued with the montage during her song and included more names instead of excluding them and making people go to the Oscar's site to read them...

They left out Cory Monteith, Lee Taylor Young, etc...

Shame on you people!


Roger Hill was not included he was Cyrus in the movie The Warriors. He died the day after Harold Ramis. Tom Clancy was not included and you can't say that he did not do any films most of his books have become films and he even did some screen writing. Dennis Farina (not sure how to spell last name), Lee Taylor Young which has been mentioned a few times. I was surprised they acknowledged Paul Walker I figured they would leave him out of it. But it was good to see him there.


I think if they had time to bring Bette Midler out to sing AFTER they did the montage then they could have easily included everyone else during her song...we didn't need to see her singing me, it's a slap in the face...


I think Bette should've sung during the memoriam. It didn't make sense.


Yeah either have her sing for the memoriam while the names are running or don't do it...they wasted about 4 minutes with that whereas they could have either sped things along OR added everyone they had to snub for time constraints...


Dennis Farina was honored last year.


I'm with you.I thought GREAT,NO SINGING,JUST REMEMBRANCE, pictures,clips.They then BLEW IT ,with Bette Midler,SINGING. Why NOT SHOW: Shirley Temple,dancing with: Bill Robinson,Buddy Ebsen,PRICELESS!!! No tributes to the GREATEST CHILD STAR OF ALL TIME.Sid Caesar,one of THE GREAT ONES from early tv. The Academy ,BLEW it AGAIN!!They COULD have shown some of the actors,performances,when they went to commericals.


And I might add to your great insight Inyk that not only was Shirley Temple the greatest child star of all time, she was the MOST well-adjusted child star!


Shirley Temple was the most well-adjusted child star, because she left acting at 21, and found another career (politics, where she went on to be the Ambassador for Guyana, I think it was.

At least she wasn't waiting tables or waiting for her next acting job, and being exposed to drugs and alcohol.


I thought the biggest snub of all was not letting the audience applaud. Yes many will get bigger applause than others and quite a few will be unknown to the audience and get no applause. But the actors, especially greats like Sid Caesar, lived for the applause and deserved to have that one final ovation in recognition of their body of work.


I wondered WHY there was none. The actors WOULD CLAP for the people they knew,and SHOW respect for the others.LOVED The Wizard Of Oz tributes,with Judy Garland's kid's.


I think they silence the audience mikes when they show the memoriam. They see and hear what we do but we don't hear them.


They see and hear what we do but we don't hear them.

Really?? you mean they can see and hear everything we're doing?

Never had a drink that I didn't like; Got a taste of you, threw up all night


They apparently were told not to clap. when it started, there was a smattering of applause for the first name shown which was James Gandolfini. It was not a lot of applause but then it petered out semi-slowly until none was heard. It is as though they were instructed not to clap.
Even if you are right, what reason would there be for not letting the applause be heard?
