Now, this is the standard?

Hollywood going deep down, this movie is a total fiasco.
Why this kind of stupid, dumb films have success on people?
Our society and culture are going down that fast?
Why in the name of god this piece of s... Have high imdb rate? what's happening now with imdb? How old are those people that vote this garbage, and btw, that atv scene??? Come on, come on!! Seriously, if this have 6.5, the The nice guys, also comedy, should have 10/10, Remember the South park episode when the standard is deep down the sea, yes.. here we go. In a few years.. If we continue like this, we were end like in the movie Idiocracy.
Americans do you really, really like this pseudo-film?


It's just a silly comedy, no need to take it so seriously.


I agree, these people must be TOTAL DOWNERS to hang around! Probably why they have no friends in real life, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining about movies over the Internet like a 15 year old girl!!! It's just a comedy...relax...if you don't like it, keep your mouth shut and move on!


Why this kind of stupid, dumb films have success on people?

Makes zero sense to me either. It was just awful.

Our society and culture are going down that fast?

Seems so :(

Why in the name of god this piece of s... Have high imdb rate?

It's almost impossible that so many IMDB members have sub-80 IQs, so I guess these votes are from shills.


I agree a hundred percent with your opinion. This movie sucks! Why the high imdb rate!!! And I'm sorry for those fans of A Kendric and that A Plaza, but they are disgusting and not only on this movie.A Plaza sucks big time. She's like the screech of a fork on teeth! Truly repulsive.


Seems a bit strong. Plaza's great in 'Safety Not Guaranteed', if you like quirky and not seen that then give that a shot :)


Why would you see this movie if you hate 2 of the 4 main characters?

Oh...masturbating to Zac Efron in the it.

Anyhoo, I must be their target audience because I LOLed at least 10 times....I gave it a 10 to make up for your low rating...cheers.


I wrote some long spiel about this pretty much agreeing with you whilst giving consideration to it being mostly watchable trash then i noticed you gave The Godfather a 1/10, and I have nothing more to say.


What a piece of *beep* this movie is
I rated 1
I would've rate it -10
This *beep* pissed of my mind


I actually had no intention of seeing this movie because I thought it looked so bad. I ended up watching it on a 13 hour plane ride because what the hell. Turns out Zac and Adam were pretty freakin funny in my opinion, which I was definitely not expecting! I was laughing pretty early on which caught me by surprise.

Yeah, the girls however... atrocious. Why was Anna Kendrick so cringe-worthy?? She's usually decent! They ruined it for me. Lost interest by the end.

But kudos boys! The two of them are actually not so bad at the comedic acting. They're no Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson don't get me wrong... but still, not bad.


I went with a friend who never laughed and I nearly fell out my seat, everyone is different. I have decided sometimes I just need to watch something that isn't a guns blazing, car crashing, or message film. Its just that simple.


These movies keep getting made because there is an audience for the genre. Like with any genre, some will be better, some will be worse, some will be financial successes, and some will not.

What I don't get is why people keep complaining about them being made. With movies coming out so frequently in cinemas and movies going straight to DVD and Netflix and whatnot, it's not really like you're lacking movies to pick from when you want to just watch something.

Not your thing? No problem. Go watch something you'd actually have a chance of enjoying. If you're over 12, odds are you know what you usually like.


The world is turning into the movie idiocracy. Thanks liberals
