Adam DeVine steals the show

Adam DeVine makes the movie funny. A lot of his jokes hit and definitely carries the movie aside from a couple scenes.


1. this movie is not funny is cringeworthy
2. he play worse then a log of wood


Why do people use these forums to argue about what they like/don't like? He's funny; no he's not, yes he is; no he's not. Worse than 5 year old kids.


I agree, his jokes were my favorite part of the movie. Have you ever seen "The Final Girls?" He stole every single scene he was in in that movie.


Kids' got talent alright. Hilarious.


... his current girlfriend went to school with my daughter, she like Adam, is an
incredible raw talent.

"You're watching too much Sopranos, when you give your kids their allowance in envelopes"


not really-his "go to" acting was pretty much yelling or screaming loudly-not funny...


I thought his character was horrible, and he played it horribler.


Agreed, ridiculously UNFUNNY... Terrible actor, and what is with that voice he always does? It is not funny at allllllllll.. How does this dude keep getting roles ?

"Sometimes being a bitch is all a gal has to hang onto"


Please say you're joking.


His thing is over-acting, which can be funny in a 20 minute comedy show that you may or may not watch again next week, but is too much to look at for over and hour at a time. If the guy needs to be in the movies, please give him little side parts where he can deliver a line or two here or there , not the star role.
