MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > There's a scene I'M SURE I've seen befor...

There's a scene I'M SURE I've seen before.

Somebody please help me...


The whole scene right from Jake arriving at Frank Dunning's house and waiting for him to show up, including Billy showing up, flashing a knife at him, saying that he wants to kill Frank also because he killed his sister. Also Jake being late as Frank gets in the back way, the subsequent fracas in the house, the blood on the walls, and ultimately Jake killing the dad before he could kill his family.

That whole bit... I've seen it before, yet I know I have never watched 11.22.63 before.

Is there another movie with a scene incredibly similar to this one? Does anybody know?

This is driving me insane.

I have read the book, so there is a possibility I "saw the scene in my mind" a lot clearer than the rest of the book, and I'm remembering this.


could it be dejavu? seriously.


Well I'm becoming more and more convinced that it was the scene I saw in my mind when I read the book. Unreal though, That's never happened that clear before.


That would make the most sense. Happens to me all the time.


I read the book as well, and it was a pretty visual book - but then I read it via audiobook, so maybe that conjured up more images than regularly reading it. I don't remember very much about either. I am not a Stephen King fan in the least, but I think I was curious as to what his take would be on the Kennedy Assassination. That books dragged on forever. And the sappy love story got in the way of what people were really wanting to know about. Plus, I really hate James Franco. He is such a weird, weak looking, gang-member looking, slime bag, I continually wonder how he ever became a movie star ... I'm sure it must have been Mafia influence or something.


I have read the book, so there is a possibility I "saw the scene in my mind" a lot clearer than the rest of the book, and I'm remembering this.
Like others have said, this is the most likely explanation.


I have read the book, so there is a possibility I "saw the scene in my mind" a lot clearer than the rest of the book, and I'm remembering this.
Like others have said, this is the most likely explanation.

Except in the book Jake goes in through the back door (after Bill basically almost passed out because he has the stomach flu Jake had) through the kitchen and ends up shooting Frank but Frank knocks the gun out of his hand and almost ends up killing Jake with the sledge hammer before Bill comes in through the front door and stabs Frank from behind, killing him. Totally different (like so many other things) from the book so I certainly don't think that would have been the way the OP visualized it when reading the book. It certainly wasn't for me!

It wasn't even Jake who killed him, it was Bill. There was no upstairs nor garrote used for the killing.


Oh, forgot, Bill had a heart problem as well! That's what made him almost pass out.
