MovieChat Forums > Chef (2014) Discussion > beginning screenwriting 101 forgot the t...

beginning screenwriting 101 forgot the third act

I liked this film, but . . . as with many screenplays, it forgot to include act 3. That is, Act 1 and plot point--he gets fired; act 2--he finds himself by starting a food truck. Success. Fade to black. If the film seems a little too simplistic and hollow, it's really because he forgot to develop the third act. A little resolution with the food critic, but none with Scarlett Johanssen and other old friends/enemies, etc. Just has a problem and he finds solution. No more development or complexity which the film needed to be truly satisfying. the formulas are there for a reason! -jcc


Well, the first act took nearly an hour into a less than 2-hour-long film. From then on it was pretty obvious that this wasn't a very tight script.


Was definitely missing something, enjoyed it throughout but in the end it just fell flat. Sort of film I'd watch again whilst doing something else.. no concentration required.


that's not screenwriting 101, that's hollywood 101. this movie is hollywood no doubt, but fortunately did not follow all the rules.


that's not screenwriting 101, that's hollywood 101. this movie is hollywood no doubt, but fortunately did not follow all the rules.

Totally agree. Hollywood movies follow the 3-act structure where everything is neatly wrapped up in a cute little package with a bow at the end. Jon Favreau knows all about Hollywood, and he obviously doesn't give a *beep*. I say good for him.


not every movie has to be a cardboard cut out dude. He didnt "forget" to write it, he just decided not to because... Why *beep* not? Shakes things up a little.


Who really cares other than stuck up "screenwriters"?

Not many people watch a film thinking about the three act structure. I couldn't care less as long as I enjoyed what I saw.


Just to let everyone know, I will soon be rich!! I am developing a ladder for all the armchair screenwriters to use, to make it easier get up on their high horses.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Does it HAVE to follow a formula?

No resolution was needed with Molly, the Scarlett Johanssen character...and i think it was intentional. Their relationship isn't fully defined. Are they just good friends? Are they knocking boots? We don't know. Any 'resolution' would involve that barrier being broken.


