MovieChat Forums > 99 Homes (2015) Discussion > Grandmother takes son?

Grandmother takes son?

So a homeless grandmother takes away Nash's son?? This guy is painted as a real fighter. He fights tooth and nail for his home but just lets his mom walk off with HIS child? I find that hard to believe. I find it even harder to believe that his kid wants to walk away from THAT home to go back to the ghetto motel with his grandma. Really?


She's HIS grandmother; he's not going to come to any harm...

Maybe Nash sees the bigger picture and doesn't want to fight with a relative, because - although he disagrees - some things can't be unsaid.

... and perhaps the kid doesn't want to go back - but he's a kid; if an adult says go, he goes. He doesn't have a choice.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I thought that was pretty ridiculous when I was watching it as well. I mean Laura Dern's character basically kidnaps her grandson away to Tampa and the father just does nothing about it? Uhh where is this kid's loyalty to his father and why in the world would he want to go to Tampa if he cares so much about staying near his friends? It was just all around illogical. I get that maybe the grandmother may have been concerned about what he was getting into but she knew nothing of the sort of dealings they were doing and yet she is still on some moral high ground when she herself has absolutely nothing to offer given their situation? I totally agree with those that say that this movie just didn't make sense. I mean Nash made it through evicting families with small children and confused elderly people but the one that breaks him is the family with the crazy dad that was an *beep* to him?


I felt the Grandmother, Laura Dern, was cast a wee bit young...but also bothered me she was so selfish.."I need my plants"..of all things! And why didn't she get another job to help out with Mortgage payments? Didn't seem the hair styling business was bringing home the bacon.
