MovieChat Forums > Ellen Page (2013) Discussion > Why is she labelled a gay man on Wikiped...

Why is she labelled a gay man on Wikipedia?

I asked this question on her official board, but got no satisfying answers, so I'll ask again. Gay men are attracted to men. She/He is not attracted to men and never has been. By what freaking logic is she a gay man???


I'm also curious to know. Technically speaking Elliot should be considered a straight man.


But Ellen was usually attracted to more masculine types of women wasn't she ? If she was really a straight man all along she would have gone for pretty girls it seems to me. So maybe she really is a gay man and she'll be hooking up with other gay men on Grindr ? Then why didn't she just go for the dick all along ? My brain hurts...


Elliot is a boy
Elliot likes girls

Straight Man


I think I can see the flaw in your argument. If you look at her profile picture on this page you can clearly see that Ellen is a girl. And given that Ellen has been in relationships with other women that strongly indicates that she is a lesbian.


We could go round and round on this.

Biologically she is a woman attracted to women: lesbian
In the modern world, Elliot, a man, is attracted to women: straight man


Only if your definition of "the modern world" is equated with the fantasy land occupied by yourself and other woke folk. Ellen Page is a woman, always has been and always will be.


By that logic, she is a lesbian


Yes. I think her hooking up with women all the time was a definite clue.


not a boy. a chick that chopped off her tits.


Ridiculous theory. Masculine girls aren't men. Plenty of lesbians go for butch girls and they don't see themselves as straight.


yes, thank you


Only if your definition of a "theory" includes a tongue in cheek ramble poking fun at how ridiculous this whole business has become.


I have a theory, but I thought I would as first in case someone comes up with a better explanation. The LGBT community wants to present itself as large as possible. They don't want to be seen as losing members, especially successful and famous people. This is kinda ironic since the by legitimizing her fake transgenerism, the lesbian community is robbed of one of their members, but lesbians don't make up much of Wikipedia editors who are mostly male. Wikipedia is predominately liberal and the gay male lobby is very strong there. So the "credit" for Ellen/Elliot was stolen by gay male lobby of Wikipedia.


They wouldn't be losing their own. "T" stands for trans lol


Now that is a ridiculous theory !


How so? Gay male lobby is real and very strong. Do you have a better explanation?


How about she was abducted by aliens and subjected to a mind probe.


That doesn't answer my question? Why is it a ridiculous theory? Are you bothered by it because you're gay? Do you have a better explanation?

Wikipedia is a battleground of different lobbies and interest groups. Whoever side has more editors, wins.


Look if you think your "theory" is on point far be it from me to rain on your parade.


So you don't have any answer to why is it a ridiculous theory? Then don't call it that. Especially if you don't have any better explanations. In fact no explanations at all.


There is no explaining lunacy it occupies an explanation free zone.


You like to call my theory, lunacy, yet you never substantiate. How is it lunacy to explain what says on Wikipedia by looking at who edits Wikipedia? And you never answered my question? Are you gay yourself? Is that why my explanation bothers you?


But OvertonPendulum why would you ever think that my sexuality is any of your business ? And why do you keep bringing it up ? Are you deliberately trying to be an offensive little prick ?

In my opinion your "explanation" is ridiculous in the same way that a purple giraffe is ridiculous, it needs no explanation. Who cares about what someone put up on Wikipedia ? What does it matter ? What does it signify other than that someone put it there ?


My inquiry into your sexuality is totally justified due to you calling my explanation ridiculous and never coming up with any explanation why not to mention any other explanation at all. You being gay would go a long way of explaining why you have a problem with my theory despite never coming up with any arguments. But you don't have to answer and viewers will decide that themselves.

Calling something which is obviously not ridiculous (a substantiated theory which I've given) ridiculous does require an explanation why it's ridiculous. I think, you just don't have any arguments, that's why you're evading my question.


You are either an idiot or a troll, probably both.


And you are a butt hurt gay who likes to call people names because you don't have arguments. You LOST.


Whatever moron.


Quasi you are neither funny nor clever as you are thinking you are with these comments. It's pretty cringe


Well coming from you that means very little.


Because Wikipedia has also gone woke and is toeing the woke party line. So if the wokesters ever start saying a hamster is a Siberian tiger, look for pictures of small, tailless rodents to be included under the entry for pathera tigris tigris.


Not true. Science will always apply to all life forms except humans.






Just chalk it up to being written by a stereotypical cis het who doesn't realize that sexual orientation and gender identity, while often linked, are not the same thing


She's a woman pretending to be a man, she doesn't have a Y chromosome, she's not a man.


Spot on MovieChatUser497, simply put, and factual without any recourse.


Why do you expect any logic when dealing with people like that?

I think that's your first error.


Is she (he... whatever) still labelled as a gay man on wiki?

If so, I guess it's like this for a reason. It probably means even though she's trying her hardest to be a man and was lesbian in the past, she now finds men attractive.

Which means, her transition is having an opposite effect on her sexuality.


Wikipedia says Page identifies as gay when she was Ellen. As Elliott, it says Page married a woman but has since divorced.

was the page changed since you posted this?
