MovieChat Forums > John Wick (2014) Discussion > woke, SJW , PC Agenda, commie libtard, F...

woke, SJW , PC Agenda, commie libtard, Feminazi, man hating , bullshit

Oh wait , JW is male and white so its OK.

Some comments from the other thread re the amount of kills

lol....yeah, I think he killed like 250 like a day and a half.
Yes, there were too many kills. At least Wick got beat up a lot.
He Kills almost double that in the second movie 😅
JW - 77
JW2 - 128
JW3 - 94
That's like complaining about too much filling in you Oreo.
Who cares about realism. Sometimes you just wanna see a bunch of mother fuckers die.
They should make a parody of this film. John Wick gets cut off on the freeway and proceeds to nuke city after city to exact revenge !
yea, and he seems superhuman for no apparent reason.
He doesnt tire, weakened that much, nor seems to have any other human condition.

Everyone seems happy and amused at the extreme , and incredibly unrealistic violence.
Why is that all fine?
Because John wick is Male and white.

If JW was a woman - even a comic book hero like Black Widow, All the threads would be about "man hating" ,sjw , etc etc


It feels like it a minor miracle that the John Wick movies were made.


what in the fuck are you talking about... take your meds
