Every frame feels and looks wrong.

It's being shown on tv lately and that's all I can say. Nothing works about this film. The sad part is that everyone involved and the 300 million dollar budget thought they were reinventing the wheel.


There are parts of this movie that I love and parts that I hate. I think the Batman warehouse scene may be my favorite action sequence in a CBM ever. I think Doomsday may be the most wasted CBM character ever. Jesse Eisenberg's casting and portrayal of LL rivals Affleck's casting and portrayal of DD in terms of suckiness. For a completed project, it's a huge mess and disappointment.


"I think the Batman warehouse scene may be my favorite action sequence in a CBM ever."

I think it's easily the best fight scene in a CBM movie. Maybe some of the fights in Winter Soldier can rival it, but I think the warehouse scene takes the cake.

Speaking of Batman, I think the first Batman vs Bane fight in TDKR might be the best one on one fight in CBM. It was brilliant, you could almost feel Batman's pain with every punch Bane landed on him.


The first Batman v Bane fight is easily the best in that trilogy. Loved that fight!


No, Venom in Spider-Man 3 is the most wasted character ever.


I don't know, Doomsday was turned into a mindless hulk who was created by LL. Venom was terribly cast, but at least he got some decent screentime. Both gotta be up there at the top though.

Very excited for the new Venom movie!


Doomsday is a third rate, at best second rate, character. Venom is one of the best supervillain/antihero in the entire comicbook universe.

Many many people are fans of Venom while I don't know whether "Doomsday fan" is actually a thing. Wasting Venom as a character is the worse crime. Adding insult to injury, the movie Spider-Man 3 itself sucked.

That said, BvS, too, is terrible so Doomsday was also not very lucky himself.


Shut up you marveltard bvs is masterpiece it is better than civil bore and infinity crap lol


Only a DCEU fanatic that's blind to quality would think like that...oh wait!!!!


You are a marveltard moron bvs did 996million business in worldwide more than most of mcu film lol


From where do you get your numbers?

BvS, total international worldwide: $873 million

7 of the 19 MCU films have beaten that total, and three of the six released after BvS have topped that number, including one stand-alone film featuring a rarely known character in BP. (And, two of the six that did not top BvS were only short by $10 million [GOTG v2] and $19 million [Thor: Ragnarok].)

So... since BvS hit the theaters, five of six MCU films have either been near equal to, or greatly surpassed, the total international take of what should have been one of the most anticipated super hero movie team-ups EVER. If this doesn't show how much of an epic disaster the DCEU has been, I don't know what does. Think of it: the world shattering, epic, first-ever movie team up of the two biggest super heroes EVER was handily beaten by the little-known Black Panther and teen angst SpiderMan.

It's OK to make your point... different opinions are a wonderful thing. But, please, at least state factual information.


It's kind of unbearable to watch. As a DC fan I wanted this to be good. I wanted to be able to overlook the bad parts for the good. But there's not enough to hold onto. It really is expensive trash.


the whole Superman looking at flash in slow motion is one of the worst, most hideous, laughable, ridiculous things I have ever seen. Batman & Robin at least is a proper movie, this is not.




I was appalled at Cyborg's floating head that didn't even mess with his cgi body, and gal gadot's acting in that scene is one of the worst of all time, also the whole choreography of everything, characters just being smashed all around lol, it is SO BAD. It's basically a video game, worse than a videogame.


Videogames don't get enough credit - compare any scene from a good video game to this one you're describing and the film just doesn't compare. At all. It causes me physical pain just thinking about it.


most video games have incredible narratives, certainly more compelling than this crap.


I thought the same thing. Snyder is not a good director as everything is constantly grey or brown. And the constant ramping looked cool in 300, but he's done it in every movie since to the point where it's overdone.
