MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Hardly anyone from IMDB BCS here?

Hardly anyone from IMDB BCS here?

This board seems dead, maybe most people are lurking, and have nothing to say? That would be hard to believe.

How many made it here? Please count off by replying. ;-)



Like everyone else, waiting for it to come back on.


There's way more activity over on reddit:


This is the equivalent of standing in front of a kid's lemonade stand and pointing them to Starbuck's.


Almost. It's the equivalent of hearing a customer at a kid's lemonade stand ask "Where is everybody?", and telling them that everybody is at Starbuck's.


Why not help build a new community instead of steering people to an already huge site where people treat you anonymously? Of course it's your right to say whatever you want, but I don't get people who just come here to promote already big sites. It's like telling someone in a mom and pop store that they can get cereal cheaper at Wal Mart except in this case... you're not even saving them money.


I answered a question, so I must have an *agenda*? Nice sense of community you've got there.


I didn't really think you had an agenda... just tired of people that come here... make a few posts complaining about how this place has no traffic when they could just as easily make a contribution. If anything at most I thought that you didn't think much about what you were saying... I'm sure your intent was only to be helpful to that person. Sorry if I made you feel bad or attacked, but if you read as many similar posts as I did... you might get frustrated and say something too. I like Reddit and think it's a good site, but it's not a good replacement for imdb's boards. If even a hundred people took the time to post about shows instead of the traffic... this site would be a lot better.


Ironically enough, I'm not much of a fan of reddit. I agree that a site like this is a better potential replacement for IMDB's boards than reddit is. Didn't occur to me that the topic might be a "sore point" for folks who have been around here a while.

I'd offer to hug it out now, but that's just awkward. ;-)


Thanks, hope you keep posting on Saul's board. If people regularly post on the big shows... it might be enough to get the ball rolling on the smaller ones. Peace :)


I'm not a big reddit fan either.



Right here.


Hey, man


I'm here. Wasn't that active though, but I read all your posts guys :P


I'm here bc MC is organized like IMDb was. Not a fan of reddit. But big fan of Saul!


I'm here from IMDb


I'm here! :)


OP here, it is good to see so many familiar handles have shown up. When I started this thread before the show premiered this season, it was rather desolate around here. There were many possibilities of where all the IMDB regulars would eventually migrate.

I was beginning to think all the cool kids were playing in a different sandbox.

Apparently, this is the sandbox for the cool kids. At least for this show.

