Surprised about the letter Chuck wrote to Jimmy. Why do you think he was nice and when do you think he wrote the letter?


I think that Walt wrote the letter.
It’s all on Walt.



:-) lol


It meant that Chuck killed himself because of his failures. He failed in not getting Jimmy disbarred, failing to sue HHM for breach of contract, and destroying his friendship with Howard. He failed in his marriage as it ended in divorce and his ex-wife and everyone at the trial saw that he didn't have real EHS, but was mentally ill. He thought he defeated his mental illness, but it came back again. He killed himself because of his shame.

Now, whether he really meant what he said is up to interpretation. He only left $5,000 to Jimmy instead of a sizable portion. I've read it could have been around $17 million. I assume most of it went to his ex-wife.

What's more interesting to me, instead of the letter, is Kim's reaction to it or was it Kim's reaction to Jimmy's non-reaction? Jimmy knows better. Kim may have thought it was going to be another twist of the knife from the grave against Jimmy and it seems to have affected her more. Jimmy probably expected the worst and wasn't that shocked by it.


Thank you. That is a great analysis. Very tragic. Kim’s reaction could have been relief that it wasn’t a horrible letter. Was a great episode overall especially seeing Gale.


No idea. Why would he make a letter other than before killing himself though? Doesn't seem to make sense.

There's also the possibility that wasn't the real letter. Maybe Jimmy was pretending to read something nice on the fly, or Kim opened the letter and replaced it.
