Incredibly boring

Terrible, foreseeable story full of plot holes and discrepancies, weak humor, 99% fan-service without purpose, failed attempts at "funny action sequences", bad rehash of the original soundtrack. I love the original trilogy, even the third part which is... so bad is good compared to this.

Completely unnecessary and failed attempt of a nostalgia cash grab - unfortunately.


No the third one is still terrible. This was not awful but yeah boring is a good way to describe it. I did like the snowplow chase which is the only fun part of the movie.


That's about right, although I did laugh in the beginning when he was starting some elaborate character to con himself into getting a hotel room, and halfway through he's like "fuck it, do you have a room", and they did. They needed more of things like that, that poked a little fun at the silliness of the earlier movies, not just the nostalgia porn the pushed so hard for.


Every once in a while the director with throw in a chase scene that looks pretty good and I did think that Eddie looked more spry and happy to be here than in the third one. But it goes downhill from there

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -
